Case counts in Unix -- most of the time.  Many Unix commands, including 
many of those used for reading Usenet articles, are case sensitive.  Hit 
a d when you meant a D and either nothing will happen, or something 
completely different from what you expected will happen.  So watch that 

In nn, you can get help most of the time by typing a question mark (the 
exception is when you are writing your own message, because then you are 
inside the text-processing program).  In rn, type a lower-case h at any 
prompt to get some online help. 

When you're searching for a particular newsgroup, whether through the l 
command in rn or with nngrep for nn, you sometimes may have to try 
several keywords.  For example, there is a newsgroup dedicated to the 
Grateful Dead, but you'd never find it if you tried, say, l grateful 
dead, because the name is rec.music.gdead.  In general, try the smallest 
possible part of the word or discussion you're looking for, for example, 
use "trek" to find newsgroups about "Star Trek."  If one word doesn't 
produce anything, try another.