6.8  FYI
The Usenet newsgroups alt.internet.services and alt.bbs.internet can 
provide pointers to new telnet systems.  Scott Yanoff periodically 
posts his "Updated Internet Services List" in the former. The 
alt.bbs.internet newsgroup is also where you'll find Aydin Edguer's 
compendium of FAQs related to Internet bulletin-board systems.                 

Peter Scott, who maintains the Hytelnet database, runs a mailing list 
about new telnet services and changes in existing ones.   To get on the 
list, send him a note at scott@sklib.usask.ca. 

Gleason Sackman maintains another mailing list dedicated to new Internet 
services and news about the new uses to which the Net is being put.  To 
subscribe, send a message to listserv@internic.net. Leave the "subject:" 
line blank, and as your message, write: Sub net-happenings Your Name. 

The soc.net-people newsgroup is a place to ask about people you can't
locate elsewhere.