Like the rest of the world, Usenet has its share of urban legends and 
questionable activities.  There are three in particular that plague the 
network.  Spend more than, oh, 15 minutes within Usenet and you're sure 
to run into the Brain Tumor Boy, the plot by the evil FCC to tax your 
modem and Dave Rhode's miracle cure for poverty.  For the record, here's 
the story on all of them: 

There once was a seven-year-old boy in England named Craig Shergold who 
was diagnosed with a seemingly incurable brain tumor.  As he lay dying, 
he wished only to have friends send him postcards.  The local newspapers 
got a hold of the tear-jerking story.  Soon, the boy's wish had changed: 
he now wanted to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the 
largest postcard collection.  Word spread around the world. People by the 
millions sent him postcards. 

Miraculously, the boy lived.  An American billionaire even flew him to 
the U.S. for surgery to remove what remained of the tumor.  And his wish 
succeeded beyond his wildest dreams -- he made the Guinness Book of World 

But with Craig now well into his teens, his dream has turned into a 
nightmare for the post office in the small town outside London where he 
lives.  Like Craig himself, his request for cards just refuses to die, 
inundating the post office with millions of cards every year.  Just when 
it seems like the flow is slowing, along comes somebody else who starts 
up a whole new slew of requests for people to send Craig post cards (or 
greeting cards or business cards -- Craig letters have truly taken on a 
life of their own and begun to mutate). Even Dear Abby has been powerless 
to make it stop! 

What does any of this have to do with the Net? The Craig letter seems to 
pop up on Usenet as often as it does on cork boards at major 
corporations.  No matter how many times somebody like Gene Spafford posts 
periodic messages to ignore them or spend your money on something more 
sensible (a donation to the local Red Cross, say), somebody manages to 
post a letter asking readers to send cards to poor little Craig. 

Don't send any cards to the Federal Communications Commission, either. 

In 1987, the FCC considered removing a tax break it had granted 
CompuServe and other large commercial computer networks for use of the 
national phone system.  The FCC quickly reconsidered after alarmed users 
of bulletin-board systems bombarded it with complaints about this "modem 

Now, every couple of months, somebody posts an "urgent" message warning 
Net users that the FCC is about to impose a modem tax.  This is NOT true.  
The way you can tell if you're dealing with the hoax story is simple: it 
ALWAYS mentions an incident in which a talk-show host on KGO radio in San 
Francisco becomes outraged on the air when he reads a story about the tax 
in the New York Times.  

Another way to tell it's not true is that it never mentions a specific 
FCC docket number or closing date for comments. 

Save that letter to your congressman for something else. 

Sooner or later, you're going to run into a message titled "Make Money 
Fast."  It's your basic chain letter.  The Usenet version is always about 
some guy named Dave Rhodes who was on the verge of death, or something, 
when he discovered a perfectly legal way to make tons of money -- by 
posting a chain letter on computer systems around the world. Yeah, right.