If you don't live in an area with a public-access site, you'll still be 
able to connect to the Net.  Several services offer access through 
national data networks such as the CompuServe Packet Network and 
SprintNet, which have dozens, even hundreds of local dial-in numbers 
across the country.  These include Holonet in Berkeley, Calf., Portal in 
Cupertino, Calf., the WELL in Sausalito, Calf., Dial 'N CERF in San 
Diego, Calf., the World in Brookline, Mass., and Michnet in Ann Arbor, 
Mich.  Dial 'N CERF offers access through an 800 number.  Expect to pay 
from $2 to $12 an hour to use these networks, above each provider's basic 
charges.  The exact amount depends on the network, time of day and type 
of modem you use.  For more information, contact the above services. 

Four other providers deliver Net access to users across the country: 

Delphi, based in Cambridge, Mass., is a consumer-oriented network much 
like CompuServe or America Online -- only it now offers subscribers 
access to Internet services. Delphi charges $3 a month for Internet 
access, in addition to standard charges.  These are $10 a month for four 
hours of off-peak (non-working hours) access a month and $4 an hour for 
each additional hour or $20 for 20 hours of access a month and $1.80 an 
hour for each additional hour.  For more information, call (800) 695-

BIX (the Byte Information Exchange) offers FTP, Telnet and e-mail access 
to the Internet as part of their basic service. Owned by the same company 
as Delphi, it also offers 20 hours of access a month for $20.  For more 
information, call (800) 695-4775.              

PSI, based in Reston, Va., provides nationwide access to Internet 
services through scores of local dial-in numbers to owners of IBM and 
compatible computers.  PSILink. which includes access to e-mail, Usenet 
and ftp, costs $29 a month, plus a one-time $19 registration fee.  
Special software is required, but is available free from PSI. PSI's 
Global Dialup Service provides access to telnet for $39 a month plus a 
one-time $39 set-up fee.  For more information, call (800) 82PSI82 or 
(703) 620-6651. 

NovX Systems Integration, based in Seattle, Washington, offers full 
Internet access through an 800 number reachable across the United States. 
There is a $24. setup fee, in addition to a monthly fee of $19.95 and a 
$10.5 hourly charge.  For more information, call (206) 447-0800.