Foreword by Mitchell Kapor, co-founder, Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Preface by Adam Gaffin, senior writer, Network World.
Chapter 1:  Setting up and jacking in
     1.1  Ready, set ...
     1.2  Go!
     1.3  Public-access Internet providers
     1.4  North American providers
     1.5  European and other providers
     1.6  If your town has no direct access
     1.7  Net origins
     1.8  How it works
     1.9  When things go wrong
     1.10 FYI

Chapter 2:  E-mail
     2.1  The basics
     2.2  Elm -- a better way
     2.3  Pine -- an even better way
     2.4  Smileys
     2.5  Sending e-mail to other networks
     2.6  Seven Unix commands you can't live without
     2.7  When things go wrong

Chapter 3:  Usenet I
     3.1  The global watering hole 
     3.2  Navigating Usenet with nn
     3.3  nn commands
     3.4  Using rn
     3.5  rn commands
     3.6  Essential newsgroups
     3.7  Speaking up
     3.8  Cross-posting

Chapter 4:  Usenet II
     4.1  Flame, blather and spew
     4.2  Killfiles: The cure for what ails you 
     4.3  Downloading messages
     4.4  Some Usenet hints
     4.5  The Brain-Tumor Boy, the modem tax and the FCC
     4.6  Big Sig
     4.7  The First Amendment as local ordinance
     4.8  Usenet history
     4.9  When things go wrong
     4.10  FYI
Chapter 5:  Mailing lists and Bitnet
     5.1  Internet mailing lists
     5.2  Bitnet
Chapter 6:  Telnet 
     6.1  Mining the Net
     6.2  Library catalogs
     6.3  Some interesting telnet sites
     6.4  Telnet bulletin-board systems
     6.5  Putting the finger on someone
     6.6  Finding someone on the Net
     6.7  When things go wrong
     6.8  FYI
Chapter 7:  FTP 
     7.1  Tons of files
     7.2  Your friend archie
     7.3  Getting the files
     7.4  Odd letters -- decoding file endings
     7.5  The keyboard cabal
     7.6  Some interesting ftp sites
     7.7  ncftp -- now you tell me!
     7.8  Project Gutenberg -- electronic books
     7.9  When things go wrong
     7.10 FYI

Chapter 8:  Gophers and WAISs 
     8.1  Gophers
     8.2  Burrowing deeper
     8.3  Gopher commands
     8.4  Some interesting gophers
     8.5  Wide-Area Information Servers
     8.6  When things go wrong
     8.7  FYI

Chapter 9:  The World-Wide Web
     9.1  Getting snared in the Web
     9.2  Alright, already, let's go!
     9.3  Addressing a problem
     9.4  Imagine that -- downloading pictures
     9.5  Lynx, meet Gopher
     9.6  Finding things on the Web 
     9.7  SLIP: But I want to use my mouse!
     9.8  More on SLIP
     9.9  HTML: Building your own
     9.10 Some interesting WWW servers 
     9.11 Lynx commands
     9.12 When things go wrong
     9.13 FYI

Chapter 10:  Advanced E-mail
     10.1 The file's in the mail
     10.2 Receiving files
     10.3 Sending files to non-Internet sites
     10.4 Getting ftp files via e-mail
     10.5 Mining for info on Usenet via e-mail
     10.6 Just the fax, ma'am
     10.7 The all knowing Oracle
     10.8 When things go wrong
     10.9 FYI

Chapter 11:  News of the world
     11.1 Clarinet: Associated Press, Miss Manners and Dilbert
     11.2 Still more news on the Net
     11.3 The world today, FROM Belarus to Brazil
     11.4 FYI

Chapter 12:  IRC, MUDs and other things that are more fun than they sound
     12.1 Talk
     12.2 Internet Relay Chat
     12.3 IRC commands
     12.4 IRC in times of crisis
     12.5 MUDs
     12.6 Go, go, go (and chess, too)!
     12.7 The other side of the coin
     12.8 FYI
Chapter 13:  Education and the Net
     13.1 The Net in the Classroom
     13.2 Some specific resources for students and teachers
     13.3 Usenet and Bitnet in the classroom

Chapter 14:  Business on the Net
     14.1 Setting up shop
     14.2 Online storefronts
     14.3 The check is in the (e)-mail
     14.4 The good, the bad and the ugly
     14.5 FYI

Chapter 15:  The end?
Appendix A: The Lingo
Appendix B: Electronic Frontier Foundation Information

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