The Hacker's Dictionary

Versió HTML de Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura

Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"
e-mail: de_yza @

rabbit job
========== [Cambridge] n. A batch job that does little, if any,
real work, but creates one or more copies of itself, breeding like
rabbits. Compare wabbit, fork bomb.
rain dance
========== n. 1. Any ceremonial action taken to correct a
hardware problem, with the expectation that nothing will be
accomplished. This especially applies to reseating printed circuit
boards, reconnecting cables, etc. "I can't boot up the machine.
We'll have to wait for Greg to do his rain dance." 2. Any arcane
sequence of actions performed with computers or software in order
to achieve some goal; the term is usually restricted to rituals
that include both an incantation or two and physical activity
or motion. Compare magic, voodoo programming, [black
art}, cargo cult programming, wave a dead chicken.
rainbow series
============== n. Any of several series of technical manuals
distinguished by cover color. The original rainbow series was the
NCSC security manuals (see Orange Book, crayola books);
the term has also been commonly applied to the PostScript reference
set (see Red Book, Green Book, Blue Book, [White
Book}). Which books are meant by "`the' rainbow series"
unqualified is thus dependent on one's local technical culture.
====== adj. 1. Unpredictable (closest to mathematical
definition); weird. "The system's been behaving pretty
randomly." 2. Assorted; undistinguished. "Who was at the
conference?" "Just a bunch of random business types."
3. (pejorative) Frivolous; unproductive; undirected. "He's just a
random loser." 4. Incoherent or inelegant; poorly chosen; not
well organized. "The program has a random set of misfeatures."
"That's a random name for that function." "Well, all the names
were chosen pretty randomly." 5. In no particular order, though
deterministic. "The I/O channels are in a pool, and when a file
is opened one is chosen randomly." 6. Arbitrary. "It generates
a random name for the scratch file." 7. Gratuitously wrong, i.e.,
poorly done and for no good apparent reason. For example, a
program that handles file name defaulting in a particularly useless
way, or an assembler routine that could easily have been coded
using only three registers, but redundantly uses seven for values
with non-overlapping lifetimes, so that no one else can invoke it
without first saving four extra registers. What randomness!
8. n. A random hacker; used particularly of high-school students
who soak up computer time and generally get in the way. 9. n.
Anyone who is not a hacker (or, sometimes, anyone not known to the
hacker speaking); the noun form of sense 2. "I went to the talk,
but the audience was full of randoms asking bogus questions".
10. n. (occasional MIT usage) One who lives at Random Hall. See
also J. Random, some random X.
random numbers
============== : n. When one wishes to specify a large but random
number of things, and the context is inappropriate for N, certain
numbers are preferred by hacker tradition (that is, easily
recognized as placeholders). These include the following:

Long described at MIT as `the least random number'; see 23.
Sacred number of Eris, Goddess of Discord (along with 17 and
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and
Everything. (Note that this answer is completely fortuitous.
From the sexual act. This one was favored in MIT's ITS
69 hex = 105 decimal, and 69 decimal = 105 octal.
The Number of the Beast.

For further enlightenment, study the "Principia Discordia",
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "The Joy
of Sex", and the Christian Bible (Revelation 13:18). See also
Discordianism or consult your pineal gland. See also [for
values of}.

========== n. 1. An inexplicable misfeature; gratuitous
inelegance. 2. A hack or crock that depends on a complex
combination of coincidences (or, possibly, the combination upon
which the crock depends for its accidental failure to malfunction).
"This hack can output characters 40--57 by putting the character
in the four-bit accumulator field of an XCT and then extracting
six bits --- the low 2 bits of the XCT opcode are the right
thing." "What randomness!" 3. Of people, synonymous with
`flakiness'. The connotation is that the person so described is
behaving weirdly, incompetently, or inappropriately for reasons
which are (a) too tiresome to bother inquiring into, (b) are
probably as inscrutable as quantum phenomena anyway, and (c) are
likely to pass with time. "Maybe he has a real complaint, or maybe
it's just randomness. See if he calls back."
==== vt. 1. To screw someone or something, violently; in
particular, to destroy a program or information irrecoverably.
Often used in describing file-system damage. "So-and-so was
running a program that did absolute disk I/O and ended up raping
the master directory." 2. To strip a piece of hardware for parts.
3. [CMU/Pitt] To mass-copy files from an anonymous ftp site.
"Last night I raped Simtel's dskutl directory."
rare mode
========= [UNIX] adj. CBREAK mode (character-by-character with
interrupts enabled). Distinguished from raw mode and [cooked
mode}; the phrase "a sort of half-cooked (rare?) mode" is used
in the V7/BSD manuals to describe the mode. Usage: rare.
raster blaster
============== n. [Cambridge] Specialized hardware for
bitblt operations (a blitter). Allegedly inspired by
`Rasta Blasta', British slang for the sort of portable stereo
Americans call a `boom box' or `ghetto blaster'.
raster burn
=========== n. Eyestrain brought on by too many hours of looking at
low-res, poorly tuned, or glare-ridden monitors, esp. graphics
monitors. See terminal illness.
rat belt
======== n. A cable tie, esp. the sawtoothed, self-locking plastic
kind that you can remove only by cutting (as opposed to a random
twist of wire or a twist tie or one of those humongous metal clip
frobs). Small cable ties are `mouse belts'.
==== [WPI] vi. 1. To persist in discussing a specific subject.
2. To speak authoritatively on a subject about which one knows
very little. 3. To complain to a person who is not in a position
to correct the difficulty. 4. To purposely annoy another person
verbally. 5. To evangelize. See flame. 6. Also used to
describe a less negative form of blather, such as friendly
bullshitting. `Rave' differs slightly from flame in that
`rave' implies that it is the persistence or obliviousness of the
person speaking that is annoying, while flame implies somewhat
more strongly that the tone or content is offensive as well.
rave on!
======== imp. Sarcastic invitation to continue a rave, often by
someone who wishes the raver would get a clue but realizes this is
==== /ravz/, also `Chinese ravs' n. Jiao-zi (steamed or
boiled) or Guo-tie (pan-fried). A Chinese appetizer, known
variously in the plural as dumplings, pot stickers (the literal
translation of guo-tie), and (around Boston) `Peking Ravioli'. The
term `rav' is short for `ravioli', which among hackers always
means the Chinese kind rather than the Italian kind. Both consist
of a filling in a pasta shell, but the Chinese kind includes no
cheese, uses a thinner pasta, has a pork-vegetable filling (good
ones include Chinese chives), and is cooked differently, either by
steaming or frying. A rav or dumpling can be cooked any way, but a
potsticker is always the fried kind (so called because it sticks to
the frying pot and has to be scraped off). "Let's get
hot-and-sour soup and three orders of ravs." See also
"oriental food".
raw mode
======== n. A mode that allows a program to transfer bits
directly to or from an I/O device (or, under bogus systems
that make a distinction, a disk file) without any processing,
abstraction, or interpretation by the operating system. Compare
rare mode, cooked mode. This is techspeak under UNIX,
jargon elsewhere.
rc file
======= /R-C fi:l/ [UNIX: from the startup script
`/etc/rc', but this is commonly believed to have been named
after older scripts to `run commands'] n. Script file containing
startup instructions for an application program (or an entire
operating system), usually a text file containing commands of the
sort that might have been invoked manually once the system was
running but are to be executed automatically each time the system
starts up. See also dot file, profile (sense 1).
== /R-E/ n. Common spoken and written shorthand for regexp.
read-only user
============== n. Describes a luser who uses computers almost
exclusively for reading USENET, bulletin boards, and/or email,
rather than writing code or purveying useful information. See
twink, terminal junkie, lurker.
=========== n. Hacker's-eye introduction traditionally included
in the top-level directory of a UNIX source distribution,
containing a pointer to more detailed documentation, credits,
miscellaneous revision history, notes, etc. (The file may be named
README, or READ.ME, or rarely ReadMe or readme.txt or some other
variant.) In the Mac and PC worlds, software is not usually
distributed in source form, and the README is more likely to
contain user-oriented material like last-minute documentation
changes, error workarounds, and restrictions. When asked, hackers
invariably relate the README convention to the famous scene in
Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" in which
Alice confronts magic munchies labeled "Eat Me" and "Drink Me".
==== adj. Not simulated. Often used as a specific antonym to
virtual in any of its jargon senses.
real estate
=========== n. May be used for any critical resource measured in
units of area. Most frequently used of `chip real estate', the
area available for logic on the surface of an integrated circuit
(see also nanoacre). May also be used of floor space in a
dinosaur pen, or even space on a crowded desktop (whether
physical or electronic).
real hack
========= n. A crock. This is sometimes used affectionately;
see hack.
real operating system
===================== n. The sort the speaker is used to. People
from the BSDophilic academic community are likely to issue comments
like "System V? Why don't you use a *real* operating
system?", people from the commercial/industrial UNIX sector are
known to complain "BSD? Why don't you use a *real*
operating system?", and people from IBM object "UNIX? Why don't
you use a *real* operating system?" See holy wars,
religious issues, proprietary, Get a real computer!
Real Programmer
=============== [indirectly, from the book "Real Men Don't
Eat Quiche"] n. A particular sub-variety of hacker: one possessed
of a flippant attitude toward complexity that is arrogant even when
justified by experience. The archetypal `Real Programmer' likes
to program on the bare metal and is very good at same,
remembers the binary opcodes for every machine he has ever
programmed, thinks that HLLs are sissy, and uses a debugger to edit
his code because full-screen editors are for wimps. Real
Programmers aren't satisfied with code that hasn't been bummed
into a state of tenseness just short of rupture. Real
Programmers never use comments or write documentation: "If it was
hard to write", says the Real Programmer, "it should be hard to
understand." Real Programmers can make machines do things that
were never in their spec sheets; in fact, they are seldom really
happy unless doing so. A Real Programmer's code can awe with its
fiendish brilliance, even as its crockishness appalls. Real
Programmers live on junk food and coffee, hang line-printer art on
their walls, and terrify the crap out of other programmers ---
because someday, somebody else might have to try to understand
their code in order to change it. Their successors generally
consider it a Good Thing that there aren't many Real
Programmers around any more. For a famous (and somewhat more
positive) portrait of a Real Programmer, see "[The Story
of Mel, a Real Programmer}" in Appendix A. The term itself
was popularized by a 1983 Datamation article "Real
Programmers Don't Use Pascal" by Ed Post, still circulating on
USENET and Internet in on-line form.
Real Soon Now
============= [orig. from SF's fanzine community, popularized by
Jerry Pournelle's column in "BYTE"] adv. 1. Supposed to be
available (or fixed, or cheap, or whatever) real soon now according
to somebody, but the speaker is quite skeptical. 2. When one's
gods, fates, or other time commitments permit one to get to it (in
other words, don't hold your breath). Often abbreviated RSN.
real time
========= 1. [techspeak] adj. Describes an application which
requires a program to respond to stimuli within some small upper
limit of response time (typically milli- or microseconds). Process
control at a chemical plant is the classic example. Such
applications often require special operating systems (because
everything else must take a back seat to response time) and
speed-tuned hardware. 2. adv. In jargon, refers to doing something
while people are watching or waiting. "I asked her how to find
the calling procedure's program counter on the stack and she came
up with an algorithm in real time."
real user
========= n. 1. A commercial user. One who is paying *real*
money for his computer usage. 2. A non-hacker. Someone using the
system for an explicit purpose (a research project, a course, etc.)
other than pure exploration. See user. Hackers who are also
students may also be real users. "I need this fixed so I can do a
problem set. I'm not complaining out of randomness, but as a real
user." See also luser.
Real World
========== n. 1. Those institutions at which `programming' may
be used in the same sentence as `FORTRAN', `COBOL',
`RPG', `IBM', `DBASE', etc. Places where programs do such
commercially necessary but intellectually uninspiring things as
generating payroll checks and invoices. 2. The location of
non-programmers and activities not related to programming. 3. A
bizarre dimension in which the standard dress is shirt and tie and
in which a person's working hours are defined as 9 to 5 (see
code grinder). 4. Anywhere outside a university. "Poor
fellow, he's left MIT and gone into the Real World." Used
pejoratively by those not in residence there. In conversation,
talking of someone who has entered the Real World is not unlike
speaking of a deceased person. It is also noteworthy that on the
campus of Cambridge University in England, there is a gaily-painted
lamp-post which bears the label `REALITY CHECKPOINT'. It marks the
boundary between university and the Real World; check your notions
of reality before passing. This joke is funnier because the
Cambridge `campus' is actually coextensive with the center of
Cambridge. See also fear and loathing, mundane, and
reality check
============= n. 1. The simplest kind of test of software or
hardware; doing the equivalent of asking it what 2 + 2 is
and seeing if you get 4. The software equivalent of a
smoke test. 2. The act of letting a real user try out
prototype software. Compare sanity check.
====== n. A prowler that GFRs files. A file removed in
this way is said to have been `reaped'.
rectangle slinger
================= n. See polygon pusher.
========= n. See recursion. See also tail recursion.
recursive acronym
================= : pl.n. A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition
is to choose acronyms/abbreviations that refer humorously to
themselves or to other acronyms/abbreviations. The classic
examples were two MIT editors called EINE ("EINE Is Not EMACS")
and ZWEI ("ZWEI Was EINE Initially"). More recently, there is a
Scheme compiler called LIAR (Liar Imitates Apply Recursively), and
GNU (q.v., sense 1) stands for "GNU's Not UNIX!" --- and a
company with the name CYGNUS, which expands to "Cygnus, Your GNU
Support". See also mung, EMACS.
Red Book
======== n. 1. Informal name for one of the three standard
references on "PostScript" ("PostScript Language Reference
Manual", Adobe Systems (Addison-Wesley, 1985; QA76.73.P67P67; ISBN
0-201-10174-2, or the 1990 second edition ISBN 0-201-18127-4); the
others are known as the Green Book, the Blue Book, and
the White Book (sense 2). 2. Informal name for one of the 3
standard references on Smalltalk ("Smalltalk-80: The
Interactive Programming Environment" by Adele Goldberg
(Addison-Wesley, 1984; QA76.8.S635G638; ISBN 0-201-11372-4); this
too is associated with blue and green books). 3. Any of the
1984 standards issued by the CCITT eighth plenary assembly. These
include, among other things, the X.400 email spec and the Group
1 through 4 fax standards. 4. The new version of the [Green
Book} (sense 4) --- IEEE 1003.1-1990, a.k.a ISO 9945-1 --- is
(because of the color and the fact that it is printed on A4 paper)
known in the U.S.A. as "the Ugly Red Book That Won't Fit On The
Shelf" and in Europe as "the Ugly Red Book That's A Sensible
Size". 5. The NSA "Trusted Network Interpretation" companion
to the Orange Book. See also "book titles".
red wire
======== [IBM] n. Patch wires installed by programmers who have
no business mucking with the hardware. It is said that the only
thing more dangerous than a hardware guy with a code patch is a
softy with a soldering iron.... Compare blue wire,
yellow wire, purple wire.
====== /reg'eksp/ [UNIX] n. (alt. `regex' or `reg-ex')
1. Common written and spoken abbreviation for `regular
expression', one of the wildcard patterns used, e.g., by UNIX
utilities such as `grep(1)', `sed(1)', and `awk(1)'.
These use conventions similar to but more elaborate than those
described under glob. For purposes of this lexicon, it is
sufficient to note that regexps also allow complemented character
sets using `^'; thus, one can specify `any non-alphabetic
character' with `[^A-Za-z]'. 2. Name of a well-known PD
regexp-handling package in portable C, written by revered USENETter
Henry Spencer .
register dancing
================ n. Many older processor architectures suffer
from a serious shortage of general-purpose registers. This is
especially a problem for compiler-writers, because their generated
code needs places to store temporaries for things like intermediate
values in expression evaluation. Some designs with this problem,
like the Intel 80x86, do have a handful of special-purpose
registers that can be pressed into service, providing suitable care
is taken to avoid unpleasant side effects on the state of the
processor: while the special-purpose register is being used to hold
an intermediate value, a delicate minuet is required in which the
previous value of the register is saved and then restored just before
the official function (and value) of the special-purpose register is
again needed.
reincarnation, cycle of
======================= n. See cycle of reincarnation.
reinvent the wheel
================== v. To design or implement a tool equivalent to
an existing one or part of one, with the implication that doing so
is silly or a waste of time. This is often a valid criticism.
On the other hand, automobiles don't use wooden rollers, and some
kinds of wheel have to be reinvented many times before you get them
right. On the third hand, people reinventing the wheel do tend to
come up with the moral equivalent of a trapezoid with an offset
religion of CHI
=============== n. /ki:/ [Case Western Reserve University] n.
Yet another hackish parody religion (see also [Church of the
SubGenius}, Discordianism). In the mid-70s, the canonical
"Introduction to Programming" courses at CWRU were taught in
Algol, and student exercises were punched on cards and run on a
Univac 1108 system using a homebrew operating system named CHI.
The religion had no doctrines and but one ritual: whenever the
worshipper noted that a digital clock read 11:08, he or she would
recite the phrase "It is 11:08; ABS, ALPHABETIC, ARCSIN, ARCCOS,
ARCTAN." The last five words were the first five functions in the
appropriate chapter of the Algol manual; note the special
pronunciations /obz/ and /ark'sin/ rather than the more common
/ahbz/ and /ark'si:n/. Using an alarm clock to warn of 11:08's
arrival was considered harmful.
religious issues
================ n. Questions which seemingly cannot be raised
without touching off holy wars, such as "What is the best
operating system (or editor, language, architecture, shell, mail
reader, news reader)?", "What about that Heinlein guy, eh?",
"What should we add to the new Jargon File?" See holy wars;
see also theology, bigot.

This term is a prime example of ha ha only serious. People
actually develop the most amazing and religiously intense
attachments to their tools, even when the tools are intangible.
The most constructive thing one can do when one stumbles into the
crossfire is mumble Get a life! and leave --- unless, of course,
one's *own* unassailably rational and obviously correct
choices are being slammed.

========== n. Any construct that acts to produce copies of
itself; this could be a living organism, an idea (see meme), a
program (see quine, worm, wabbit, fork bomb,
and virus), a pattern in a cellular automaton (see life,
sense 1), or (speculatively) a robot or nanobot. It is even
claimed by some that "UNIX" and C are the symbiotic halves
of an extremely successful replicator; see UNIX conspiracy.
===== n. See followup.
=========== n. A bug or design error that limits a program's
capabilities, and which is sufficiently egregious that nobody can
quite work up enough nerve to describe it as a feature. Often
used (esp. by marketroid types) to make it sound as though
some crippling bogosity had been intended by the designers all
along, or was forced upon them by arcane technical constraints of a
nature no mere user could possibly comprehend (these claims are
almost invariably false).

Old-time hacker Joseph M. Newcomer advises that whenever choosing a
quantifiable but arbitrary restriction, you should make it either a
power of 2 or a power of 2 minus 1. If you impose a limit of
17 items in a list, everyone will know it is a random number --- on
the other hand, a limit of 15 or 16 suggests some deep reason
(involving 0- or 1-based indexing in binary) and you will get less
flamage for it. Limits which are round numbers in base 10 are
always especially suspect.

====== /ret'kon/ [short for `retroactive continuity', from
the USENET newsgroup rec.arts.comics] 1. n. The common
situation in pulp fiction (esp. comics or soap operas) where a
new story `reveals' things about events in previous stories,
usually leaving the `facts' the same (thus preserving
continuity) while completely changing their interpretation. For
example, revealing that a whole season of "Dallas" was a
dream was a retcon. 2. vt. To write such a story about a character
or fictitious object. "Byrne has retconned Superman's cape so
that it is no longer unbreakable." "Marvelman's old adventures
were retconned into synthetic dreams." "Swamp Thing was
retconned from a transformed person into a sentient vegetable."
"Darth Vader was retconned into Luke Skywalker's father in
"The Empire Strikes Back".

[This term is included because it is a good example of hackish
linguistic innovation in a field completely unrelated to computers.
The word `retcon' will probably spread through comics fandom and
lose its association with hackerdom within a couple of years; for
the record, it started here. --- ESR]

[1993 update: some comics fans on the net now claim that retcon was
independently in use in comics fandom before rec.arts.comics.
In lexicography, nothing is ever simple. --- ESR]

==== v. Syn. RTI
============== /ret'-roh-k*m-pyoo'ting/ n. Refers to emulations
of way-behind-the-state-of-the-art hardware or software, or
implementations of never-was-state-of-the-art; esp. if such
implementations are elaborate practical jokes and/or parodies,
written mostly for hack value, of more `serious' designs.
Perhaps the most widely distributed retrocomputing utility was the
`pnch(6)' or `bcd(6)' program on V7 and other early UNIX
versions, which would accept up to 80 characters of text argument
and display the corresponding pattern in "punched card" code.
Other well-known retrocomputing hacks have included the programming
language INTERCAL, a JCL-emulating shell for UNIX, the
card-punch-emulating editor named 029, and various elaborate PDP-11
hardware emulators and RT-11 OS emulators written just to keep an
old, sourceless Zork binary running.
return from the dead
==================== v. To regain access to the net after a long
absence. Compare person of no account.
=== /R-F-C/ [Request For Comment] n. One of a long-established
series of numbered Internet informational documents and standards
widely followed by commercial software and freeware in the Internet
and UNIX communities. Perhaps the single most influential one has
been RFC-822 (the Internet mail-format standard). The RFCs are
unusual in that they are floated by technical experts acting on
their own initiative and reviewed by the Internet at large, rather
than formally promulgated through an institution such as ANSI.
For this reason, they remain known as RFCs even once
adopted as standards.

The RFC tradition of pragmatic, experience-driven, after-the-fact
standard writing done by individuals or small working groups has
important advantages over the more formal, committee-driven process
typical of ANSI or ISO. Emblematic of some of these advantages is
the existence of a flourishing tradition of `joke' RFCs; usually
at least one a year is published, usually on April 1st. Well-known
joke RFCs have included 527 ("ARPAWOCKY", R. Merryman, UCSD; 22
June 1973), 748 ("Telnet Randomly-Lose Option", Mark R. Crispin;
1 April 1978), and 1149 ("A Standard for the Transmission of IP
Datagrams on Avian Carriers", D. Waitzman, BBN STC; 1 April
1990). The first was a Lewis Carroll pastiche; the second a parody
of the TCP-IP documentation style, and the third a deadpan
skewering of standards-document legalese, describing protocols for
transmitting Internet data packets by carrier pigeon.

The RFCs are most remarkable for how well they work --- they manage to
have neither the ambiguities that are usually rife in informal
specifications, nor the committee-perpetrated misfeatures that often
haunt formal standards, and they define a network that has grown to
truly worldwide proportions.

=== /R-F-E/ n. 1. [techspeak] Request For Enhancement (compare
RFC). 2. [from `Radio Free Europe', Bellcore and Sun] Radio
Free Ethernet, a system (originated by Peter Langston) for
broadcasting audio among Sun SPARCstations over the
rib site
======== [by analogy with backbone site] n. A machine that
has an on-demand high-speed link to a backbone site and serves
as a regional distribution point for lots of third-party traffic in
email and USENET news. Compare leaf site, backbone site.
rice box
======== [from ham radio slang] n. Any Asian-made commodity
computer, esp. an 80x86-based machine built to IBM PC-compatible
ISA or EISA-bus standards.
Right Thing
=========== n. That which is *compellingly* the correct or
appropriate thing to use, do, say, etc. Often capitalized, always
emphasized in speech as though capitalized. Use of this term often
implies that in fact reasonable people may disagree. "What's the
right thing for LISP to do when it sees `(mod a 0)'? Should
it return `a', or give a divide-by-0 error?" Oppose
Wrong Thing.
== // [MUD community] n. Real Life. "Firiss laughs in RL"
means that Firiss's player is laughing. Oppose VR.
===== [Bell Labs] vt. To destroy, esp. of a data structure. Hardware
gets toasted or fried, software gets roached.
===== [IRC, MUD] n. An IRC or MUD user who is actually
a program. On IRC, typically the robot provides some useful
service. Examples are NickServ, which tries to prevent random
users from adopting nicks already claimed by others, and
MsgServ, which allows one to send asynchronous messages to be
delivered when the recipient signs on. Also common are
`annoybots', such as KissServ, which perform no useful function
except to send cute messages to other people. Service robots are
less common on MUDs; but some others, such as the `Julia' robot
active in 1990--91, have been remarkably impressive Turing-test
experiments, able to pass as human for as long as ten or fifteen
minutes of conversation.
====== adj. Said of a system that has demonstrated an ability to
recover gracefully from the whole range of exceptional inputs and
situations in a given environment. One step below bulletproof.
Carries the additional connotation of elegance in addition to just
careful attention to detail. Compare smart, oppose
====== adj. [Baroque] in the extreme. Used to imply that a
program has become so encrusted with the software equivalent of
gold leaf and curlicues that they have completely swamped the
underlying design. Called after the later and more extreme forms
of Baroque architecture and decoration prevalent during the
mid-1700s in Europe. Alan Perlis said: "Every program eventually
becomes rococo, and then rubble." Compare [critical
===== [UNIX] n. A Dungeons-and-Dragons-like game using character
graphics, written under BSD UNIX and subsequently ported to other
UNIX systems. The original BSD `curses(3)' screen-handling
package was hacked together by Ken Arnold to support
`rogue(6)' and has since become one of UNIX's most important
and heavily used application libraries. Nethack, Omega, Larn, and
an entire subgenre of computer dungeon games all took off from the
inspiration provided by `rogue(6)'. See also nethack.
room-temperature IQ
=================== [IBM] quant. 80 or below. Used in describing the
expected intelligence range of the luser. "Well, but
how's this interface going to play with the room-temperature IQ
crowd?" See drool-proof paper. This is a much more insulting
phrase in countries that use Celsius thermometers.
==== [UNIX] n. 1. The superuser account (with user name
`root') that ignores permission bits, user number 0 on a UNIX
system. The term avatar is also used. 2. The top node of the
system directory structure (home directory of the root user).
3. By extension, the privileged system-maintenance login on any
OS. See root mode, go root, see also wheel.
root mode
========= n. Syn. with wizard mode or `wheel mode'. Like
these, it is often generalized to describe privileged states in
systems other than OSes.
===== /rot ther'teen/ [USENET: from `rotate alphabet
13 places'] n., v. The simple Caesar-cypher encryption that
replaces each English letter with the one 13 places forward or back
along the alphabet, so that "The butler did it!" becomes "Gur
ohgyre qvq vg!" Most USENET news reading and posting programs
include a rot13 feature. It is used to enclose the text in a
sealed wrapper that the reader must choose to open --- e.g., for
posting things that might offend some readers, or spoilers. A
major advantage of rot13 over rot(N) for other N is
that it is self-inverse, so the same code can be used for encoding
and decoding.
rotary debugger
=============== [Commodore] n. Essential equipment for those
late-night or early-morning debugging sessions. Mainly used as
sustenance for the hacker. Comes in many decorator colors, such as
Sausage, Pepperoni, and Garbage. See pizza, ANSI standard.
round tape
========== n. Industry-standard 1/2-inch magnetic tape (7- or
9-track) on traditional circular reels. See macrotape, oppose
square tape.
=== /R-S-N/ adj. See Real Soon Now.
==== /R-T-B-M/ [UNIX] imp. Commonwealth Hackish variant of
RTFM; expands to `Read The Bloody Manual'. RTBM is often the
entire text of the first reply to a question from a newbie;
the *second* would escalate to "RTFM".
===== /R-T-F-A-Q/ [USENET: primarily written, by analogy with
RTFM] imp. Abbrev. for `Read the FAQ!', an exhortation that
the person addressed ought to read the newsgroup's FAQ list
before posting questions.
==== /R-T-F-B/ [UNIX] imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
Binary'. Used when neither documentation nor source for the
problem at hand exists, and the only thing to do is use some
debugger or monitor and directly analyze the assembler or even
the machine code. "No source for the buggy port driver? Aaargh! I
*hate* proprietary operating systems. Time to RTFB."

Of the various RTF? forms, `RTFB' is the least pejorative against
anyone asking a question for which RTFB is the answer; the anger
here is directed at the absence of both source *and* adequate

==== /R-T-F-M/ [UNIX] imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
Manual'. 1. Used by gurus to brush off questions they
consider trivial or annoying. Compare Don't do that, then!.
2. Used when reporting a problem to indicate that you aren't just
asking out of randomness. "No, I can't figure out how to
interface UNIX to my toaster, and yes, I have RTFM." Unlike
sense 1, this use is considered polite. See also FM,
RTFAQ, RTFB, RTFS, RTM, all of which mutated
from RTFM, and compare UTSL.
==== /R-T-F-S/ [UNIX] 1. imp. Acronym for `Read The Fucking
Source'. Variant form of RTFM, used when the problem at hand
is not necessarily obvious and not answerable from the manuals ---
or the manuals are not yet written and maybe never will be. For
even trickier situations, see RTFB. Unlike RTFM, the anger
inherent in RTFS is not usually directed at the person asking the
question, but rather at the people who failed to provide adequate
documentation. 2. imp. `Read The Fucking Standard'; this oath can
only be used when the problem area (e.g., a language or operating
system interface) has actually been codified in a ratified
standards document. The existence of these standards documents
(and the technically inappropriate but politically mandated
compromises that they inevitably contain, and the impenetrable
legalese in which they are invariably written, and the
unbelievably tedious bureaucratic process by which they are
produced) can be unnerving to hackers, who are used to a certain
amount of ambiguity in the specifications of the systems they use.
(Hackers feel that such ambiguities are acceptable as long as the
Right Thing to do is obvious to any thinking observer; sadly,
this casual attitude towards specifications becomes unworkable when
a system becomes popular in the Real World.) Since a hacker
is likely to feel that a standards document is both unnecessary and
technically deficient, the deprecation inherent in this term may be
directed as much against the standard as against the person who
ought to read it.
=== /R-T-I/ interj. The mnemonic for the `return from
interrupt' instruction on many computers including the 6502 and
6800. The variant `RETI' is found among former Z80 hackers
(almost nobody programs these things in assembler anymore).
Equivalent to "Now, where was I?" or used to end a
conversational digression. See pop; see also POPJ.
=== /R-T-M/ [USENET: abbreviation for `Read The Manual']
1. Politer variant of RTFM. 2. Robert T. Morris Jr.,
perpetrator of the great Internet worm of 1988 (see [Great Worm,
the}); villain to many, naive hacker gone wrong to a few. Morris
claimed that the worm that brought the Internet to its knees was a
benign experiment that got out of control as the result of a coding
error. After the storm of negative publicity that followed this
blunder, Morris's username on ITS was hacked from RTM to
==== [WPI] adj. 1. (of a program) Badly written. 2. Functionally
poor, e.g., a program that is very difficult to use because of
gratuitously poor (random?) design decisions. Oppose cuspy.
3. Anything that manipulates a shared resource without regard for
its other users in such a way as to cause a (non-fatal) problem.
Examples: programs that change tty modes without resetting them on
exit, or windowing programs that keep forcing themselves to the top
of the window stack. Compare all-elbows.
===== pl.n. 1. Anything that requires heavy wizardry or
black art to parse: core dumps, JCL commands, APL, or
code in a language you haven't a clue how to read. Not quite as
bad as line noise, but close. Compare casting the runes,
Great Runes. 2. Special display characters (for example, the
high-half graphics on an IBM PC).
===== adj. Syn. obscure. VMS fans sometimes refer to UNIX as
`Runix'; UNIX fans return the compliment by expanding VMS to `Very
Messy Syntax' or `Vachement Mauvais Syst`eme' (French; lit.
"Cowlike Bad System", idiomatically "Bitchy Bad System").
rusty iron
========== n. Syn. tired iron. It has been claimed that this
is the inevitable fate of water MIPS.
rusty memory
============ n. Mass-storage that uses iron-oxide-based magnetic
media (esp. tape and the pre-Winchester removable disk packs used
in washing machines). Compare donuts.