The Hacker's Dictionary

Versió HTML de Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura

Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"
e-mail: de_yza @

lace card
========= n. obs. A "punched card" with all holes punched
(also called a `whoopee card' or `ventilator card'). Card
readers tended to jam when they got to one of these, as the
resulting card had too little structural strength to avoid buckling
inside the mechanism. Card punches could also jam trying to
produce these things owing to power-supply problems. When some
practical joker fed a lace card through the reader, you needed to
clear the jam with a `card knife' --- which you used on the joker
language lawyer
=============== n. A person, usually an experienced or senior
software engineer, who is intimately familiar with many or most of
the numerous restrictions and features (both useful and esoteric)
applicable to one or more computer programming languages. A
language lawyer is distinguished by the ability to show you the
five sentences scattered through a 200-plus-page manual that
together imply the answer to your question "if only you had
thought to look there". Compare wizard, legal,
languages of choice
=================== n. C and LISP. Nearly every
hacker knows one of these, and most good ones are fluent in both.
Smalltalk and Prolog are also popular in small but influential

There is also a rapidly dwindling category of older hackers with
FORTRAN, or even assembler, as their language of choice. They
often prefer to be known as Real Programmers, and other
hackers consider them a bit odd (see "[The Story of Mel, a
Real Programmer}" in Appendix A). Assembler is generally no longer
considered interesting or appropriate for anything but HLL
implementation, glue, and a few time-critical and
hardware-specific uses in systems programs. FORTRAN occupies a
shrinking niche in scientific programming.

Most hackers tend to frown on languages like "Pascal" and
"Ada", which don't give them the near-total freedom considered
necessary for hacking (see bondage-and-discipline language),
and to regard everything even remotely connected with COBOL or
other traditional card walloper languages as a total and
unmitigated loss.

larval stage
============ n. Describes a period of monomaniacal concentration
on coding apparently passed through by all fledgling hackers.
Common symptoms include the perpetration of more than one 36-hour
hacking run in a given week; neglect of all other activities
including usual basics like food, sleep, and personal hygiene; and
a chronic case of advanced bleary-eye. Can last from 6 months to 2
years, the apparent median being around 18 months. A few so
afflicted never resume a more `normal' life, but the ordeal
seems to be necessary to produce really wizardly (as opposed to
merely competent) programmers. See also wannabee. A less
protracted and intense version of larval stage (typically lasting
about a month) may recur when one is learning a new OS or
programming language.
==== /layz/ vt. To print a given document via a laser printer.
"OK, let's lase that sucker and see if all those graphics-macro
calls did the right things."
laser chicken
============= n. Kung Pao Chicken, a standard Chinese dish
containing chicken, peanuts, and hot red peppers in a spicy
pepper-oil sauce. Many hackers call it `laser chicken' for
two reasons: It can zap you just like a laser, and the
sauce has a red color reminiscent of some laser beams.

In a variation on this theme, it is reported that some Australian
hackers have redesignated the common dish `lemon chicken' as
`Chernobyl Chicken'. The name is derived from the color of the
sauce, which is considered bright enough to glow in the dark (as,
mythically, do some of the inhabitants of Chernobyl).

========= [Harvard] n. A program that solves a standard problem
(such as the Eight Queens puzzle or implementing the life
algorithm) in a deliberately nonstandard way. Distinguished from a
crock or kluge by the fact that the programmer did it on
purpose as a mental exercise. Such constructions are quite popular
in exercises such as the [Obfuscated C contest], and
occasionally in retrocomputing. Lew Lasher was a student at
Harvard around 1980 who became notorious for such behavior.
========== n. Syn. disk farm; see washing machine.
=== /l*'d*b/ [from the PDP-10 instruction set] vt. To extract
from the middle. "LDB me a slice of cake, please." This usage
has been kept alive by Common LISP's function of the same name.
Considered silly. See also DPB.
leaf site
========= n. A machine that merely originates and reads USENET
news or mail, and does not relay any third-party traffic. Often
uttered in a critical tone; when the ratio of leaf sites to
backbone, rib, and other relay sites gets too high, the network
tends to develop bottlenecks. Compare backbone site, [rib
==== n. With qualifier, one of a class of resource-management bugs
that occur when resources are not freed properly after operations
on them are finished, so they effectively disappear (leak out).
This leads to eventual exhaustion as new allocation requests come
in. memory leak and fd leak have their own entries; one
might also refer, to, say, a `window handle leak' in a window
leaky heap
========== [Cambridge] n. An arena with a memory leak.
leapfrog attack
=============== n. Use of userid and password information
obtained illicitly from one host (e.g., downloading a file of
account IDs and passwords, tapping TELNET, etc.) to compromise
another host. Also, the act of TELNETting through one or more
hosts in order to confuse a trace (a standard cracker procedure).
===== adj. Loosely used to mean `in accordance with all the
relevant rules', esp. in connection with some set of constraints
defined by software. "The older =+ alternate for += is no longer
legal syntax in ANSI C." "This parser processes each line of
legal input the moment it sees the trailing linefeed." Hackers
often model their work as a sort of game played with the
environment in which the objective is to maneuver through the
thicket of `natural laws' to achieve a desired objective. Their
use of `legal' is flavored as much by this game-playing sense as by
the more conventional one having to do with courts and lawyers.
Compare language lawyer, legalese.
======== n. Dense, pedantic verbiage in a language description,
product specification, or interface standard; text that seems
designed to obfuscate and requires a language lawyer to
parse it. Though hackers are not afraid of high information
density and complexity in language (indeed, they rather enjoy
both), they share a deep and abiding loathing for legalese; they
associate it with deception, suits, and situations in which
hackers generally get the short end of the stick.
=== /L-E-R/ [TMRC, from `Light-Emitting Diode'] n. A
light-emitting resistor (that is, one in the process of burning
up). Ohm's law was broken. See also SED.
==== /lerp/ vi.,n. Quasi-acronym for Linear Interpolation, used as a
verb or noun for the operation. "Bresenham's algorithm lerps
incrementally between the two endpoints of the line."
let the smoke out
================= v. To fry hardware (see fried). See
magic smoke for a discussion of the underlying mythology.
========== 1. n. A piece of email containing live data
intended to do nefarious things to the recipient's machine or
terminal. It is possible, for example, to send letterbombs that
will lock up some specific kinds of terminals when they are viewed,
so thoroughly that the user must cycle power (see cycle, sense
3) to unwedge them. Under UNIX, a letterbomb can also try to get
part of its contents interpreted as a shell command to the mailer.
The results of this could range from silly to tragic. See also
Trojan horse; compare nastygram. 2. Loosely, a
===== /lek'sr/ n. Common hacker shorthand for `lexical
analyzer', the input-tokenizing stage in the parser for a language
(the part that breaks it into word-like pieces). "Some C lexers
get confused by the old-style compound ops like `=-'."
========= /lek'si-fayj`/ n. A notorious word chomper on
ITS. See bagbiter. This program would draw on a selected
victim's bitmapped terminal the words "THE BAG" in ornate
letters, followed a pair of jaws biting pieces of it off.
==== n. 1. A cellular-automata game invented by John Horton
Conway and first introduced publicly by Martin Gardner
("Scientific American", October 1970); the game's popularity
had to wait a few years for computers on which it could reasonably
be played, as it's no fun to simulate the cells by hand. Many
hackers pass through a stage of fascination with it, and hackers at
various places contributed heavily to the mathematical analysis of
this game (most notably Bill Gosper at MIT, who even implemented
life in TECO!; see Gosperism). When a hacker mentions
`life', he is much more likely to mean this game than the
magazine, the breakfast cereal, or the human state of existence.
2. The opposite of USENET. As in "Get a life!"
Life is hard
============ [XEROX PARC] prov. This phrase has two possible
interpretations: (1) "While your suggestion may have some merit, I
will behave as though I hadn't heard it." (2) "While your
suggestion has obvious merit, equally obvious circumstances prevent
it from being seriously considered." The charm of the phrase lies
precisely in this subtle but important ambiguity.
light pipe
========== n. Fiber optic cable. Oppose copper.
=========== adj. Opposite of heavyweight; usually found in
combining forms such as `lightweight process'.
like kicking dead whales down the beach
======================================= adj. Describes a slow,
difficult, and disgusting process. First popularized by a famous
quote about the difficulty of getting work done under one of IBM's
mainframe OSes. "Well, you *could* write a C compiler in
COBOL, but it would be like kicking dead whales down the beach."
See also fear and loathing.
like nailing jelly to a tree
============================ adj. Used to describe a task thought
to be impossible, esp. one in which the difficulty arises from
poor specification or inherent slipperiness in the problem domain.
"Trying to display the `prettiest' arrangement of nodes and arcs
that diagrams a given graph is like nailing jelly to a tree,
because nobody's sure what `prettiest' means algorithmically."
line 666
======== [from Christian eschatological myth] n. The notional
line of source at which a program fails for obscure reasons,
implying either that *somebody* is out to get it (when you are
the programmer), or that it richly deserves to be so gotten (when
you are not). "It works when I trace through it, but seems to
crash on line 666 when I run it." "What happens is that whenever
a large batch comes through, mmdf dies on the Line of the Beast.
Probably some twit hardcoded a buffer size."
line eater, the
=============== [USENET] n. 1. A bug in some now-obsolete
versions of the netnews software that used to eat up to BUFSIZ
bytes of the article text. The bug was triggered by having the
text of the article start with a space or tab. This bug was
quickly personified as a mythical creature called the `line
eater', and postings often included a dummy line of `line eater
food'. Ironically, line eater `food' not beginning with a space or
tab wasn't actually eaten, since the bug was avoided; but if there
*was* a space or tab before it, then the line eater would eat
the food *and* the beginning of the text it was supposed to be
protecting. The practice of `sacrificing to the line eater'
continued for some time after the bug had been [nailed to the
wall}, and is still humorously referred to. The bug itself is
still (in mid-1991) occasionally reported to be lurking in some
mail-to-netnews gateways. 2. See NSA line eater.
line noise
========== n. 1. [techspeak] Spurious characters due to
electrical noise in a communications link, especially an RS-232
serial connection. Line noise may be induced by poor connections,
interference or crosstalk from other circuits, electrical storms,
cosmic rays, or (notionally) birds crapping on the phone
wires. 2. Any chunk of data in a file or elsewhere that looks like
the results of line noise in sense 1. 3. Text that is
theoretically a readable text or program source but employs syntax
so bizarre that it looks like line noise in senses 1 or 2. Yes,
there are languages this ugly. The canonical example is TECO;
it is often claimed that "TECO's input syntax is indistinguishable
from line noise." Other non-WYSIWYG editors, such as Multics
`qed' and Unix `ed', in the hands of a real hacker, also
qualify easily, as do deliberately obfuscated languages such as
line starve
=========== [MIT] 1. vi. To feed paper through a printer the
wrong way by one line (most printers can't do this). On a display
terminal, to move the cursor up to the previous line of the screen.
"To print `X squared', you just output `X', line starve, `2', line
feed." (The line starve causes the `2' to appear on the line
above the `X', and the line feed gets back to the original line.)
2. n. A character (or character sequence) that causes a terminal to
perform this action. ASCII 0011010, also called SUB or control-Z,
was one common line-starve character in the days before
microcomputers and the X3.64 terminal standard. Unlike `line
feed', `line starve' is *not* standard "ASCII"
terminology. Even among hackers it is considered a bit silly.
3. [proposed] A sequence such as \c (used in System V echo, as well
as "nroff" and "troff") that suppresses a newline or
other character(s) that would normally be emitted.
link farm
========= [UNIX] n. A directory tree that contains many links to
files in a master directory tree of files. Link farms save space
when one is maintaining several nearly identical copies of the same
source tree --- for example, when the only difference is
architecture-dependent object files. "Let's freeze the source and
then rebuild the FROBOZZ-3 and FROBOZZ-4 link farms." Link farms
may also be used to get around restrictions on the number of
`-I' (include-file directory) arguments on older
C preprocessors. However, they can also get completely out of
hand, becoming the filesystem equivalent of [spaghetti
========= [MUD] adj. Said of a MUD character who has frozen in
place because of a dropped Internet connection.
==== [from UNIX's `lint(1)', named for the bits of fluff it
supposedly picks from programs] 1. vt. To examine a program closely
for style, language usage, and portability problems, esp. if
in C, esp. if via use of automated analysis tools, most esp. if
the UNIX utility `lint(1)' is used. This term used to be
restricted to use of `lint(1)' itself, but (judging by
references on USENET) it has become a shorthand for desk check
at some non-UNIX shops, even in languages other than C. Also as
v. delint. 2. n. Excess verbiage in a document, as in "This
draft has too much lint".
lion food
========= [IBM] n. Middle management or HQ staff (or, by
extension, administrative drones in general). From an old joke
about two lions who, escaping from the zoo, split up to increase
their chances but agree to meet after 2 months. When they finally
meet, one is skinny and the other overweight. The thin one says:
"How did you manage? I ate a human just once and they turned out
a small army to chase me --- guns, nets, it was terrible. Since
then I've been reduced to eating mice, insects, even grass." The
fat one replies: "Well, *I* hid near an IBM office and ate a
manager a day. And nobody even noticed!"
Lions Book
========== n. "Source Code and Commentary on UNIX level 6",
by John Lions. The two parts of this book contained (1) the entire
source listing of the UNIX Version 6 kernel, and (2) a commentary
on the source discussing the algorithms. These were circulated
internally at the University of New South Wales beginning 1976--77,
and were, for years after, the *only* detailed kernel
documentation available to anyone outside Bell Labs. Because
Western Electric wished to maintain trade secret status on the
kernel, the Lions book was never formally published and was only
supposed to be distributed to affiliates of source licensees (it is
still possible to get a Bell Labs reprint of the book by sending a
copy of a V6 source license to the right person at Bellcore, but
*real* insiders have the UNSW edition). In spite of this, it
soon spread by samizdat to a good many of the early UNIX
==== [from `LISt Processing language', but mythically from
`Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses'] n. AI's mother
tongue, a language based on the ideas of (a) variable-length lists
and trees as fundamental data types, and (b) the interpretation of
code as data and vice-versa. Invented by John McCarthy at MIT in
the late 1950s, it is actually older than any other HLL still
in use except FORTRAN. Accordingly, it has undergone considerable
adaptive radiation over the years; modern variants are quite
different in detail from the original LISP 1.5. The dominant HLL
among hackers until the early 1980s, LISP now shares the throne
with C. See languages of choice.

All LISP functions and programs are expressions that return
values; this, together with the high memory utilization of LISPs,
gave rise to Alan Perlis's famous quip (itself a take on an Oscar
Wilde quote) that "LISP programmers know the value of everything
and the cost of nothing".

One significant application for LISP has been as a proof by example
that most newer languages, such as COBOL and Ada, are full
of unnecessary crocks. When the Right Thing has already
been done once, there is no justification for bogosity in newer

literature, the
=============== n. Computer-science journals and other
publications, vaguely gestured at to answer a question that the
speaker believes is trivial. Thus, one might answer an
annoying question by saying "It's in the literature." Oppose
Knuth, which has no connotation of triviality.
lithium lick
============ n. [NeXT] n. Steve Jobs. Employees who have gotten
too much attention from their esteemed founder are said to have
`lithium lick' when they begin to show signs of Jobsian fervor and
repeat the most recent catch phrases in normal conversation --- for
example, "It just works, right out of the box!"
============= adj. Describes a computer architecture in which,
within a given 16- or 32-bit word, bytes at lower addresses have
lower significance (the word is stored `little-end-first'). The
PDP-11 and VAX families of computers and Intel microprocessors and
a lot of communications and networking hardware are little-endian.
See big-endian, middle-endian, NUXI problem. The
term is sometimes used to describe the ordering of units other than
bytes; most often, bits within a byte.
live data
========= n. 1. Data that is written to be interpreted and takes
over program flow when triggered by some un-obvious operation, such
as viewing it. One use of such hacks is to break security. For
example, some smart terminals have commands that allow one to
download strings to program keys; this can be used to write live
data that, when listed to the terminal, infects it with a
security-breaking virus that is triggered the next time a
hapless user strikes that key. For another, there are some
well-known bugs in vi that allow certain texts to send
arbitrary commands back to the machine when they are simply viewed.
2. In C code, data that includes pointers to function hooks
(executable code). 3. An object, such as a trampoline, that is
constructed on the fly by a program and intended to be executed as
code. 4. Actual real-world data, as opposed to `test data'.
For example, "I think I have the record deletion module
finished." "Have you tried it out on live data?" This usage usually
carries the connotation that live data is more fragile and must not
be corrupted, or bad things will happen. So a more appropriate
response to the above claim might be: "Well, make sure it works
perfectly before we throw live data at it." The implication here
is that record deletion is something pretty significant, and a
haywire record-deletion module running amok on live data would
probably cause great harm.
Live Free Or Die!
================= imp. 1. The state motto of New Hampshire, which
appears on that state's automobile license plates. 2. A slogan
associated with UNIX in the romantic days when UNIX aficionados saw
themselves as a tiny, beleaguered underground tilting against the
windmills of industry. The "free" referred specifically to
freedom from the fascist design philosophies and crufty
misfeatures common on commercial operating systems. Armando
Stettner, one of the early UNIX developers, used to give out fake
license plates bearing this motto under a large UNIX, all in New
Hampshire colors of green and white. These are now valued
collector's items.
======== /li:v'lok/ n. A situation in which some critical stage
of a task is unable to finish because its clients perpetually
create more work for it to do after they have been serviced but
before it can clear its queue. Differs from deadlock in that
the process is not blocked or waiting for anything, but has a
virtually infinite amount of work to do and can never catch up.
======== /li:v'weir/ n. 1. Synonym for wetware. Less
common. 2. [Cambridge] Vermin. "Waiter, there's some liveware in
my salad..."
======== n. 1. What a hacker subjected to formal management
training is said to have undergone. At IBM and elsewhere this term
is used by both hackers and low-level management; the latter
doubtless intend it as a joke. 2. The act of removing the
processor from a microcomputer in order to replace or upgrade it.
Some very cheap clone systems are sold in `lobotomized' form
--- everything but the brain.
locals, the
=========== pl.n. The users on one's local network (as opposed, say,
to people one reaches via public Internet or UUCP connects). The
marked thing about this usage is how little it has to do with
real-space distance. "I have to do some tweaking on this mail
utility before releasing it to the locals."
locked and loaded
================= [from military slang for an M-16 rifle with
magazine inserted and prepared for firing] adj. Said of a removable
disk volume properly prepared for use --- that is, locked into the
drive and with the heads loaded. Ironically, because their heads
are `loaded' whenever the power is up, this description is never
used of "Winchester" drives (which are named after a rifle).
locked up
========= adj. Syn. for hung, wedged.
logic bomb
========== n. Code surreptitiously inserted into an application or
OS that causes it to perform some destructive or
security-compromising activity whenever specified conditions are
met. Compare back door.
======= [from the technical term `logical device', wherein a
physical device is referred to by an arbitrary `logical' name]
adj. Having the role of. If a person (say, Les Earnest at SAIL)
who had long held a certain post left and were replaced, the
replacement would for a while be known as the `logical' Les
Earnest. (This does not imply any judgment on the replacement.)
Compare virtual.

At Stanford, `logical' compass directions denote a coordinate
system in which `logical north' is toward San Francisco,
`logical west' is toward the ocean, etc., even though logical
north varies between physical (true) north near San Francisco and
physical west near San Jose. (The best rule of thumb here is that,
by definition, El Camino Real always runs logical north-and-south.)
In giving directions, one might say: "To get to Rincon Tarasco
restaurant, get onto El Camino Bignum going logical north."
Using the word `logical' helps to prevent the recipient from
worrying about that the fact that the sun is setting almost
directly in front of him. The concept is reinforced by North
American highways which are almost, but not quite, consistently
labeled with logical rather than physical directions. A similar
situation exists at MIT: Route 128 (famous for the electronics
industry that has grown up along it) is a 3-quarters circle
surrounding Boston at a radius of 10 miles, terminating near the
coastline at each end. It would be most precise to describe the
two directions along this highway as `clockwise' and
`counterclockwise', but the road signs all say "north" and
"south", respectively. A hacker might describe these directions
as `logical north' and `logical south', to indicate that they
are conventional directions not corresponding to the usual
denotation for those words. (If you went logical south along the
entire length of route 128, you would start out going northwest,
curve around to the south, and finish headed due east, passing along
one infamous stretch of pavement that is simultaneously route 128
south and Interstate 93 north, and is signed as such!)

loop through
============ vt. To process each element of a list of things.
"Hold on, I've got to loop through my paper mail." Derives from
the computer-language notion of an iterative loop; compare `cdr
down' (under cdr), which is less common among C and UNIX
programmers. ITS hackers used to say `IRP over' after an
obscure pseudo-op in the MIDAS PDP-10 assembler.
loose bytes
=========== n. Commonwealth hackish term for the padding bytes or
shims many compilers insert between members of a record or
structure to cope with alignment requirements imposed by the
machine architecture.
lord high fixer
=============== [primarily British, from Gilbert & Sullivan's
`lord high executioner'] n. The person in an organization who knows
the most about some aspect of a system. See wizard.
==== [MIT] vi. 1. To fail. A program loses when it encounters
an exceptional condition or fails to work in the expected manner.
2. To be exceptionally unesthetic or crocky. 3. Of people, to
be obnoxious or unusually stupid (as opposed to ignorant). See
also deserves to lose. 4. n. Refers to something that is
losing, especially in the phrases "That's a lose!" and "What
a lose!"
lose lose
========= interj. A reply to or comment on an undesirable
situation. "I accidentally deleted all my files!" "Lose,
===== n. An unexpectedly bad situation, program, programmer, or
person. Someone who habitually loses. (Even winners can lose
occasionally.) Someone who knows not and knows not that he knows
not. Emphatic forms are `real loser', `total loser', and
`complete loser' (but not **`moby loser', which would be a
contradiction in terms). See luser.
====== adj. Said of anything that is or causes a lose or
==== n. Something (not a person) that loses; a situation in which
something is losing. Emphatic forms include `moby loss', and
`total loss', `complete loss'. Common interjections are
"What a loss!" and "What a moby loss!" Note that `moby loss'
is OK even though **`moby loser' is not used; applied to an abstract
noun, moby is simply a magnifier, whereas when applied to a person
it implies substance and has positive connotations. Compare
======= /los'*j/ n. The result of a bug or malfunction. This
is a mass or collective noun. "What a loss!" and "What
lossage!" are nearly synonymous. The former is slightly more
particular to the speaker's present circumstances; the latter
implies a continuing lose of which the speaker is currently a
victim. Thus (for example) a temporary hardware failure is a loss,
but bugs in an important tool (like a compiler) are serious
lost in the noise
================= adj. Syn. lost in the underflow. This term
is from signal processing, where signals of very small amplitude
cannot be separated from low-intensity noise in the system. Though
popular among hackers, it is not confined to hackerdom; physicists,
engineers, astronomers, and statisticians all use it.
lost in the underflow
===================== adj. Too small to be worth considering;
more specifically, small beyond the limits of accuracy or
measurement. This is a reference to `floating underflow', a
condition that can occur when a floating-point arithmetic processor
tries to handle quantities smaller than its limit of magnitude. It
is also a pun on `undertow' (a kind of fast, cold current that
sometimes runs just offshore and can be dangerous to swimmers).
"Well, sure, photon pressure from the stadium lights alters the
path of a thrown baseball, but that effect gets lost in the
underflow." Compare epsilon, epsilon squared; see also
overflow bit.
lots of MIPS but no I/O
======================= adj. Used to describe a person who is
technically brilliant but can't seem to communicate with human
beings effectively. Technically it describes a machine that has
lots of processing power but is bottlenecked on input-output (in
1991, the IBM Rios, a.k.a. RS/6000, is a notorious recent
============= [from communication theory] adj. Used to indicate a
talk that, although not content-free, was not terribly
informative. "That was a low-bandwidth talk, but what can you
expect for an audience of suits!" Compare zero-content,
bandwidth, math-out.
=== /L-P-T/ or /lip'it/ or /lip-it'/ n. Line printer, of
course. Rare under UNIX, more common among hackers who grew up
with ITS, MS-DOS, CP/M and other operating systems that were
strongly influenced by early DEC conventions.
Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology
======================================= prov. "There is *always*
one more bug."
lunatic fringe
============== [IBM] n. Customers who can be relied upon to accept
release 1 versions of software.
====== n. One of the `silent majority' in a electronic forum;
one who posts occasionally or not at all but is known to read the
group's postings regularly. This term is not pejorative and indeed
is casually used reflexively: "Oh, I'm just lurking." Often used
in `the lurkers', the hypothetical audience for the group's
flamage-emitting regulars.
===== /loo'zr/ n. A user; esp. one who is also a
loser. (luser and loser are pronounced
identically.) This word was coined around 1975 at MIT. Under
ITS, when you first walked up to a terminal at MIT and typed
Control-Z to get the computer's attention, it printed out some
status information, including how many people were already using
the computer; it might print "14 users", for example. Someone
thought it would be a great joke to patch the system to print
"14 losers" instead. There ensued a great controversy, as some
of the users didn't particularly want to be called losers to their
faces every time they used the computer. For a while several
hackers struggled covertly, each changing the message behind the
back of the others; any time you logged into the computer it was
even money whether it would say "users" or "losers". Finally,
someone tried the compromise "lusers", and it stuck. Later one
of the ITS machines supported `luser' as a request-for-help
command. ITS died the death in mid-1990, except as a museum piece;
the usage lives on, however, and the term `luser' is often seen
in program comments.