14.5  FYI

You can read about Digicash's e-cash proposal at its Web site: 

Open Marketplace, Inc., is developing a credit-card type of approach 
to commerce.  You can get a look on the Web at 

Dave Taylor's "Internet Shopping Mall" is a comprehensive listing of 
online stores.  You can get it via anonymous FTP at ftp.netcom.com.  
Look in the /pub/Gu/Guides directory.  It's also available via Gopher 
at peg.cwis.uci.edu.  From the main menu, select Accessing the 
Internet, PEG, Internet Assistance and then Internet Shopping Mall 
(you may have to go down a couple of pages to get there). 

If you want to discuss the online shopping experience, the imall-chat 
mailing list is for you.  To subscribe, write to listserv@netcom.com.  
Leave your subject line blank, and as your message, write: subscribe 
Bob O'Keefe at Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute maintains an extensive 
listing of businesses on the Net.  It's available via the Web at 

You'll find another extensive listing at Stanford University's Yahoo 
site on the Web: http://akebono.stanford.edu/yahoo/Business/Corporations

Kent State University in Ohio maintains a repository of "Business Sources 
on the Net."  Use gopher to connect to refmac.kent.edu. 

Two books to take a look at are Jill Ellsworth's "The Internet 
Business Book" (John Wiley and Sons) and Mary Cronin's "Doing Business 
on the Internet" (1994, Van Nostrand Reinhold).

The alt.current-events.net-abuse Usenet newsgroup is the place to discuss 
spamming and other obnoxious advertising.