Volapuk, constructed by German priest Monsignor Johann Martin Schleyer in 1880. Dead by now, but had 100,000 followers at its peak. Esperanto, constructed. URL: www.sima.sintef.no/~bjoerns/Links/interlinguistics.html
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. . URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/book-custo...ancoisgaulthie/
About interlinguistics. Interlinguistics is the study of how languages are used to communicate between different linguistic groups, and in particular how.. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/interl.html
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. . URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/book-conte...ancoisgaulthie/
Home Page on. Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics. Informoj en Esperanto troveblas cxi tie. This site provides a English-language guide to scholarly... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/studies.html
Welcome to BJA-LISTO. the Internet forum on social interlinguistics. Hejmpagho en Esperanto. WHAT IS BJA-LISTO? The BJA-LISTO mailing list is intended... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/bja-angla.html
Interlinguistics and the Internet. Mark Fettes Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education University of Toronto. Klaus Schubert, on the basis of. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/internet.html
Home Page on Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics. CONTENTS: English-language guide to Esperanto and its relations to other fields of general and... URL: www.konbib.nl/dutchess.ned/18/97/info-0263.html
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. . URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0761808477/
What is interlinguistics? Interlinguistics is the study of planned languages. Interlinguistics is the study of vehicular languages for interethnic... URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/ikpl.htm
Fundamental Bibliography of Interlinguistics. Baza Bibliografio de Interlingvistiko. Liu Haitao. Kompare kun aliaj branchoj de lingvistiko, unu el la plej. URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/ikbiblio.htm
The Languages of the World by Computers and the Internet. (Commonly called Kotoba Home Page or Logos Home Page) For each of the Languages of the World,... URL: www.netpassport.or.jp/~wymikami/
THE INTERNATIONAL VOCABULARY. This Dictionary comprises some 27,000 entries. It is not a complete compilation of the international vocabulary and could... URL: www.interlingua.org/intro3.html
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures The Ohio State University. Autumn 1997 Course Offerings Yiddish and Ashkenazic Studies. YIDDISH 101... URL: www.germanic.ohio-state.edu/yasp/au97.htm
Laste Aperis. Aprilo, 1997. El la revuo Esperanto. Auxtunaj folioj el MiedzygÛrze, La. Versajxoj. Leszek L,egowski (1933). El la pola trad. Urszula... URL: webcom.com/~donh/Esperanto/laperis.9704.html
Map of Tsuguya Sasaki's site about his personal information, research interests (especially Hebrew and Jewish linguistics), research projects, courses, URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/map.html
Towards an Interlingual Internet. The Internet began as a U.S.-based research project, and its early norms were designed for the use of monolingual... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/netlang.html
Esperantic Studies. Esperantic Studies is an occasional English-language newsletter on current topics and projects in the areas of Esperanto studies and... URL: infoweb.magi.com/~mfettes/es.html
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r4.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 7, Fall 1996. Index to this issue. Esperanto Speakers Define Mission. Conference: Language Rights & Responsibilities. Languages. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es7.html
International Auxiliary Languages. "That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest... URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/index.html
nbsp; Arta lingvo estas ebla, kaj oni povas trovi sciencon, formulantan ghiajn principojn. -- Rene Descartes. Divereco de la lingvoj estas unu el la plej.. URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/eniro.html
LINGUIST List 2.778. Tue 12 Nov 1991. Disc: Artificial Languages. Editor for this issue: Directory. Logical Language Group, Esperanto and artificial... URL: linguist.emich.edu/issues/2/2-778.html
Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. The Center for Research & Documentation on World Language Problems (CRD) is an... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/crd.html
Mark Fettes. Curriculum vitae. More information on my current work. Goal. A full-time teaching and/or research position in the fields of education or... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/cv.html
International Auxiliary Languages. "That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest... URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/
Esperanto in soziolinguistischer Sicht. 1. Einige Gr,nde f,r die Bescho/ooftigung mit Plansprachen. 1.1. Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Die Bescho/ooftigung mit... URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/2a_d.htm
ON LANGUAGE MAKING. VII Summary of Principles. Zamenhof admitted in Esperanto unlimited direct derivation without defining the derivatives arrived at, and. URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/OLM7.html
Interlinguistik im Internet. (Stand September 1996) 1. Einleitung. F,r die GIL-Zeitschrift Interlinguistische Informationen hatte ich vor einiger Zeit... URL: www.inx.de/~ubecker/internet.htm
Interlinguistics-Planned Languages-Esperanto. Computational Linguistics-Applied Linguistics-General linguistics. This site is in Chinese, English... URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/
nbsp; Interlingua-English. a dictionary of the international language prepared by the research staff of the International Auxiliary Language Association... URL: www.interlingua.org/index.html
Esperantic Studies Foundation. What is ESF? The Esperantic Studies Foundation works to understand and solve international language problems. Our focus is.. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/esf.html
Home page for Tsuguya Sasaki's personal information, research interests (especially Hebrew and Jewish linguistics), research projects, courses, catalog of URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/index.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 1 Spring 1991. Index to this issue. Introducing Ourselves ... Time to Learn Asian Latin? Two Languages for the Price of One?:... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es1.html
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r2.html
EUROPE'S BABYLON: TOWARDS A SINGLE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE? The following essay by Mark Fettes was awarded the Maxwell Prize for European Studies in 1990. The... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/eurlan.html
Esperanto Studies: An Overview. The following paper by Humphrey Tonkin and Mark Fettes was published in the series Esperanto Documents in 1996. 1. The... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/espstu.html
The Hector Hodler Library. History of the Library. Originally, the Biblioteko Hector Hodler was the book collection of the Swiss Esperanto Society (Svisa.. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/hodler.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 9, Winter/Spring 1998. Index to this issue. Student Diversity in Esperanto Learning. Locating Materials: The MLA Bibliography... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es9.html
Informado sen mitoj. Enhavo. La"do al la dubo. 1. Informado sen mitoj. 1.1 La fako informado. 1.2 Subfakoj. 1.2.1 Informado-enhavo. 1.2.2... URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/espero.../ziko/ziko1.htm
Wege zur interlinguistischen und esperantologischen Fachliteratur. Detlev Blanke. Interlinguistische und esperantologische Themen werden noch vorwiegend... URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/1a_d.htm
Translation bei Plansprachen - am Beispiel des Esperanto. Detlev Blanke. "Estas tre dezirinde, ke ni ne evitu malfacilajn tradukojn, eÊ kontra"e, ke ni... URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/4a_d.htm
Germana Esperanto-Biblioteko en Aalen. Sistema Katalogo la. UDK (Universala Dekuma Klasifo) Deutsche Esperanto-Bibliothek in Aalen: Systematischer Katalog. URL: www.cs.chalmers.se/~martinw/esperanto/aalen/kat.html
ON LANGUAGE MAKING. I Linguistics and Interlinguistics. In discussing to-day the development of artificial languages, I assume a basic acquaintance with... URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/OLM1.html
People Helping One Another Know Stuff. Freq. "Together, we know it all." ;POSTER_ID=;" TARGET=_top Pheedback. Recency. Top Posters. Area Summary. Help.. URL: www.phoaks.com/phoaks2/newsgroups/sci/lang/resources0.html
nbsp; The place for language resources in the internet. Here you'll find links to language courses, dictionaries, linguistics info, Esperanto,... URL: www.ceuc.unican.es/webmaster/langlinks.html
circa 1998-09-19T03:18:37+09:00 Welcome from scooter.pa-x.dec.com ( GOTOO Hitosi's Home Page. To the Japanese Version To the Esperanto... URL: www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~gothit/gothit-en.html
Book notice list - August 1998. Below is the list of books currently available for 500 word book notices. The opportunity to write book notices is... URL: semlab2.sbs.sunysb.edu/Language/bn.html
Links to Other Bah⋅'Ì Pages. Bah⋅'Ì Faith - Pages by Graham Sorenson. Bah⋅'Ì Tools for Microsoft Word 97 - by Todd Main. Links to Other Esperanto Pages... URL: www.borderline.ndirect.co.uk/links.htm
Psychological Reactions to Esperanto. The following paper by Claude Piron first appeared in the French-language series Documents sur l'espÈranto in the... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/psyres.html
Otto Jespersen. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Otto Jespersen.() Ligamines, Links, Ligoj. An International Language by Otto Jespersen, 1928 (J. Chandler's webpages)... URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/xjesprsn.html
DECLARACI" UNIVERSAL DE DRETS LING<ÕSTICS. [ Index | Recolzo el document | Ciemen ] PRELIMINARS Les institucions i organitzacions no-governamentals... URL: www.partal.com/ciemen/conf/dcat.html
nbsp; Esperanto Association of St. Louis. Esperanto-Asocio de Sankta-Luiso. The Esperanto Association of St. Louis promotes and encourages the knowledge... URL: www.icon-stl.net/~peggyd/asocio.htm
nbsp;[ Home | What's new? | Feedback | Documents | Discussions | Search ] PNostre pagina de novas continera information in re nove projectos e recercas,... URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/news.html
COLLEGE SURVIVAL HYPERLINKS. You can find an amazing amount of useful information, resources and assistance on the internet! The hyperlinks listed below... URL: www.collegesuccess.com/college6.htm
General Linguistics Allgemeine Linguistik. [Ordering Information] [Bestellinformation] Series/Reihe: World Anthropology. Approaches to Language.... URL: www.degruyter.de/catalog/8400.html
Surf Point Directory. Show banners with search results. What's New. What's Cool. List Your Site! Bookmark Manager. Home: Science & Technology: Social... URL: www.surfpoint.com/Science_Technology--So...inguistics.html
Introduction. In the history of the International Auxiliary Language Association ó and of the auxiliary-language movement as a whole ó the publication of.. URL: www.interlingua.org/intro1.html
Interstellar Communications. By Girvan McKay, T.A.S. Mysteries of the Cosmos. Even those of us who understand very little of the technicalities of... URL: homepages.iol.ie/~seanmck/comms.htm
Resumo de Esperanto sen mitoj. (Pardonu, mi estas komencanto en HTML, vi certe jam rimarkis.) reen al Dokumentoj. resumo de Ziko M. Sikosek: Esperanto sen. URL: www-city.europeonline.com/home/zsiko/esmr.htm
nbsp; Jewish Studies Course Offerings (click departments' names below to find courses) German Hebrew History History of Art Jewish Studies Near Eastern... URL: melton-center.ohio-state.edu/courses.htm
It's not just the literalspread of English after colonialism; global English signifies much more. URL: humanitas.ucsb.edu/users/raley/global-English.html
Esperanto. The International Language. Esperanto La Internacia Lingvo. Esperanto is a language that was developed in 1887 by Ludwik Zamenhof with the... URL: www.esperanto.com/esper1.html
nbsp;Back to Home Page. Back to Hotsites #1. Hot Sites & Radical Web Surf Part #2. As this list has become a bit too large I've decided to split it in... URL: www.ao.com.au/iangreen/hotsites_2.htm
Language Associations on the Web. LAC - BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. Associations and Organizations. American Name Society - founded to promote onomastics, the... URL: ccis01.baylor.edu/~LAC/Links_Associations.html
Hispanic Linguistics Volume 1, no. 1 (Spring 1984) Norman Sacks, Antonio de Nebrija: founder of Spanish Linguistics (part I); 1-33. M⋅ximo Torreblanca, El. URL: www.unm.edu/~hispling/vol1_1.html
CFP: Symposium on Memetics (Namur, August 1998) Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VUB.AC.BE) Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:33:11 +0200. About this archive (back to PCP)... URL: www.cpm.mmu.ac.uk/~bruce/PRNCYB-L/1464.html
London Esperanto Club. Por teksto en Esperanto, klaku cxi tie, aux tie se vi instalis tiparon latina-3. The London Esperanto Club has as its aims the... URL: pitch.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/lek-a
Universal Auxiliary Language. One of the great steps towards universal peace would be the establishment of a universal language. Baha'u'llah commands that. URL: web.nmsu.edu/~mktweb/uni-lang/inter-aux-lang.html
Language Problems and Language Planning. Editors: Probal Dasgupta, Marc van Oostendorp, Humphrey Tonkin Book Review Editors: Frank Nuessel and Renato... URL:
Last Modified: 30 August 1998 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for soc.culture.esperanto and esperanto-l@netcom.com (monthly posting) This posting... URL: www.esperanto.net/veb/faq.txt
Libroj pri - Books about. Esperanto. (the non-national language for international, inter-ethnic use) acheteblaj che - for sale at Amazon.com. Why... URL: www.geocities.com/Paris/8059/ama-espe.html
Contents Previous Next. 16. What Esperanto material is available on the Internet? Usenet. soc.culture.esperanto. The main Usenet newsgroup devoted to... URL: www.esperanto.net/veb/faq-16.html
About Esperanto. To learn more about Esperanto you can: read the basic flier provided by the Universal Esperanto Association. visit the Multilingual... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/espe.html
Esperantologio kaj Interlingvistiko. The English-language Home Page on Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics is here. . Enkonduko. Almenaux en la nuna... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/indekso.html
DLT - faktoj pri finita projekto. Klaus Schubert. 20- 2-96. Tra Esperantujo fantomas raportoj, supozoj kaj onidiroj pri la projekto DLT. Al mi venis la... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/DLT.html
Esperantic Studies Foundation. Program of Scientific Grants. ESF makes grants available for scientific training and for research aimed at solving... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/grants.html
Tiu cxi pagxo estas parto de la ´ Virtuala Esperanto-Bibliotekoª en TTT. For some background information in English, see the Home Page on Esperanto... URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/vortaroj.html
Language & Language Family Information. If you know of a home page for a language or language family that is not yet included on this list, please let us.. URL: www.philol.msu.ru/linguist/languages.html
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r3.html
Bonvenon! Welcome! Elektu inter / Choose from. Home Page / Hejmpagho. Not yet built. There'll be personal stuff here, mostly for friends and family.... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/index.html
Europe's Babylon. øUna lengua para Europa? El futuro de la Babel Europea. por Mark Fettes. "Llego a la conclusiÛn de que el problema de la lengua para la.. URL: www.distrito.com/esperanto/babel.htm
The Challenge of Interlingualism. A Research Invitation. Jonathan Pool and Mark Fettes Esperantic Studies Foundation. April 1998. Related documents: La... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ism.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 2 Winter 1992. Index to this issue. Ex Uno Plura? Language in the Electronic World. What Is Colloquial Esperanto? Ex Uno Plura?. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es2.html
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Prepared by: Dr. Alvino E. Fantini, Director... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r1.html
Aliaj lingvoj: Esperanto Italiano Suomeksi. Esperanto in 1996. In 1996 there were especially fruitful relations between Esperantists and international... URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/1996en.html
Multlingva Inform-Centro pri Esperanto: Informoj en multaj lingvoj pri Esperanto. - Multilingual Information Center about URL: esperanto.net/info/index_en.html
tre kore bonvenigas vin en Esperanto. Ludoviko ZAMENHOFO 1859-1917. Zamenhofo transplantis arbojn kaj florojn, arbedojn kaj herbojn, birdojn kaj... URL: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/profcon/e_enhav.htm
Home- What is NewHoo?- Add URL- Update URL- Become an Editor- Feedback. Help build the largest human-edited directory of the Web Become an Editor. NewHoo:. URL: www.newhoo.com/World/Esperanto/Scienco/
Esperantic Studies. Number 5, Spring 1995. This issue of Esperantic Studies is dedicated to the memory of William H. Schulze (1908-1993), pragmatic... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es5.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 8, Spring 1997. Index to this issue. Review Article: UN & Language Rights. Conference: Language and the Internet. University... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es8.html
TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION. L…GENDE DES ABR…VIATIONS : S : normalement destinÈ au programme de spÈcialisation ANG : pour les Ètudiants et Ètudiantes... URL: www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/cours/tra.html
Society and Esperanto. Name of the person representing the organization: Tzanko Todorov Ignev. Address: " Hadji Dimitar " Str., No. 17 1000 Sofia Bulgaria. URL: www.ngo.bg/ngo/socesper.htm
Yiddish. 314 Cunz Hall, 1841 Millikin Road, 292-6985. 101 Elementary Yiddish I U 5. Introduction to Yiddish; development of listening, reading, speaking... URL: www.ureg.ohio-state.edu/course/summer/re.../book3/B494.htm
12 FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN ZU ESPERANTO. Eine Information des Deutschen Esperanto-Bundes e.V. und der Deutschen Esperanto-Jugend e.V. 1. Mit wenigen Worten:.. URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/12frag.htm
RETURN TO LIST OF AVAILABLE DIGESTS. ------------------------------ ----------- PEIRCE-L Digest 1307 -- February 23, 1998... URL: www.door.net/arisbe/menu/people/PEIRCE-L/1307.htm
GRADUATE PROGRAM HANDBOOK of the Yiddish and Ashkenazic Program of the. Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures The Ohio State University.... URL: germanic.ohio-state.edu/yasp/yasphandbook.htm
Can Language Policy and Planning Become Interlingual? Mark Fettes Esperantic Studies Foundation. April 1998. Related documents: The Challenge of... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ism2.html
Komenco / Beginning / DÈbut / Anfang: FUR (c) -- Frequently Used Resources. Caution! These are "frequently used" by ME, not necessarily by the general. URL: southern.edu/~caviness/MLlokoj.html
Bonvenon al BJA-LISTO. la interreta forumo pri socia interlingvistiko. Information in English. LA CELOJ DE LA LISTO. La dissendo-listo BJA-LISTO celas... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/bja-listo.html
DeclaraciÛ universal de drets ling,Ìstics. Preliminars. Les institucions i organitzacions no-governamentals signat#ries de la present DeclaraciÛ Universal. URL: www.indigo.ie/egt/udhr/udlr-ca.html
Cambridge Esperanto Group. "What is Esperanto?" It's hard to explain in a few words what Esperanto is all about. Fortunately there's quite a lot of... URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/keg/
Reacciones psicolÛgicas al Esperanto. El siguiente ensayo de Claude Piron apareciÛ por primera vez en la serie en francÈs Documents sur l'espÈranto a... URL: www.dragonfire.net/~Esperanto/psicresp.htm
LANGUAGE INTITUTES. University College London Phonetics and Linguistics. University of Amsterdam - Institute of Phonetic Sciences. University of... URL: www.prospernet.com/artsscience/humanitie...institutes.html
OSIEK - Société d'Organisation de Colloques internationaux en Espéranto - Prix littéraire, Syndicat d'auditeurs de radio... URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7242/index_fr.html
1. HIL Matters. 1.1 Upcoming promotions! Σ 2 March: Roberto Bolognesi, UvA, 13.30. The Phonology of Campidanian Sardinian: A Unitary Account of a... URL: www.leidenuniv.nl/hil/hilnews/hnews52/hmatters.htm
Yiddish. 314 Cunz Hall, 1841 Millikin Road, 292-6985. 101 Elementary Yiddish I U 5. Introduction to Yiddish; development of listening, reading, speaking... URL: www.ureg.ohio-state.edu/course/summer/re.../book3/B494.htm
Meeuwis, Michael. Go to the STARTSCREEN. The author belongs to: UIA: Departement Germaanse Taal- en Letterkunde. Years: 1998. 1997. 1995. 1994. 1993. 1991. URL: www.ua.ac.be/AB/a10180.html
Top:Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Constructe Languages:Esperanto. Options. Search: All sites Asian sites only This category.. URL: www.yahoo.com.sg/Social_Science/Linguist...ages/Esperanto/
Top:Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Constructe Languages:Esperanto. Options. Search: All sites UK & Ireland sites only This... URL: www.yahoo.co.uk/Social_Science/Linguisti...ages/Esperanto/
Personalize. Help - Check Email. Home : Social Science : Linguistics and Human Languages : Languages : Constructed Languages : International Auxiliary... URL: www.yahoo.com/Social_Science/Linguistics...ages/Esperanto/
Top:Regional:Countries:Germany Social Science. Options. Search: All sites Asian sites only This category only Language@ 7. Deutscher Bibliothekskongress. URL: www.yahoo.com.sg/Regional/Countries/Germany/Social_Science/
Car. napre ------(J) cat: car ===========(A)Welcome to our Home Pages ( Global Online Japan ) Community. andrew ------(J/E)Andrew's 2nd Home... URL: www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/ohyama/dir_c.html
nbsp; Book notice list - JUNE 1998. Below is the list of books currently available for 500 word book notices. The opportunity to write book notices is... URL: semlab2.sbs.sunysb.edu/Language/bnold.html
Introduction to Linguistics. Field of Linguistics. FAQ about Linguistics. Lexicon of Linguistics. LINGUIST List. Noam Chomsky Interview. Phonetics &... URL: www.multimedia.calpoly.edu/libarts/jbattenb/ling/sites.html
Home. Log In. Import. Help. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon. Current Link: Esperanto. GO to this page. ADD this page to my... URL: www.links2go.com/more/http:/www.ringnett...jarte/PRIMI.HTM
Other Web Sites of Relevance to Global Governance. The home page of the Commission on Global Governance provides a summary of the Report of the Commission. URL: www.ozemail.com.au/~oneearth/othersites.html
Jonathan Robert Pool. Vice-President and Treasurer, Esperantic Studies Foundation. Addresses: Mail: Esperantic Studies Foundation, 6100 Southcenter... URL: www.centerplex.net/etc/esf/cvjrp.html
Esperanto books on Amazon.com. Concise Esperanto and English Dictionary Esperanto-English/English-Espe anto (Teach Yourself) J. C. Wells Paperback.... URL: aistar.kotel.co.kr/~espero/libro-servo/esp.html
Naar ÈÈn taal voor Europa? De toekomst van het Europese Babel. Mark Fettes. uitgegeven met de medewerking van Dr. Willem Verloren van Themaat en Mw. A. J.. URL: esperanto.agoranet.be/fel/nl/een.html
Home. Log In. Import. Help. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon. Current Link: Esperanto. GO to this page. ADD this page to my... URL: www.links2go.com/more/http:/wwwtios.cs.u...e.nl/esperanto/
Under Construction. I haven't very well developed my linguistic links yet. Here are a few links. Summer Institute of Linguistics. SIL's linguistics links.. URL: www.cs.uoregon.edu/~mhart/ling.html
Joitain linkkejo/oo. To/oollo/oo sivulla on joitain linkkejo/oo mielenkiintoisiksi tai hy^dyllisiksi katsomiini tietoihin. Ajanpuutteen vuoksi kokoelma ei ole juuri... URL: www.ling.helsinki.fi/~janiemi/linkit.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 6, Spring 1996. Index to this issue. Linguistic Rights: A Challenge for the UN? Which Language First? For a European Community.. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es6.html
Informilo por Interlingvistoj. 6-a jaro (tria serio) ISSN 1385-2191 n-roj 22-23 (3-4/1997) Eldonata de Centro de Esploro kaj Dokumentado pri la Monda... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ipi22-23.html
Mark Fettes. Current work. My curriculum vitae. The linguistic ecology of education. As a human science, linguistics has been every bit as dismal a... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/work.html
The Debate page. A lot of the arguments that have been made on the subject of International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) relate to features of one or... URL: www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3141/debates.html
Rubriek: 18.97 kunstmatige wereldtalen. Bibliography of planned languages (excluding Esperanto) / Richard K. Harrison. Esperanto : la internacia lingvo =.. URL: www.konbib.nl/dutchess.ned/18/97/
nbsp;[ Home | What's new? | Feedback | Documents | Discussions | Search ] Per favor dice nos lo que vos pensa de nostre sito, productos, o servicios. Si... URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/discuss.html
Jen la ekzemploj por inviti vin al ESPERANTO. .............................. ................ Mirinda Sorcxisto de Oz, La - Esperanto language edition of.. URL: www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~aisobe/Al_esp_1.htm
15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CYBERNETICS, NAMUR (Belgium), August 24-28, 1998. ORGANIZATION. The Congress is organized in symposia, with each having a.. URL: www.unine.ch/ciesys/NamurCongressInfo.html
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Selten. S-ro OProf. Reinhard Justus Reginald SELTEN MdAIS HMdAIS, dr.math. Esperanto La Internacia Lingvo. Bonvenon en... URL: www.econ1.uni-bonn.de/labor/people/selten/esperant.htm
Onze links. We hebben de links als volgt geordend: Algemeen Cultuur en ontmoeting Bijeenkomsten Reizen Taal en grammatica Cursussen Relaties... URL: huizen.dds.nl/~nej/links.html
Guide to Web sites about Hebrew, Yiddish, Esperanto, languages, linguistics, Israeli studies, Jewish studies, etc. URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/web.html
ESPERANTO. AEU: Esperanto en AndalucÃa. Baha'i Esperanto Home Page. Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet - Esperanto. EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet. URL: www.mindspring.com/~jjprinz/sausage/S11.htm
Language Problems and Language Planning. Language Problems and Language Planning is published by John Benjamins in cooperation with the Center for... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/lplp.html
New Linguistics Books, July 1998. Aarts, Bas, 1961-English syntax and argumentation. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. LOCATION = mai. PE1369 .A2 1997... URL: aleph.lib.ohio-state.edu/~bcase/lin/linacq3.html
Informilo por Interlingvistoj. This "Newsletter for Interlinguists" is published 3-4 times a year in Esperanto by the Center for Research and... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ipi.html
Esperanto and language awareness. Mark Fettes. OISE, University of Toronto, Canada. Esperanto, designed as a neutral lingua franca (i.e. second language).. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/aware.html
Conferences on Language and Communication. Each year since 1982 the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CRD) has organized a. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/clc.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 4 Spring 1994. Index to this issue. Rector of the U.N. University on the World Language Problem. Conferences Examine Language... URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es4.html
Esperantic Studies. Number 3 Summer 1992. Index to this issue. Language Futures. Multilingual Machine Translation. Interfering with Interference. Speaking. URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es3.html