With so much to choose from, everybody will likely have their own unique 
Usenet reading list.  But there are a few newsgroups that are 
particularly of interest to newcomers.  Among them: 

     news.announce.newusers     This group consists of a series of
                                articles that explain various facets of

     news.newusers.questions    This is where you can ask questions 
                                (we'll see how in a bit) about how
                                Usenet works.

     news.announce.newsgroups   Look here for information about new or
                                proposed newsgroups.

     news.answers               Contains lists of "Frequently Asked
                                Questions"  (FAQs) and their answers from 
                                many different newsgroups.  Learn how to
                                fight jet lag in the FAQ from 
                                rec.travel.air; look up answers to common
                                questions about Microsoft Windows in
                                an FAQ from comp.os.ms-windows; etc.

     alt.internet.services      Looking for something in particular on 
                                the Internet?  Ask here.

     alt.infosystems.announce   People adding new information services to
                                the Internet will post details here.