Exemple de creació de llistat de freqüència amb el TACT (Part III)

Aquest és un llistat de les paraules del text d'exemple per ordre de freqüència:

[Fixeu-vos que les paraules no estan per ordre alfabètic sinó que estan endreçades pel nombre de vegades que apareixen al text. La primera paraula és la que més vegades surt al text i la última la que menys. A l'esquerra surt el nombre de vegades que apareix cada paraula. Les paraules que apareixen el mateix nombre de vegades al text estan endreçades per ordre alfabètic].


 1757  the
  862  to
  736  you
  620  a
  590  thought
  441  of
  410  brain
  364  and
  311  in
  289  will
  281  is
  267  thoughts
  240  your
  234  it
  221  can
  219  be
  214  that
  189  file
  181  or
  174  if
  147  are
  147  on
  142  for
  133  with
  132  active
  132  from
  130  this
  124  as
  116  s
  115  by
  112  not
  110  have
  109  create
  108  web
  102  files
   99  plex
   99  when
   93  window
   81  menu
   80  click
   80  its
   75  other
   74  name
   73  child
   73  drag
   71  see
   70  wish
   69  into
   67  one
   65  all
   65  any
   64  list
   63  application
   63  notes
   62  new
   61  at
   60  but
   60  information
   60  windows
   59  an
   59  link
   59  more
   57  use
   57  which
   56  button
   53  content
   53  has
   53  open
   51  choose
   51  1
   50  want
   49  page
   48  time
   46  may
   46  2
   45  section
   44  between
   44  folder
   44  only
   44  parent
   44  way
   43  displayed
   43  links
   43  move
   42  no
   41  also
   41  attached
   41  do
   40  gate
   40  using
   39  copy
   39  each
   39  find
   39  there
   38  select
   37  another
   37  appear
   37  applications
   37  jump
   37  •
   37  so
   37  3
   36  box
   36  make
   36  save
   35  them
   35  they
   34  auto
   34  creating
   34  display
   34  forgotten
   34  shortcut
   34  up
   33  clicking
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   33  zone
   32  activate
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   32  same
   32  these
   31  existing
   30  hide
   30  need
   30  note
   30  type
   30  work
   29  past
   29  related
   29  we
   28  example
   28  right
   28  site
   27  launch
   27  t
   26  computer
   26  pin
   25  called
   25  created
   25  their
   25  two
   25  4
   24  below
   24  delete
   24  order
   24  search
   24  than
   23  brains
   23  dragging
   23  folders
   23  now
   23  pins
   23  relationships
   23  set
   23  simply
   22  browser
   22  different
   22  just
   22  linked
   22  pages
   22  used
   21  how
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   21  my
   21  options
   21  relationship
   21  ve
   20  about
   20  check
   20  does
   20  extension
   20  left
   20  most
   20  word
   19  always
   19  automatically
   19  change
   19  e-mail
   19  help
   19  natrificial
   19  tool
   19  working
   18  able
   18  back
   18  been
   18  before
   18  however
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   18  like
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   17  above
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   17  ll
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   16  our
   16  own
   16  pointer
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   16  some
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   16  without
   15  access
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   15  brn
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   14  mind
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   14  stored
   14  support
   14  text
   14  top
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   13  activation
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   13  down
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   13  look
   13  method
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   13  screen
   13  several
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   13  template
   13  undo
   13  6
   12  ask
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   11  activated
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   11  5
   10  begin
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   10  hard
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   10  simple
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Tornar endarrera