11.4  FYI

Steve Outing maintains a list of newspapers with online services and how 
to connect to them.  It's available on the Web at 
The clari.net.newusers newsgroup on Usenet provides a number of 
articles about Clarinet and ways of finding news stories of interest 
to you.

To discuss the future of newspapers and newsrooms in the new 
electronic medium, subscribe to the online-news mailing list. Send a mail 
message of 

     Subscribe online-news Your Name

to majordomo@marketplace.com.

Look in the alt.radio.networks.npr newsgroup in Usenet for 
summaries of NPR news shows such as "All Things Considered."  This 
newsgroup is also a place to discuss the network and its shows, 
personalities and policies. 

A number of media organizations now encourage readers, listeners and 
viewers to communicate with them electronically, via Internet e-mail 
addresses.  they range from internationally known newspapers such as the 
Times of London to college-owned FM stations.  You can get a list of 
media outlets with e-mail addresses via anonymous ftp or ncftp at 
ftp.std.com, in the /periodicals/middlesex-news directory.  Get 
the file called medialist.