7.10  FYI
Liberal use of archie will help you find specific files or documents.  
For information on new or interesting ftp sites, try the comp.archives 
newsgroup on Usenet.  You can also look in the comp.misc, 
comp.sources.wanted or news.answers newsgroups on Usenet for lists of ftp 
sites posted every month by Tom Czarnik and Jon Granrose. 
The comp.archives newsgroup carries news of new ftp sites and interesting 
new files on existing sites.                                   

In the comp.virus newsgroup on Usenet, look for postings that list ftp 
sites carrying anti-viral software for Amiga, MS-DOS, Macintosh, Atari 
and other computers. 

The comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest and comp.sys.mac.digest newsgroups provide 
information about new MS-DOS and Macintosh programs as well as answers to 
questions from users of those computers.