If you're a teacher, you've probably already begun to see the potential 
the Net has for use in the class.  Usenet, the Web and ftp have 
tremendous educational potential, from keeping up with world events to 
arranging international science experiments. 

Because the Net now reaches so many countries and often stays online even 
when the phones go down, you and your students can  "tune in" to first-
hand accounts during international conflicts.  Look at your system's list 
of Usenet soc.culture groups to see if there is one about the country or 
region you're interested in.  Even in peacetime, these newsgroups can be 
great places to find people from countries you might be studying. 

The biggest problem may be getting accounts for your students, if you're 
not lucky enough to live within the local calling area of a Free-Net 
system. Many colleges and universities, however, are willing to discuss 
providing accounts for secondary students at little or no cost.  Several 
states, including California and Texas, have Internet-linked networks for 
teachers and students.