9.13  FYI

If you want to see what's new each week on the Web, check out the What's 
New service at http://gnn.com/gnn.wn.whats-new.html.  You'll also find 
postings of new services in the alt.internet.services and 
comp.infosystems.www.announce Usenet newsgroups. 

Once a month, Thomas Boutell posts a WWW FAQ (answers to "Frequently 
Asked Questions") in the news.answers and comp.infosystems.www newsgroups 
in Usenet.  You can also retrieve a copy via anonymous ftp (or ncftp) at 
rtfm.mit.edu. Look in the pub/usenet/news.answers/www directory for a 
file called faq. 

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications maintains a good 
introductory guide to HTML and related programs at 

You can get more information about TIA software via anonymous ftp at 
marketplace.com. In the /tia directory, you'll find copies of the 
software for several Unix varieties.  In the /tia/docs directory, you'll 
find documentation, answers to frequently asked questions, etc. 

Frank Hecker's "Personal Internet Access Using SLIP or PPP; How You Use 
It, How It Works," gives a good overview of how the two protocols work.  
It's available via FTP at ftp.digex.net as 
/pub/access/hecker/internet/slip-ppp.txt or via the World-Wide Web at 

At that latter URL, you'll find numerous other documents and programs 
related to SLIP/PPP access, including information and files related to 
Macintosh SLIP service. 

Henry Kriz has written a three-part series on connecting Windows computers 
to the Internet via TCP/IP, SLIP, etc. that goes into more technical 
detail than what you've just read.  It's available via anonymous FTP at 
nebula.lib.vt.edu in the /pub/windows/winsock directory.  Look for a file 
with a name like wtcpip05.asc, where the two digits in the first part of 
the name indicate the current version number.