Glossari de paraules desconegudes del text d'exemple

March 8, 2099
  accountant (3)
  (412)   more than one company, but have one accountant for all of them, Þ 
  (413)      | wish to make a thought called "Accountant" and link it as a
  (419)         no Þ | longer uses the | same accountant. So it's jump gate
  ahead (1)
  (865)        like to have Þ | as a Note, go ahead and | drag it right into
  akin (1)
  (103)    of your Brain. This is roughly Þ | akin to scrolling through |
  alongside (5)
  (189)       note | that they are kept right alongside other types of
  (1046)       are visually represented right alongside other thoughts you
  (1047)       your travel itinerary is right alongside pages about the
  (1048)       traveling to, which is | right alongside your calculator for
  (1048)            money, which is right Þ | alongside the address book in 
  annette (1)
  (175)             and one to | the thought "Annette," a writer working on
  asparagus (2)
  (445)       say, the | Queen of England and asparagus. |   | You have a
  (452)     including a Þ | thought called | "Asparagus." |   | Depending on
  autoplay (1)
  (54)         | 2.?If your computer supports Autoplay, skip to step 3.
  background (5)
  (809)     a Þ | Brain, see Appendix A for | background on the way The
  (1387)        circle, thought names and Þ | background can all be |
  (1408)         motion. |  | Wallpaper | The background of the plex can be
  (1411)   may wish to check the Fill thought Background box, which will put
  (1411)       box, which will put a Þ | flat background behind | the name
  beanstalk (1)
  (449)        Prince" is "Jack Þ | and the | Beanstalk," which has child
  bearing (2)
  (1059)      a second button will Þ | appear bearing the name | of the
  (1695)      in the plex displaying thoughts bearing specific Þ |
  billing (4)
  (405)   "Sales," "Customer Þ | Service," | "Billing," and "Manufacturing."
  (1026)    productivity, professionals whose billing is based on time, and
  (1028)   in Þ | filling out time sheets for billing. | On the other side
  (1380)     Þ | using the History Tool for | billing or project management
  bob (1)
  (409)           his file. In this example, "Bob" is a child thought of
  brain-enable (1)
  (1064)      actively encourages web-masters Brain-enable their sites. For
  brain-enabled (10)
  (115)      |  | If your web browser is at a Brain-Enabled web site,
  (852)      |  | If your web browser is at a Brain-Enabled web site (see
  (1050)   keep your friends' addresses. |  | Brain-Enabled Web Sites | The
  (1052)    more helpfully, web sites can be "Brain-Enabled." A Þ |
  (1052)        can be "Brain-Enabled." A Þ | Brain-Enabled web site | is a
  (1057)     have navigated to a site that is Brain-Enabled, a button will
  (1065)   For Þ | information, see our own | Brain-Enabled site at
  (1065)     also includes links to Þ | other Brain-Enabled sites. |   |
  (1371)     Right Arrow keys. |  | Check for Brain-Enabled Web Sites |
  (1630)   containing Þ | information. ? |  | Brain-Enabled - A web site
  brain-in-progress (1)
  (334)   attach the web page to. For our Þ | Brain-in-progress, activate |
  brain” (2)
  (1)                                   | The Brain™ | ???????  | User
  (12)    1. Introduction |  | Welcome to The Brain™, the first software
  brain101b (1)
  (59)               the file you downloaded, Brain101B.exe. | 2.?Follow the
  brn (15)
  (812)       be c:\My Brains | 2.?Click the .brn file whose filename is the
  (814)   you wish Þ | to copy followed by | _brn. | 4.?Click the Edit Menu.
  (820)      making sure that the file has a .brn extension and the folder
  (820)         and the folder Þ | ends with _brn. |   | The new Brain will
  (823)   mind Þ | the following: |  | •?The .brn file may be too large to
  (825)       to Þ | create the files in the _brn | folder.  | •? Shortcuts
  (832)     do. |  | 1.?In Windows, find the .brn file of the Brain you wish
  (834)   is currently | open. | 2.?Drag the .brn file into the open Brain's
  (1511)   | containing Brain data are called brn files - that's their
  (1511)        extension. The Þ | size of a .brn file depends upon | how
  (1513)   are named as | follows: Brain Name.brn, where Brain Name is the
  (1516)    Brain | name with the characters _brn after the name. So for a
  (1517)    be stored in the folder Lou Green_brn. You will need to look Þ |
  (1607)    Brain itself, make a copy of the .brn file located in the Þ |
  (1608)     copy the entire contents of the _brn Þ | folder associated with
  browse (1)
  (1410)    the Þ | Enabled box and use the | Browse button to find the
  built-in (1)
  (1067)     Web | The Brain has a convenient built-in web search tool in
  cabinets (1)
  (227)          far more flexible than) file cabinets or folders. But Þ |
  canned (1)
  (451)     | Giant." Under this is a list of canned vegetable products,
  caveat (1)
  (866)        from the Web, Þ | there is one caveat: the | picture may not
  chore (1)
  (1534)   relevant thoughts become more of a chore. |   | Moving files and
  chunks (1)
  (952)       This will allow Þ | you to move chunks of | information from
  clockwise (1)
  (1405)        of its motion from a constant clockwise rotation to a Þ |
  clockwise- (1)
  (1405)           to a Þ | randomly shifting clockwise- | counterclockwise
  clutter (2)
  (698)      of forgetting as a way to remove clutter Þ | from the plex.  | 
  (1339)   Distant thoughts may contribute to clutter in the plex, Þ | even
  cluttered (1)
  (1533)         approach, your Brain will be cluttered with thoughts you
  com (6)
  (6)              web site - |   | Version 1.02  |
  (79)   Þ | area at | All three of these
  (83)    department at |   | Phone Technical
  (336)    example http://www.Þ | | 3.?From one of the
  (1065)              site at Our site also includes
  (1569)    download Þ | from |   | Appendix D -
  context-sensitive (5)
  (549)     | content and relationships, this context-sensitive menu will
  (774)    | applicable option appears on the context-sensitive Thought
  (790)      This is done by clicking the Þ | context-sensitive |   |
  (847)     corner of the | Tools Window is a context-sensitive button.
  (1306)   | using Undo and Redo. | This is a context-sensitive setting and
  counterclockwise (1)
  (1406)   Þ | randomly shifting clockwise- | counterclockwise motion. |   |
  cross-referenced (1)
  (439)     structure | can provide this much cross-referenced information
  cumbersome (1)
  (1073)    Þ | another site or typing in a | cumbersome URL. |   | Creating
  desktoptoys (1)
  (336)      site, for example http://www.Þ | | 3.?From one
  dock (2)
  (1250)     upon whether you have elected to dock along the side Þ | or
  (1641)   be displayed on the plex. | ? |  | dock - The Brain Window can be
  docked (5)
  (1219)   works when the Brain Þ | Window is docked (see | below).  |   |
  (1234)    |  | The Brain Window can also be docked by dragging the auto
  (1249)       However, with the Brain Window docked, it will always take up
  (1251)    in the Þ | direction opposite the docked side. |   | To resize
  (1365)           If the Brain Window Þ | is docked, the | windows of other
  docking (2)
  (1221)      sides of your monitor (Þ | see "Docking," below). |   | When
  (1231)   on top of other applications. |  | Docking | This portion of The
  dotted (4)
  (712)           instead of clicking Þ | the dotted line, right-click the |
  (730)           thoughts are displayed | as dotted lines. |   | Forgotten
  (749)           (see above). | 3.?Click the dotted line linking it to the
  (766)           instead of clicking Þ | the dotted line, right-click the |
  drag (73)
  (27)    think. |  | With a simple click and drag interface you can create
  (199)   mouse, click the Þ | child gate and drag a line | to any empty
  (219)    "Work" is still in the child zone, drag down from its child
  (258)       from Windows to The Brain. |  | Drag File to Create Thought | 
  (260)         or My Computer. (You can also drag files from the Þ |
  (263)     Þ | the Brain Window (or | simply drag the file over the
  (264)       the file over the button). | 5.?Drag the file to the plex. Do
  (265)    that depending upon which zone you drag the file over, a link Þ |
  (269)   to the new thought's Þ | name. |  | Drag File to Existing Thought 
  (274)         or My Computer. (You can also drag files from the Þ |
  (277)     Þ | the Brain Window (or | simply drag the file over the
  (278)      the file over the button). | 6.? Drag the file directly on top
  (281)    left of the thought's | name. |  | Drag a Folder to Create
  (286)     be related in | some way. |  | To drag a folder into your
  (291)     the Þ | Brain Window (or simply | drag the folder over the
  (292)     the folder over the button). | 5.?Drag the folder from its
  (293)    that depending upon which zone you drag the folder over, a link
  (317)    | The same applies for folders you drag into your Brain. |   |
  (337)    one of the active thought's gates, drag a link to anywhere on the
  (350)      a web Þ | page attached. |  | 1.?Drag from a gate or choose
  (377)           already on Þ | the desktop, drag the | shortcut onto the
  (385)     Accessories, Þ | then Games. | 4.?Drag the Solitaire shortcut
  (472)   Þ | active thought, you can: |  | •?Drag the thought there by
  (474)   Create Pin. |  | Remember, when you drag a thought to create a
  (477)   If you wish to remove a pin, simply drag it into the menu bar or
  (580)  |  | Using the Auto Hide Button with Drag & Drop | When the Brain
  (584)  |  | 1.?Start Windows Explorer. | 2.?Drag the file to the auto hide
  (586)     will Þ | appear. | 3.?Continue to drag the file into the proper
  (606)          Visible in the Plex | Simply drag from the appropriate gate
  (607)        in the plex. | The thought you drag from does not have to be
  (608)   to have its gates displayed. If you drag from an Þ | inactive
  (609)      a | new thought, the thought you drag from will be activated.
  (609)   drag from will be activated. If you drag a Þ | link from an
  (611)    plex will not change. |  | You can drag to create a link between
  (615)      Visible in the Plex | You cannot drag to create a link directly
  (617)     on the past thought list, you can drag links to them. Or, Þ |
  (618)      Þ | you can link by naming. |  | Drag to a Pin | You can create
  (619)      plex if it Þ | has a pin. Simply drag from the | appropriate
  (626)    between thoughts will remain. |  | Drag to the Past Thought List 
  (650)           file, you will then have to drag the file back into your
  (676)    To change the relationship: |  | •?Drag from a different gate.
  (678)    thought in its | new zone. Or, | •?Drag the thought around the
  (679)            upon the zone to which you drag the thought. |   |
  (834)        that is currently | open. | 2.?Drag the .brn file into the
  (844)       to suit your Þ | needs - simply drag the | buttons to the left
  (864)      Embedding (OLE) will let Þ | you drag and drop into | Notes.
  (866)    have Þ | as a Note, go ahead and | drag it right into Notes.
  (876)    in which to save the picture. | 4.?Drag the saved image from
  (891)    icons for additional files and Þ | drag the icons into Notes. |
  (906)        When you've done this, you can drag the file into the Þ |
  (1077)           on | your browser, you can drag directly from any gate to
  (1079)    page even if The Brain is hidden. Drag Þ | the icon next to the
  (1081)       hide button. |  | You can also drag from a thought's gate to
  (1103)         application does not support drag and drop, you can copy Þ 
  (1106)       since Þ | none of them support drag | and drop and since the
  (1138)   or file at a time, you can: |  | •?Drag additional thoughts from
  (1141)     | thought. |  | If you happen to drag in a thought whose file
  (1197)   access to a copy of a file, simply drag and drop Þ | it to
  (1221)   docked (see | below). |  | You can drag the auto hide button to
  (1254)   a Þ | double arrow. | 2.?Click and drag the side of the Brain
  (1254)     to the desired size. You can Þ | drag it all the way to | the
  (1258)    you only want to adjust its size, drag any side or a Þ | corner
  (1264)    the Tools | Window larger. Simply drag the line between them to
  (1273)   appear telling you that you can | "drag to resize." You will want
  (1438)   My Computer, or Þ | the desktop to drag the | file into the plex.
  (1530)    it will take all of the files you drag over and make them child
  (1531)    of Þ | the thought to which you | drag them. These child
  (1578)   of the Tools Window.? |  | I can't drag objects from Netscape.? |
  (1581)     Internet Explorer.? |  | I can't drag files from the Open Files
  (1582)       |  | Applications that support drag and drop from Open Files
  (1582)     Open Files will allow you to Þ | drag a file to a thought. If |
  (1583)    your application does not support drag and drop from Open Files,
  (1583)     Open Files, you will Þ | have to drag the file to the | thought
  dragged (3)
  (613)     not have gates, so links | can be dragged to them, but not from
  (837)      | from the open Brain to the one dragged in. |   | When you
  (1110)   to e-mail messages will need to be dragged into their own Þ |
  dragging (23)
  (257)           You can do this easily | by dragging the file from Windows
  (307)        icons. |  | Different Types of Dragging | In the methods
  (308)     | In the methods described above, dragging created shortcut
  (318)      use these different types of Þ | dragging, see | Appendix A.  |
  (321)      creating a shortcut to a file by dragging the existing file Þ |
  (332)     be attached in any of three ways: dragging, selecting content,Þ 
  (333)       content,Þ | and naming. |  | By Dragging |   | 1.? Activate
  (470)        Pins | A pin can be created by dragging any thought visible
  (573)   can create a new thought by: |  | •?Dragging from a gate of a
  (574)   a gate of a thought in the plex | •?Dragging a file from Windows
  (584)    in mind the different types Þ | of dragging (see Appendix | A).
  (591)      active Þ | thought. |  | To make dragging and dropping easier,
  (627)    the plex to another thought Þ | by dragging a link from the |
  (632)    1.?Create a new thought, either by dragging or using the Thought
  (866)    it right into Notes. However, when dragging in a picture from the
  (1075)       create thoughts of them by Þ | dragging them into the | plex,
  (1097)   out | of e-mail messages by simply dragging the message into the
  (1234)   Brain Window can also be docked by dragging the auto hide button
  (1270)   and its thoughts can be changed by dragging the Þ | re-sizing
  (1439)    the plex. There are three ways of dragging files, each of which
  (1441)          for hard disk | space. |  | Dragging Files | Simply
  (1442)         |  | Dragging Files | Simply dragging a file from Windows
  (1628)     the | screen, or attach files by dragging them to it. |   |
  drop-down (3)
  (1349)    been working on. |  | Font | This drop-down menu allows you to
  (1353)         created the content. In this drop-down menu, Þ | you can
  (1357)    Window. |  | Order By | When this drop-down menu is set to Name,
  edge (2)
  (1235)    | desktop. It will always hug the edge of the display, and its
  (1253)          your pointer over its outer edge until the pointer changes
  embedding (2)
  (864)      that supports Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) will let Þ |
  (1665)        |  | OLE - Object Linking and Embedding, a standard that
  enhance (1)
  (528)      ways to create | those links and enhance the usefulness,
  enhanced (1)
  (70)               access to web Brains | •?Enhanced technical support | 
  far-flung (1)
  (360)     active thought, can link together far-flung groups Þ | of
  flash (1)
  (1361)       computers cause the pointer to flash in the plex. Check this
  flashing (1)
  (1360)        was active. |  | Stop Pointer Flashing | Some older
  foolproof (1)
  (1506)    the same extension, this is not a foolproof method, but it is
  greyed-out (1)
  (550)        | to you - no more frustrating greyed-out options. |   | For
  haphazardly (1)
  (1540)       that cannot be done quickly or haphazardly Þ | without
  highlight (3)
  (488)    cause The Brain to enlarge Þ | and highlight the name for |
  (515)    Pressing ALT-arrows causes a | red highlight to appear around the
  (1341)    pointer over a distant thought to highlight it and make it Þ |
  highlighted (2)
  (468)   pin's name will be enlarged and Þ | highlighted. |   | Creating
  (1547)        the ALT key activates the Þ | highlighted thought. |   |
  idle (2)
  (1374)   web sites. |  | Count X Minutes of Idle Time as Active | Use this
  (1378)     accuracy,Þ | a shorter period of idle | time should be
  inconspicuous (1)
  (111)    on | top of other windows. It's an inconspicuous black square
  invoice (4)
  (1156)        | such as a form letter or an invoice. The Brain makes this
  (1159)    Þ | files. For example, a blank | invoice form to which you add
  (1159)   information and save under Þ | its invoice number. A | template
  (1163)      it, | such as "Form Letter" or "Invoice Template." | 2.?Create
  juggling (1)
  (1134)    or | hunting for a shortcut. |  | Juggling Several Thoughts at
  lou (13)
  (165)   | Let's take a quick tour | through Lou Green's Brain. Lou is the
  (165)     tour | through Lou Green's Brain. Lou is the editor of a Chicago
  (171)        click "Open Lou's Brain." |  | Lou has organized his Brain
  (173)       | wherever you are in the plex. Lou has created pins that will
  (173)        him to Þ | easily get back to "Lou | Green" (and from there
  (177)        this is Þ | a list of thoughts Lou has | recently navigated
  (178)   from his past thought Þ | list that Lou has recently been |
  (181)      will help him at work. |  | When Lou is thinking about
  (183)          and "Writers." | This allows Lou to get to the stories in
  (190)       other types of data. |  | Since Lou always needs to keep in
  (464)           Þ | thoughts. |  | Remember Lou Green's Brain and the way
  (1516)      the name. So for a Brain named "Lou Þ | Green," files attached
  (1517)        would be stored in the folder Lou Green_brn. You will need
  lou's (3)
  (165)    the editor of a Chicago Newspaper. Lou's Þ | Brain is available
  (170)    of the opening screen, click "Open Lou's Brain." |   | Lou has
  (177)    Section 5.) |  | Below the plex is Lou's "past thought list." As
  natrificial” (1)
  (6)        is | available for free from the Natrificial™ web site -
  notch (1)
  (1266)        Windows, there is a Þ | small notch called the | Splitter
  on-the-fly (1)
  (640)         to your Brain itself is saved on-the-fly. There Þ | is never
  pending (1)
  (9)      1.02 | February 25, 1998 | Patents pending. ? 1998 Natrificial
  plex (99)
  (106)      area of a Brain is | called the "plex," which is a collection
  (107)      navigate between thoughts, | the plex updates to allow you to
  (124)        Thought | At the center of the plex is the "active thought,"
  (128)          it when it is visible in the plex. Try Þ | clicking the
  (129)     is now the active thought and the plex regroups around it,Þ |
  (137)            of information. On the Þ | plex, a parent thought is |
  (145)         zone, to its right in the Þ | plex. |   | Jump Thought  |
  (172)           | and "Personal." Above the plex is an area for "pins."
  (173)       there | wherever you are in the plex. Lou has created pins
  (177)        see Section 5.) |  | Below the plex is Lou's "past thought
  (205)        another way. |  | 1.?Above the plex, click the Thought Menu.
  (244)       | 2.?Look at the thought in the plex. To the left of the name
  (264)    button). | 5.?Drag the file to the plex. Do not drop the file
  (292)        from its Windows folder to the plex. Do not drop it yet. |   
  (316)    while dropping | the file into the plex. |   | The same applies
  (335)       (If "Fun" is not visible on the plex, navigate to it by
  (359)    significant reconfiguration of the plex. As the name suggests,
  (378)          drag the | shortcut onto the plex, linking it to the active
  (385)       the Solitaire shortcut into the plex, linking it to the active
  (394)   | where they are displayed on the | plex. The categories describe
  (455)   thought are always displayed on the plex. Distant Þ | thoughts are
  (462)    No matter where you Þ | are in the plex, the pins | remain
  (465)         click the desired pin and the plex will immediately
  (470)   dragging any thought visible on the plex or the Þ | past thought
  (475)     thought. The thought stays in the plex. |   | Deleting Pins  |
  (483)           | at the very bottom of the plex and can be turned on and
  (491)       list, simply click it Þ | - the plex will reconfigure to |
  (506)    in the rest. | 3.?Press ENTER. The plex will reconfigure to
  (507)    can be closed by pressing ESC. The plex will Þ | remain as is.  |
  (520)   72 are displayed at Þ | once in the plex - the rest | can be
  (524)           earlier in this manual, the plex can display a Þ | great
  (554)    | applying to any thought in | the plex, not just the active
  (558)   the likelier it is to appear in the plex in its entirety. |   | It
  (573)       from a gate of a thought in the plex | •?Dragging a file from
  (574)          a file from Windows into the plex | •?Using the Thought
  (585)     touches the auto hide button, the plex will Þ | appear.  |
  (587)     your pointer moves into the Þ | a plex a line will form |
  (589)      Þ | in; as you move | around the plex, the line will jump from
  (605)       |  | To Thoughts Visible in the Plex | Simply drag from the
  (606)      other thought Þ | visible in the plex. | The thought you drag
  (610)       from an inactive thought, | the plex will not change. |   |
  (614)   |  | To Thoughts Not Visible in the Plex | You cannot drag to
  (616)   it Þ | cannot be displayed in the | plex. But you still can make
  (619)    thought that is not visible on the plex if it Þ | has a pin.
  (627)     can link a thought visible in the plex to another thought Þ | by
  (676)    •?Drag from a different gate. The plex will automatically
  (696)    - it simply will not appear in the plex unless you have chosen to
  (698)    way to remove clutter Þ | from the plex. |   | How to Forget  | 
  (706)        the last remaining link to the plex, that thought is Þ |
  (725)             Forgotten Thoughts in the Plex | Forgotten thoughts can
  (729)      will be displayed in grey in the plex. Links to Þ | forgotten
  (731)     thoughts will still appear in the plex and on the past thought
  (732)    or not they are | displayed on the plex. Clicking these will both
  (749)     the dotted line linking it to the plex. | 4.?Confirm that you
  (834)   the .brn file into the open Brain's plex and create the Þ |
  (842)   together. |  | 8. Tools | Below the plex, the Brain Window
  (1076)      by Þ | dragging them into the | plex, as described in Sections
  (1097)        dragging the message into the plex and linking Þ | it in any
  (1138)         additional thoughts from the plex into the application, or 
  (1260)   reached the desired size. |  | The Plex and Tools Windows | You
  (1261)          size and positioning of the plex and Tools Þ | Windows. If
  (1262)         you may Þ | wish to make the plex | larger. On the other
  (1265)       the positions of the Tools and plex Windows. |   | In the
  (1266)   the middle of the line between the plex and Tools Windows, there
  (1267)    change the orientation Þ | of the plex and Tools | Windows from
  (1269)      to the left and right. |  | The Plex Itself | The scale of the
  (1270)   The Plex Itself | The scale of the plex and its thoughts can be
  (1274)    size Þ | that suits you. |  | The plex can be resized at any
  (1278)            | in an empty area of the plex. The Options Menu
  (1320)     of forgotten thoughts in the Þ | plex. As discussed in Section 
  (1321)      thoughts must be visible in the plex to be deleted. If a Þ |
  (1334)        the Siblings box will set the plex to display the active
  (1339)     may contribute to clutter in the plex, Þ | even though they are
  (1342)       Of course, if you resize | the plex, distant thoughts will
  (1342)      rest of the Þ | thoughts in the plex. |   | Markers  | There
  (1350)     to Þ | display thoughts in the | plex. There is no setting for
  (1358)          order. You can also set the plex to display them Þ | based
  (1361)    cause the pointer to flash in the plex. Check this box Þ | to
  (1397)        with | which you navigate the plex, since you don't want The
  (1400)         appears in the center of the plex. Immediately around it Þ 
  (1403)      Indicator | removes it from the plex and the active thought
  (1404)       as its central position in the plex. If you keep the active
  (1408)    Wallpaper | The background of the plex can be changed to any
  (1439)          to drag the | file into the plex. There are three ways of
  (1442)         a file from Windows into the plex will attach to the Þ |
  (1546)   use ALT-arrow keys to navigate the plex. A red box around the Þ |
  (1614)       a thought to the center of the plex and make it the Þ |
  (1617)         occupies the center | of the plex and is encircled by the
  (1636)       Close thoughts | appear on the plex.? |   | delete - The
  (1639)          can Þ | be displayed on the plex. | ?  |   | dock - The
  (1642)       - To remove a thought from the plex without deleting it, it's
  (1651)         a thought not visible in the plex Þ | but whose name you
  (1655)   significant reconfiguration of the plex than activating other
  (1657)       connecting two thoughts in the plex. Links can be created Þ |
  (1673)            list on the bottom of the plex showing Þ | the order in
  (1675)      to a thought not visible on the plex, pins can be created Þ |
  (1677)     just below the | Menu Bar.? |  | plex - The visible portion of
  (1681)       that has been removed from the plex by forgetting can Þ | be
  (1695)     site.? |  | zones - Areas in the plex displaying thoughts
  pointer (16)
  (266)   between the active thought and your pointer. |   | 1.?Drop the
  (278)      an icon Þ | appears next to your pointer. | 7.?Drop the file.
  (294)   between the active thought and your pointer. |   | 1.?Drop the
  (467)           You can move your mouse Þ | pointer to the list, and as
  (487)        As with Þ | pins, holding your pointer over | the small name
  (585)   (see Appendix | A). When your mouse pointer touches the auto hide
  (587)   thought). Note that as soon as your pointer moves into the Þ | a
  (1215)    whenever you Þ | click your mouse pointer in | another
  (1253)      Brain Window: |  | 1.?Move your pointer over its outer edge
  (1253)        over its outer edge until the pointer changes to a Þ |
  (1272)     below). If | you move your mouse pointer over the re-sizing
  (1341)     small, you can move | your mouse pointer over a distant thought
  (1360)    Þ | thought was active. |  | Stop Pointer Flashing | Some older
  (1361)     | Some older computers cause the pointer to flash in the plex.
  (1362)       if you select this option your pointer may respond more
  (1547)       the | current position of the "pointer." Releasing the ALT
  procrastinate (1)
  (363)    working on each she'll need to Þ | procrastinate, so she creates 
  randomly (2)
  (1316)   select this option, The Brain will randomly step Þ | through the
  (1405)          clockwise rotation to a Þ | randomly shifting clockwise- |
  retracing (1)
  (335)        on the plex, navigate to it by retracing Þ | your thoughts.)
  retrieve (1)
  (1493)           the application's Save and Retrieve Files Windows. Often,
  retrieving (1)
  (1492)      section dealing with saving and retrieving files. | •?Check
  revert (1)
  (1145)   Word will ask you if you want to " revert" to the last saved Þ |
  rightmost (4)
  (493)      Þ | update to show this as the | rightmost or most recent
  (502)   is Þ | displayed and click on the | rightmost thought (which also
  (503)     to scroll in order | to reach the rightmost thought. | 2.?When
  (1652)        box is opened by clicking the rightmost thought in Þ | the
  shift-dropping (2)
  (1454)   to create a copy of the file. |  | SHIFT-dropping Files |
  (1455)    file. |  | SHIFT-dropping Files | SHIFT-dropping moves the file
  shifting (1)
  (1405)           rotation to a Þ | randomly shifting clockwise- |
  shortcut (34)
  (119)    page, a Þ | spreadsheet, a file, a shortcut, a | game, an
  (305)        at the lower left, it is a Þ | shortcut. Most Windows |
  (308)     described above, dragging created shortcut files in your Þ |
  (309)    the Brain. Þ | You can tell that a shortcut has | been created by
  (320)       see | Appendix A. |  | Attach a Shortcut to a Thought | We
  (321)          | We just covered creating a shortcut to a file by dragging
  (322)    a thought. You can also | attach a shortcut using the Select
  (324)   have content. | 2.?Click the Create Shortcut to File... button. |
  (325)       to which you wish to create the shortcut. | 4.?Click Open.  | 
  (327)   shortcut. | 4.?Click Open. |  | The shortcut icon appears to the
  (377)   you want to add to your Brain has a shortcut already on Þ | the
  (378)        on Þ | the desktop, drag the | shortcut onto the plex,
  (380)    the Start Menu | If there is not a shortcut on the desktop: |   |
  (383)     the "Games" folder and locate the shortcut to Solitaire. (With
  (385)   then Games. | 4.?Drag the Solitaire shortcut into the plex,
  (598)           with one file, web page, or shortcut. Þ | However, the
  (773)      File, Delete Web Page, or Delete Shortcut, whichever Þ |
  (792)   you have a thought with an attached shortcut to a file that
  (793)   deleted from the folder and Þ | the shortcut will be | replaced by
  (800)    be associated with the | file by a shortcut. Clicking the thought
  (858)           with one file, web page, or shortcut,Þ | it can also
  (862)      like a picture or Þ | a sound, a shortcut, or any | combination
  (891)   | happy to hear that you can create shortcut icons for additional
  (1104)        create a thought and attach a shortcut to the Þ | e-mail
  (1130)     player, etc., | you can attach a shortcut to a thought that
  (1133)    the Start Menu or | hunting for a shortcut. |   | Juggling
  (1443)         not the actual file, but a | shortcut to it. You would use
  (1445)     or location of the file, the Þ | shortcut you've established in
  (1591)         |  | I cannot attach a file, shortcut, or web page to a
  (1623)     may be associated with one file, shortcut, or web page. Þ |
  (1624)    exists, the thought and its file, shortcut, or web page are said
  (1675)       of Þ | the list.? |  | pin - A shortcut to a thought not
  (1685)     a particular Þ | category.? |  | shortcut - A small file and
  (1686)    opened from | the location of the shortcut rather than the
  shots (1)
  (5)     manual, including convenient screen shots, diagrams, Þ | and an
  sibling (10)
  (145)       thought. The active | thought's sibling thoughts appear in the
  (145)        sibling thoughts appear in the sibling zone, to its right in
  (191)       siblings are | displayed in the sibling zone to the right of
  (405)             These departments are all sibling thoughts Þ | to each
  (429)   of it's Þ | power. Let's consider | sibling thoughts that also
  (448)       thought called "Fairy Tales." A sibling of "Frog Prince" is
  (1334)        thought's Þ | siblings in the sibling zone | to the right of
  (1600)        be a parent, child, jump, and sibling at the same time?? | 
  (1688)      | siblings are displayed in the sibling zone, to the active
  (1697)    to its left. In Þ | addition, the sibling zone is to the |
  siblings (13)
  (143)     child thoughts Þ | are considered siblings of | each other.
  (144)           of | each other. Generally, siblings are part of the group
  (181)     is thinking about "Stories," it's siblings "Advertisers,"
  (190)    he's working on, "Þ | Big Crime's" siblings are | displayed in
  (426)         can be a parent to one of its siblings and a Þ | thought can
  (454)   they are linked directly Þ | or are siblings. Close | thoughts of
  (1333)     Menu. | General Preferences |  | Siblings | Checking the
  (1334)         |  | Siblings | Checking the Siblings box will set the plex
  (1334)     display the active thought's Þ | siblings in the sibling zone |
  (1335)    of the active thought. Unchecked, siblings will not be Þ |
  (1687)      the location of the file.? |  | siblings? - Two or more
  (1687)      parent. When a thought with Þ | siblings is active, the |
  (1688)   with Þ | siblings is active, the | siblings are displayed in the
  sibling's (1)
  (419)   jump gate is now hollow, while it's sibling's jump Þ | gate still
  skip (2)
  (54)       your computer supports Autoplay, skip to step 3. Otherwise,
  (1056)          within the site better, and skip pages at will. It's like
  slide (3)
  (1392)   the Animation can be set using the slide bar. |   | Auto Open
  (1394)     you will be Þ | able to use this slide | bar to set the delay
  (1402)       thought Indicator. | With this slide bar you can set the
  spatially (1)
  (1590)      centers or tops. A Brain is not spatially organized.? |   | I
  splits (1)
  (407)   of | the department. If an employee splits time between Sales and
  splitter (2)
  (1267)    is a Þ | small notch called the | Splitter Button. Clicking the
  (1267)      | Splitter Button. Clicking the Splitter Button will change
  spreadsheet (1)
  (119)         a document, a web page, a Þ | spreadsheet, a file, a
  spreadsheets (1)
  (24)   of information, including documents, spreadsheets, images,
  stand-alone (1)
  (1107)   and since the mail readers are not stand-alone applications,
  straightforward (1)
  (1535)   are inside The Brain is not as Þ | straightforward as it is in |
  stretches (1)
  (1419)    time goes on you will go for long stretches without Þ | thinking
  taskbar (2)
  (381)   click the Start Menu on the Windows Taskbar. | 2.?Choose Open to
  (1241)     click | its entry on the Windows Taskbar. |   | In this mode,
  toggle (1)
  (726)         thoughts can be displayed. To toggle this feature on or
  toggles (1)
  (1320)   | Forgotten Thoughts | This option toggles on and off the display
  track (2)
  (494)   the list is not displayed, it keeps track of the order of your Þ |
  (1008)       thought. It Þ | helps you keep track of | which thoughts are
  troubleshooting (1)
  (1570)                    |  | Appendix D - Troubleshooting | Below you
  troublesome (1)
  (1036)     thoughts. | But where the Web is troublesome is the very source
  typeface (1)
  (1349)        menu allows you to select the typeface that will be used to
  unwittingly (1)
  (1505)         it is possible for a user to unwittingly register a file
  wholesale (1)
  (1533)     as Þ | you use them. With this | wholesale approach, your Brain
  wrap (1)
  (936)         (Note Þ | that buttons do not wrap, | so if your window is
  wraps (1)
  (930)   to work with margins and the way it wraps Þ | lines is dependent


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