Llista de vincles sobre Interlingüística

extrets d'AltaVista

1. Artificial/constructed languages - interlinguistics
Volapuk, constructed by German priest Monsignor Johann Martin Schleyer in 1880. Dead by now, but had 100,000 followers at its peak. Esperanto, constructed.
URL: www.sima.sintef.no/~bjoerns/Links/interlinguistics.html
2. Amazon.com: Customer Comments: Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Langua
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. .
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/book-custo...ancoisgaulthie/
3. About interlinguistics
About interlinguistics. Interlinguistics is the study of how languages are used to communicate between different linguistic groups, and in particular how..
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/interl.html
4. Amazon.com: Table of Contents: Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Langua
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. .
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ts/book-conte...ancoisgaulthie/
5. Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics
Home Page on. Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics. Informoj en Esperanto troveblas cxi tie. This site provides a English-language guide to scholarly...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/studies.html
6. Social Interlinguistics
Welcome to BJA-LISTO. the Internet forum on social interlinguistics. Hejmpagho en Esperanto. WHAT IS BJA-LISTO? The BJA-LISTO mailing list is intended...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/bja-angla.html
7. Interlinguistics and the Internet
Interlinguistics and the Internet. Mark Fettes Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education University of Toronto. Klaus Schubert, on the basis of.
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/internet.html
8. Home Page on Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics
Home Page on Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics. CONTENTS: English-language guide to Esperanto and its relations to other fields of general and...
URL: www.konbib.nl/dutchess.ned/18/97/info-0263.html
9. Amazon.com: A Glance: Esperanto, Interlinguistics, and Planned Language (Paper
nbsp;Text Only. at a glance. customer comments. table of contents. Keyword Search. Books. Popular Music. Classical Music. Full search: Books or Music. .
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0761808477/
10. interlinguistics & planned languages
What is interlinguistics? Interlinguistics is the study of planned languages. Interlinguistics is the study of vehicular languages for interethnic...
URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/ikpl.htm
11. Bibliography of Interlinguistics
Fundamental Bibliography of Interlinguistics. Baza Bibliografio de Interlingvistiko. Liu Haitao. Kompare kun aliaj branchoj de lingvistiko, unu el la plej.
URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/ikbiblio.htm
12. The Languages of the World by Computers & the Internet
The Languages of the World by Computers and the Internet. (Commonly called Kotoba Home Page or Logos Home Page) For each of the Languages of the World,...
URL: www.netpassport.or.jp/~wymikami/
13. Introduction (part 3 of 3)
THE INTERNATIONAL VOCABULARY. This Dictionary comprises some 27,000 entries. It is not a complete compilation of the international vocabulary and could...
URL: www.interlingua.org/intro3.html
14. Autumn 1997 Course Offerings - Yiddish and Ashkenazic Studies
Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures The Ohio State University. Autumn 1997 Course Offerings Yiddish and Ashkenazic Studies. YIDDISH 101...
URL: www.germanic.ohio-state.edu/yasp/au97.htm
15. Cyber-shmoozing
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/shmoozing.html
16. Laste Aperis: Aprilo, 1997
Laste Aperis. Aprilo, 1997. El la revuo Esperanto. Auxtunaj folioj el MiedzygÛrze, La. Versajxoj. Leszek L,egowski (1933). El la pola trad. Urszula...
URL: webcom.com/~donh/Esperanto/laperis.9704.html
17. Map of Tsuguya Sasaki's Site: Guide to the Perplexed
Map of Tsuguya Sasaki's site about his personal information, research interests (especially Hebrew and Jewish linguistics), research projects, courses,
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/map.html
18. Towards an Interlingual Internet
Towards an Interlingual Internet. The Internet began as a U.S.-based research project, and its early norms were designed for the use of monolingual...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/netlang.html
19. Gesellschaft für Interlinguistik
nbsp; Gesellschaft f,r Interlinguistik (GIL) (Society for Interlinguistics - GIL) (<bersetzung der deutschsprachigen Seite: Dr. Sabine Fiedler) Our home.
URL: www.snafu.de/~ubecker/gil-engl.htm
20. Esperantic Studies
Esperantic Studies. Esperantic Studies is an occasional English-language newsletter on current topics and projects in the areas of Esperanto studies and...
URL: infoweb.magi.com/~mfettes/es.html
21. No Title
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r4.html
22. Esperantic Studies 7
Esperantic Studies. Number 7, Fall 1996. Index to this issue. Esperanto Speakers Define Mission. Conference: Language Rights & Responsibilities. Languages.
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es7.html
23. International Auxiliary Languages
International Auxiliary Languages. "That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest...
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/index.html
24. Tsuguya Sasaki's Web Guide: Languages & Linguistics
Guide to Web sites on languages (especially Hebrew, Yiddish, and Esperanto) & linguistics
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/web-ll.html
25. Interlingvistiko
Priskribo de kurso pri interlingvistiko c'e la Stokholma universitato
URL: www.ling.su.se/staff/hartmut/il.htm
26. Index of International Language Communication
nbsp; Arta lingvo estas ebla, kaj oni povas trovi sciencon, formulantan ghiajn principojn. -- Rene Descartes. Divereco de la lingvoj estas unu el la plej..
URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/eniro.html
27. LINGUIST List 2.778: Artificial Languages
LINGUIST List 2.778. Tue 12 Nov 1991. Disc: Artificial Languages. Editor for this issue: Directory. Logical Language Group, Esperanto and artificial...
URL: linguist.emich.edu/issues/2/2-778.html
28. Center for Research and Documentation
Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. The Center for Research & Documentation on World Language Problems (CRD) is an...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/crd.html
29. Amazon.com - Query Results
Search Books: Author, Title, Subject. Quick Search. ISBN. Publisher/Date. Power Search. Children's Books by Age. Search Music. Search Tips. Eyes...
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/Subject=Languages,%20Artificial/
30. Mark Fettes's CV
Mark Fettes. Curriculum vitae. More information on my current work. Goal. A full-time teaching and/or research position in the fields of education or...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/cv.html
31. Language Problems and Language Planning
Language Problems & Language Planning 21:2 © John Benjamins Publishing Company. ARTICLES. Dirk Jacobs (103) Alliance and betrayal in the Dutch orthography.
32. International Auxiliary Languages
International Auxiliary Languages. "That international auxiliary language is best which in every point offers the greatest facility to the greatest...
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/
33. Without a title - Title
Esperanto in soziolinguistischer Sicht. 1. Einige Gr,nde f,r die Bescho/ooftigung mit Plansprachen. 1.1. Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Die Bescho/ooftigung mit...
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/2a_d.htm
34. On Language Making - VII
ON LANGUAGE MAKING. VII Summary of Principles. Zamenhof admitted in Esperanto unlimited direct derivation without defining the derivatives arrived at, and.
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/OLM7.html
35. Interlinguistik im Internet
Interlinguistik im Internet. (Stand September 1996) 1. Einleitung. F,r die GIL-Zeitschrift Interlinguistische Informationen hatte ich vor einiger Zeit...
URL: www.inx.de/~ubecker/internet.htm
URL: web.arcadis.be/walkme/multi.html
37. International Language Communication
Interlinguistics-Planned Languages-Esperanto. Computational Linguistics-Applied Linguistics-General linguistics. This site is in Chinese, English...
URL: www.nease.net/~htliu/
38. Interlingua-English: a dictionary of the international language
nbsp; Interlingua-English. a dictionary of the international language prepared by the research staff of the International Auxiliary Language Association...
URL: www.interlingua.org/index.html
39. Catalog of Tsuguya Sasaki's Private Library
Catalog of Tsuguya Sasaki's private library: Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish interlinguistics, Esperanto, interlinguistics, linguistics
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/library.html
40. Esperantic Studies Foundation
Esperantic Studies Foundation. What is ESF? The Esperantic Studies Foundation works to understand and solve international language problems. Our focus is..
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/esf.html
41. Research Interests of Tsuguya Sasaki
Hebrew, Yiddish, Jewish interlinguistics, Esperanto, interlinguistics, morphology, sociolinguistics, and Jewish studies
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/interests.html
42. Tsuguya Sasaki's Cyberia
Home page for Tsuguya Sasaki's personal information, research interests (especially Hebrew and Jewish linguistics), research projects, courses, catalog of
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/index.html
43. Esperantic Studies 1
Esperantic Studies. Number 1 Spring 1991. Index to this issue. Introducing Ourselves ... Time to Learn Asian Latin? Two Languages for the Price of One?:...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es1.html
44. Esperanto and Education: Sections I and II
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r2.html
EUROPE'S BABYLON: TOWARDS A SINGLE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE? The following essay by Mark Fettes was awarded the Maxwell Prize for European Studies in 1990. The...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/eurlan.html
46. Courses by Tsuguya Sasaki
Courses by Tsuguya Sasaki
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/courses.html
47. Esperanto Studies: An Overview
Esperanto Studies: An Overview. The following paper by Humphrey Tonkin and Mark Fettes was published in the series Esperanto Documents in 1996. 1. The...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/espstu.html
48. The Hector Hodler Library
The Hector Hodler Library. History of the Library. Originally, the Biblioteko Hector Hodler was the book collection of the Swiss Esperanto Society (Svisa..
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/hodler.html
49. Esperantic Studies 8
Esperantic Studies. Number 9, Winter/Spring 1998. Index to this issue. Student Diversity in Esperanto Learning. Locating Materials: The MLA Bibliography...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es9.html
50. Language Problems & Language Planning
Language Problems & Language Planning 21:3 (1997) © John Benjamins Publishing Company. ARTICLES Gary M. Jones (197) The Evolution of a Language Plan:...
51. Language Problems & Language Planning
Language Problems & Language Planning 22:1 (1998) © John Benjamins Publishing Company. Rabia Redouane (1) De la dualitÈ # la complÈmentaritÈ: Le cas du...
52. TRANS Nr. 3: M. B,rger: Esperanto - positive oder negative Utopie im babyloni
Trans. Internet-Zeitschrift f,r Kulturwissenschaften. 3. Nr. Mo/oorz 1998. Esperanto - positive oder negative Utopie im babylonischen Europa? Michaela B,rger.
URL: www.adis.at/arlt/institut/trans/3Nr/buerger.htm
53. Informado sen mitoj - Title
Informado sen mitoj. Enhavo. La"do al la dubo. 1. Informado sen mitoj. 1.1 La fako informado. 1.2 Subfakoj. 1.2.1 Informado-enhavo. 1.2.2...
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/espero.../ziko/ziko1.htm
54. Without a title - Title
Wege zur interlinguistischen und esperantologischen Fachliteratur. Detlev Blanke. Interlinguistische und esperantologische Themen werden noch vorwiegend...
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/1a_d.htm
55. Without a title - Title
Translation bei Plansprachen - am Beispiel des Esperanto. Detlev Blanke. "Estas tre dezirinde, ke ni ne evitu malfacilajn tradukojn, eÊ kontra"e, ke ni...
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/4a_d.htm
56. Esperanto-Biblioteko Aalen: Sistema Katalogo
Germana Esperanto-Biblioteko en Aalen. Sistema Katalogo la. UDK (Universala Dekuma Klasifo) Deutsche Esperanto-Bibliothek in Aalen: Systematischer Katalog.
URL: www.cs.chalmers.se/~martinw/esperanto/aalen/kat.html
57. On Language Making - I
ON LANGUAGE MAKING. I Linguistics and Interlinguistics. In discussing to-day the development of artificial languages, I assume a basic acquaintance with...
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5037/OLM1.html
58. PHOAKS: Frequency for sci.lang
People Helping One Another Know Stuff. Freq. "Together, we know it all." ;POSTER_ID=;" TARGET=_top Pheedback. Recency. Top Posters. Area Summary. Help..
URL: www.phoaks.com/phoaks2/newsgroups/sci/lang/resources0.html
59. LangLinks
nbsp; The place for language resources in the internet. Here you'll find links to language courses, dictionaries, linguistics info, Esperanto,...
URL: www.ceuc.unican.es/webmaster/langlinks.html
60. Esperanto Viva! - Index (In English)
Esperanto language course in English.
URL: esperanto.org/espviva/angla/
61. GOTOO Hitosi
circa 1998-09-19T03:18:37+09:00 Welcome from scooter.pa-x.dec.com ( GOTOO Hitosi's Home Page. To the Japanese Version To the Esperanto...
URL: www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~gothit/gothit-en.html
62. Science-Tech Directory , Science, Science, Directory, Guide, Yellow Pages, I
A Complete Science-Tech Directory, Science-Tech Guide, and Index of Links related to Science-Tech
URL: www.handilinks.com/cat1/s/s177.htm
63. Language - Book notices (August 1998)
Book notice list - August 1998. Below is the list of books currently available for 500 word book notices. The opportunity to write book notices is...
URL: semlab2.sbs.sunysb.edu/Language/bn.html
64. Links
Links to Other Bah⋅'Ì Pages. Bah⋅'Ì Faith - Pages by Graham Sorenson. Bah⋅'Ì Tools for Microsoft Word 97 - by Todd Main. Links to Other Esperanto Pages...
URL: www.borderline.ndirect.co.uk/links.htm
65. Psychological Reactions to Esperanto
Psychological Reactions to Esperanto. The following paper by Claude Piron first appeared in the French-language series Documents sur l'espÈranto in the...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/psyres.html
66. Jorge Antonio Leoni de León Home Page
Archivo p.blico de Jorge Antonio Leoni de LeÛn
URL: cuiwww.unige.ch/~leoni8/
67. No Title
Foglio di collegamento - 2. (dicembre 1992) Elenco dei Soci Aspiranti Soci Dott.ssa Antonella AQUILINA D'AMORE Biblioteca di Archeologia e Storia...
URL: serv501.fub.it:8080/cirt/Ass.I.Term./F.C_2.html
68. Re: Otto Jespersen
Otto Jespersen. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Otto Jespersen.() Ligamines, Links, Ligoj. An International Language by Otto Jespersen, 1928 (J. Chandler's webpages)...
URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/xjesprsn.html
DECLARACI" UNIVERSAL DE DRETS LING<ÕSTICS. [ Index | Recolzo el document | Ciemen ] PRELIMINARS Les institucions i organitzacions no-governamentals...
URL: www.partal.com/ciemen/conf/dcat.html
70. Esperanto Association of St. Louis, Missouri
nbsp; Esperanto Association of St. Louis. Esperanto-Asocio de Sankta-Luiso. The Esperanto Association of St. Louis promotes and encourages the knowledge...
URL: www.icon-stl.net/~peggyd/asocio.htm
71. Auxilingua Project -- News Page
nbsp;[ Home | What's new? | Feedback | Documents | Discussions | Search ] PNostre pagina de novas continera information in re nove projectos e recercas,...
URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/news.html
body {font: 10pt "Verdana, Arial"} H1 {font: 12pt "Verdana, Arial"} H2 {font: 11pt "Verdana, Arial"} † | Fitxer en format WORD 2.0 (40 Kb) | | Fitxer en...
URL: www.troc.es/mercator/decla-ct.htm
73. Belgian libraries & documentation centers - Sommaire
Belgian libraries & documentation centers. By speciality. [To the classification by name] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P]..
URL: www.belspo.be/stis/invent/idx__c.htm
74. The Best College Survival Hyperlinks on the Web!
COLLEGE SURVIVAL HYPERLINKS. You can find an amazing amount of useful information, resources and assistance on the internet! The hyperlinks listed below...
URL: www.collegesuccess.com/college6.htm
75. How to Build a Language
Copyright Notice. This material is copyright © 1997 by Donald J. Harlow. Hard copies may be made for personal use only. Any user may make one electronic...
URL: www.webcom.com/~donh/conlang2.html
76. General Linguistics
General Linguistics Allgemeine Linguistik. [Ordering Information] [Bestellinformation] Series/Reihe: World Anthropology. Approaches to Language....
URL: www.degruyter.de/catalog/8400.html
77. Esperanto en Britio
Esperanto in the UK.
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/espinfo/uk/espuk_eo.htm
78. Esperanto en Britio
Esperanto in the UK.
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/espinfo/uk/espuk_en.htm
79. Surf Point - Science & Technology:Social Science:Linguistics
Surf Point Directory. Show banners with search results. What's New. What's Cool. List Your Site! Bookmark Manager. Home: Science & Technology: Social...
URL: www.surfpoint.com/Science_Technology--So...inguistics.html
80. Introduction (part 1 of 3)
Introduction. In the history of the International Auxiliary Language Association ó and of the auxiliary-language movement as a whole ó the publication of..
URL: www.interlingua.org/intro1.html
81. Auxilingua Project's Research Page: Search Engines, Books, Libraries and Boo
nbsp;[ Home | What's new? | Feedback | Documents | Discussions | Search ] Search Engines... Yahoo. AltaVista. Excite! Lycos. WebCrawler. MetaCrawler....
URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/search.html
82. Interstellar Communications
Interstellar Communications. By Girvan McKay, T.A.S. Mysteries of the Cosmos. Even those of us who understand very little of the technicalities of...
URL: homepages.iol.ie/~seanmck/comms.htm
83. resumo esperanto sen mitoj
Resumo de Esperanto sen mitoj. (Pardonu, mi estas komencanto en HTML, vi certe jam rimarkis.) reen al Dokumentoj. resumo de Ziko M. Sikosek: Esperanto sen.
URL: www-city.europeonline.com/home/zsiko/esmr.htm
nbsp; Jewish Studies Course Offerings (click departments' names below to find courses) German Hebrew History History of Art Jewish Studies Near Eastern...
URL: melton-center.ohio-state.edu/courses.htm
85. Global English
It's not just the literalspread of English after colonialism; global English signifies much more.
URL: humanitas.ucsb.edu/users/raley/global-English.html
86. The Esperanto Language
Esperanto. The International Language. Esperanto La Internacia Lingvo. Esperanto is a language that was developed in 1887 by Ludwik Zamenhof with the...
URL: www.esperanto.com/esper1.html
87. No Title
CALL FOR PAPERS ****************************** ************************** * SYMPOSIUM on MEMETICS - * * EVOLUTIONARY MODELS OFINFORMATION TRANSMISSION *...
URL: www.aleph.se/Trans/Org/memeticsymp.txt
88. Memetics discussion list archive (associated with
CFP Memetics symposium. Bruce Edmonds (b.edmonds@mmu.ac.uk) Mon, 12 Jan 1998 14:02:54 +0000. Messages sorted by: [ date ][ thread ][ subject ][ author ]...
URL: www.cpm.mmu.ac.uk/~majordom/memetics/0874.html
89. Language Contact, Linguistic Policy
Language Contact, Linguistic Policy Sprachkontakt, Sprachplanung. [Ordering Information] [Bestellinformation] Series/Reihe: Soziolinguistik und...
URL: www.degruyter.de/catalog/8910.html
90. Cal Poly Linguistics Site
Linguistics Resources and Links
URL: www.multimedia.calpoly.edu/libarts/jbattenb/ling/
91. Hot Sites (2nd half of the list)
nbsp;Back to Home Page. Back to Hotsites #1. Hot Sites & Radical Web Surf Part #2. As this list has become a bit too large I've decided to split it in...
URL: www.ao.com.au/iangreen/hotsites_2.htm
92. Online Resources in linguistics & Language Acquisition
Language Associations on the Web. LAC - BAYLOR UNIVERSITY. Associations and Organizations. American Name Society - founded to promote onomastics, the...
URL: ccis01.baylor.edu/~LAC/Links_Associations.html
93. Hispanic Linguistics, Volume 1, no. 1
Hispanic Linguistics Volume 1, no. 1 (Spring 1984) Norman Sacks, Antonio de Nebrija: founder of Spanish Linguistics (part I); 1-33. M⋅ximo Torreblanca, El.
URL: www.unm.edu/~hispling/vol1_1.html
94. Principia Cybernetica Mailing-List Archive: CFP: Symposium on Memetics (Namur,
CFP: Symposium on Memetics (Namur, August 1998) Francis Heylighen (fheyligh@VUB.AC.BE) Mon, 8 Dec 1997 16:33:11 +0200. About this archive (back to PCP)...
URL: www.cpm.mmu.ac.uk/~bruce/PRNCYB-L/1464.html
95. London Esperanto Club
London Esperanto Club. Por teksto en Esperanto, klaku cxi tie, aux tie se vi instalis tiparon latina-3. The London Esperanto Club has as its aims the...
URL: pitch.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/lek-a
96. Universal Auxiliary Language
Universal Auxiliary Language. One of the great steps towards universal peace would be the establishment of a universal language. Baha'u'llah commands that.
URL: web.nmsu.edu/~mktweb/uni-lang/inter-aux-lang.html
97. Language Problems and Language Planning
Language Problems and Language Planning. Editors: Probal Dasgupta, Marc van Oostendorp, Humphrey Tonkin Book Review Editors: Frank Nuessel and Renato...
98. Antony Rawlinson - about Esperanto
My part in the Esperanto movement, and its part in my life
URL: www.cix.co.uk/~ant/Esp/intro.htm
99. No Title
Last Modified: 30 August 1998 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for soc.culture.esperanto and esperanto-l@netcom.com (monthly posting) This posting...
URL: www.esperanto.net/veb/faq.txt
100. Amazon.com - Esperanto
Libroj pri - Books about. Esperanto. (the non-national language for international, inter-ethnic use) acheteblaj che - for sale at Amazon.com. Why...
URL: www.geocities.com/Paris/8059/ama-espe.html
101. Esperanto FAQ: Part 16
Contents Previous Next. 16. What Esperanto material is available on the Internet? Usenet. soc.culture.esperanto. The main Usenet newsgroup devoted to...
URL: www.esperanto.net/veb/faq-16.html
102. About Esperanto
About Esperanto. To learn more about Esperanto you can: read the basic flier provided by the Universal Esperanto Association. visit the Multilingual...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/espe.html
103. Amazon.com - Query Results
Search Books: Author, Title, Subject. Quick Search. ISBN. Publisher/Date. Power Search. Children's Books by Age. Search Music. Search Tips. Eyes...
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/Author=Maxwell,%20Duane/
104. Esperantologio kaj Interlingvistiko
Esperantologio kaj Interlingvistiko. The English-language Home Page on Esperanto Studies and Interlinguistics is here. . Enkonduko. Almenaux en la nuna...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/indekso.html
105. DLT - faktoj pri finita projekto
DLT - faktoj pri finita projekto. Klaus Schubert. 20- 2-96. Tra Esperantujo fantomas raportoj, supozoj kaj onidiroj pri la projekto DLT. Al mi venis la...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/DLT.html
106. ESF Grant Program
Esperantic Studies Foundation. Program of Scientific Grants. ESF makes grants available for scientific training and for research aimed at solving...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/grants.html
107. Vortaroj kaj terminaroj
Tiu cxi pagxo estas parto de la ´ Virtuala Esperanto-Bibliotekoª en TTT. For some background information in English, see the Home Page on Esperanto...
URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/vortaroj.html
108. Esperanto
Esperanto: means of learning in the UK / Esperanto: lerniloj en Britio.
URL: esperanto.org/uk/lerniloj.htm
109. Jewish Folklore in Israel-Music Centre
URL: www.tau.ac.il/~gila1/folklore/music.htm
110. The LINGUIST List: Language & Language Family Information
Language & Language Family Information. If you know of a home page for a language or language family that is not yet included on this list, please let us..
URL: www.philol.msu.ru/linguist/languages.html
111. Esperanto and Education: Sections III, IV and V
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Go back to Table of Contents. Return to Esperanto...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r3.html
112. Mark Fettes' Index Page
Bonvenon! Welcome! Elektu inter / Choose from. Home Page / Hejmpagho. Not yet built. There'll be personal stuff here, mostly for friends and family....
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/index.html
113. øUna lengua para Europa? El futuro de la Babel Europea.
Europe's Babylon. øUna lengua para Europa? El futuro de la Babel Europea. por Mark Fettes. "Llego a la conclusiÛn de que el problema de la lengua para la..
URL: www.distrito.com/esperanto/babel.htm
114. The Challenge of Interlingualism
The Challenge of Interlingualism. A Research Invitation. Jonathan Pool and Mark Fettes Esperantic Studies Foundation. April 1998. Related documents: La...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ism.html
115. Esperantic Studies 2
Esperantic Studies. Number 2 Winter 1992. Index to this issue. Ex Uno Plura? Language in the Electronic World. What Is Colloquial Esperanto? Ex Uno Plura?.
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es2.html
116. Esperanto and Education: Overview
Esperanto and Education: Toward a Research Agenda. Sponsored by the Esperantic Studies Foundation. Prepared by: Dr. Alvino E. Fantini, Director...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/f-r1.html
117. Category of User's Home Pages in GOL
Book( Literature,Animation and Comic ) xroads ------(E) Ultimate CrossRoads cat:Books Education Humor Music ===========(A)Consists of "MONKEYBRAIN...
URL: www2.gol.com/users/ohyama/dir.html
118. Esperanto en 1996
Aliaj lingvoj: Esperanto Italiano Suomeksi. Esperanto in 1996. In 1996 there were especially fruitful relations between Esperantists and international...
URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/1996en.html
119. Esperanto: Multilingual Information Center
Multlingva Inform-Centro pri Esperanto: Informoj en multaj lingvoj pri Esperanto. - Multilingual Information Center about
URL: esperanto.net/info/index_en.html
120. Enhavo
tre kore bonvenigas vin en Esperanto. Ludoviko ZAMENHOFO 1859-1917. Zamenhofo transplantis arbojn kaj florojn, arbedojn kaj herbojn, birdojn kaj...
URL: ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/profcon/e_enhav.htm
121. NewHoo - World:Esperanto:Scienco
Home- What is NewHoo?- Add URL- Update URL- Become an Editor- Feedback. Help build the largest human-edited directory of the Web Become an Editor. NewHoo:.
URL: www.newhoo.com/World/Esperanto/Scienco/
122. artificial languages FAQ
Subject: artificial languages FAQ Newsgroups: sci.lang , alt.language.artificial , alt.answers , news.answers. Archive-name:...
URL: saturn.las.ox.ac.uk/internet/news/faq/ar...guages-faq.html
123. ISD de AIS San-Marino / CARLEVARO
S-ro ADoc. Dr. sc. hum. Tazio CARLEVARO. AdAIS SMdAIS. Adreso: Viale G Motta 32 CH-6500 Bellinzona. Telefono dejxora: (+41-/0-) 92-253012. Kariero:...
URL: obelix.forst.uni-muenchen.de/OTHERS/AIS/.../1687AD001.html
124. Esperantic Studies 5
Esperantic Studies. Number 5, Spring 1995. This issue of Esperantic Studies is dedicated to the memory of William H. Schulze (1908-1993), pragmatic...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es5.html
125. Esperanto
Esperanto in the UK / Esperanto en Britio.
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/espinfo/uk/index.htm
126. Esperantic Studies 8
Esperantic Studies. Number 8, Spring 1997. Index to this issue. Review Article: UN & Language Rights. Conference: Language and the Internet. University...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es8.html
127. Course Descriptions - Descriptions de cours - Traduction - Translation
TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION. L…GENDE DES ABR…VIATIONS : S : normalement destinÈ au programme de spÈcialisation ANG : pour les Ètudiants et Ètudiantes...
URL: www.uottawa.ca/academic/info/cours/tra.html
COPYRIGHT © 1997,1998 Paul O. Bartlett Last Revised: 1998.08.01. Thoughts on IAL Success. (Some of this material first appeared on the CONLANG mailing...
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/6223/thoughts.html
129. Esperanto en Britio
Esperanto in the UK.
URL: esperanto.org/uk/espuk_en.htm
130. Society and Esperanto - Sofia
Society and Esperanto. Name of the person representing the organization: Tzanko Todorov Ignev. Address: " Hadji Dimitar " Str., No. 17 1000 Sofia Bulgaria.
URL: www.ngo.bg/ngo/socesper.htm
131. Course Description (Yiddish)
Yiddish. 314 Cunz Hall, 1841 Millikin Road, 292-6985. 101 Elementary Yiddish I U 5. Introduction to Yiddish; development of listening, reading, speaking...
URL: www.ureg.ohio-state.edu/course/summer/re.../book3/B494.htm
132. Informationen ,ber Esperanto
12 FRAGEN UND ANTWORTEN ZU ESPERANTO. Eine Information des Deutschen Esperanto-Bundes e.V. und der Deutschen Esperanto-Jugend e.V. 1. Mit wenigen Worten:..
URL: machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/esperanto/esperom/lingvo/12frag.htm
133. Arisbe - PEIRCE-L Digest 1307 - February 23, 1998
RETURN TO LIST OF AVAILABLE DIGESTS. ------------------------------ ----------- PEIRCE-L Digest 1307 -- February 23, 1998...
URL: www.door.net/arisbe/menu/people/PEIRCE-L/1307.htm
134. Graduate Program Handbook - Yiddish and Ashkenazic Program
GRADUATE PROGRAM HANDBOOK of the Yiddish and Ashkenazic Program of the. Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures The Ohio State University....
URL: germanic.ohio-state.edu/yasp/yasphandbook.htm
135. Interlingual LPP
Can Language Policy and Planning Become Interlingual? Mark Fettes Esperantic Studies Foundation. April 1998. Related documents: The Challenge of...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ism2.html
136. Lokoj
Komenco / Beginning / DÈbut / Anfang: FUR (c) -- Frequently Used Resources. Caution! These are "frequently used" by ME, not necessarily by the general.
URL: southern.edu/~caviness/MLlokoj.html
137. Socia Interlingvistiko
Bonvenon al BJA-LISTO. la interreta forumo pri socia interlingvistiko. Information in English. LA CELOJ DE LA LISTO. La dissendo-listo BJA-LISTO celas...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/bja-listo.html
138. DeclaraciÛ universal de drets ling,Ìstics
DeclaraciÛ universal de drets ling,Ìstics. Preliminars. Les institucions i organitzacions no-governamentals signat#ries de la present DeclaraciÛ Universal.
URL: www.indigo.ie/egt/udhr/udlr-ca.html
139. Cambridge Esperanto Group
Cambridge Esperanto Group. "What is Esperanto?" It's hard to explain in a few words what Esperanto is all about. Fortunately there's quite a lot of...
URL: www.rano.demon.co.uk/keg/
140. Reacciones psicológicas al Esperanto
Reacciones psicolÛgicas al Esperanto. El siguiente ensayo de Claude Piron apareciÛ por primera vez en la serie en francÈs Documents sur l'espÈranto a...
URL: www.dragonfire.net/~Esperanto/psicresp.htm
LANGUAGE INTITUTES. University College London Phonetics and Linguistics. University of Amsterdam - Institute of Phonetic Sciences. University of...
URL: www.prospernet.com/artsscience/humanitie...institutes.html
142. artificial languages FAQ
artificial languages FAQ. Archive-name: language/artificial-languages- AQ Posting-frequency: 21-day intervals Last-modified: 1997.12.15 contents: [1] ways.
URL: www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/use...guages-FAQ.html
143. OSIEK - Colloques internationaux, Culture internationale
OSIEK - Société d'Organisation de Colloques internationaux en Espéranto - Prix littéraire, Syndicat d'auditeurs de radio...
URL: www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7242/index_fr.html
144. Language futures Europe - top 10
Top 10 links from a link site on the language futures of Europe.
URL: web.inter.nl.net/users/Paul.Treanor/eulang.topten.html
145. HIL matters
1. HIL Matters. 1.1 Upcoming promotions! Σ 2 March: Roberto Bolognesi, UvA, 13.30. The Phonology of Campidanian Sardinian: A Unitary Account of a...
URL: www.leidenuniv.nl/hil/hilnews/hnews52/hmatters.htm
146. Course Description (Yiddish)
Yiddish. 314 Cunz Hall, 1841 Millikin Road, 292-6985. 101 Elementary Yiddish I U 5. Introduction to Yiddish; development of listening, reading, speaking...
URL: www.ureg.ohio-state.edu/course/summer/re.../book3/B494.htm
147. Bookmarks for Rick Schellen
Bookmarks for Rick Schellen. Dialect. Creoles. Bonaire's Papiamentu. Creolist Archives. Indische Nederlanders. Petjo Dutch Creole. Suriname Languages -...
URL: members.tripod.com/~rjschellen/LangLinx.htm
148. toward an optimal auxiliary language
Discussion of the design factors to be considered in creating an artificial language for global communication.
URL: www.vor.nu/langlab/optimal.html
149. Academic bibliography for Meeuwis, Michael
Meeuwis, Michael. Go to the STARTSCREEN. The author belongs to: UIA: Departement Germaanse Taal- en Letterkunde. Years: 1998. 1997. 1995. 1994. 1993. 1991.
URL: www.ua.ac.be/AB/a10180.html
150. Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography. Hierarchical classificatio
nbsp; Bibliographie Linguistique/Linguistic Bibliography. Hierarchical classification. General works - GÈnÈralitÈs. 1. Bibliography and organisation -...
URL: www.konbib.nl/kb/blb/classif.htm
151. Yahoo! in Asia - Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Cons
Top:Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Constructe Languages:Esperanto. Options. Search: All sites Asian sites only This category..
URL: www.yahoo.com.sg/Social_Science/Linguist...ages/Esperanto/
152. Yahoo! UK & Ireland - Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Langu
Top:Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Constructe Languages:Esperanto. Options. Search: All sites UK & Ireland sites only This...
URL: www.yahoo.co.uk/Social_Science/Linguisti...ages/Esperanto/
153. Yahoo! Social Science:Linguistics and Human Languages:Languages:Constructed a
Personalize. Help - Check Email. Home : Social Science : Linguistics and Human Languages : Languages : Constructed Languages : International Auxiliary...
URL: www.yahoo.com/Social_Science/Linguistics...ages/Esperanto/
154. Yahoo! in Asia - Regional:Countries:Germany:Social Science
Top:Regional:Countries:Germany Social Science. Options. Search: All sites Asian sites only This category only Language@ 7. Deutscher Bibliothekskongress.
URL: www.yahoo.com.sg/Regional/Countries/Germany/Social_Science/
155. IASS-AIS CfP 98/08/24
nbsp; Call for Papers - Congress. Call for Papers. Congress Calendar. Congress Reports. Bulletin Online. IASS-AIS Welcome. CfP Congress. 98/05/21-29...
URL: vhf.msh-paris.fr/escom/5BREV/CFP/c9808cyber.html
156. Links2Go: Adresaro De Rete Atingeblaj Esperantistoj Kaj Esperanto-Organizajxoj
Home. Log In. Import. Help. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon. Current Link: Adresaro De Rete Atingeblaj Esperantistoj Kaj...
URL: www.links2go.com/more/http:/home.wxs.nl/...o-adresaro.html
157. Category of User's Home Pages in GOL
Car. napre ------(J) cat: car ===========(A)Welcome to our Home Pages ( Global Online Japan ) Community. andrew ------(J/E)Andrew's 2nd Home...
URL: www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/ohyama/dir_c.html
158. No Title
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 00:04:02 EST From: hasafran@lists.acs.ohio-state. du Subject: HASAFRAN digest 337 Sender: owner-hasafran@lists.acs.ohio- tate.edu...
URL: aleph.lib.ohio-state.edu/www/hasafran/hasafran337.html
159. Language - Book Notice List (June 1998)
nbsp; Book notice list - JUNE 1998. Below is the list of books currently available for 500 word book notices. The opportunity to write book notices is...
URL: semlab2.sbs.sunysb.edu/Language/bnold.html
160. Frank Cervone's Personal Information and Other Interests
Frank Cervone's Personal Information and Other Interests
URL: condor.depaul.edu/~fcervone/personal.html
161. Amazon.com - Query Results
Amazon.com Home | Books | Music | 1-Click Settings | Shopping Cart | Your Account | Help. Book Search | Browse Subjects | Bestsellers |...
URL: www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/Author=Maxwell,%20Duane/t/
162. Esperanto FAQ (Oftaj demandoj) Part 2/2
Part1 - Part2. Esperanto FAQ (Oftaj demandoj) Part 2/2. From: Yves Bellefeuille yan@ottawa.com Newsgroups:...
URL: www.faqs.org/faqs/esperanto/faq/part2/
163. Linguistics Sites
Introduction to Linguistics. Field of Linguistics. FAQ about Linguistics. Lexicon of Linguistics. LINGUIST List. Noam Chomsky Interview. Phonetics &...
URL: www.multimedia.calpoly.edu/libarts/jbattenb/ling/sites.html
164. Links2Go: Esperanto
Home. Log In. Import. Help. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon. Current Link: Esperanto. GO to this page. ADD this page to my...
URL: www.links2go.com/more/http:/www.ringnett...jarte/PRIMI.HTM
165. Other Web Sites of Relevance to Global Governance
Other Web Sites of Relevance to Global Governance. The home page of the Commission on Global Governance provides a summary of the Report of the Commission.
URL: www.ozemail.com.au/~oneearth/othersites.html
166. Jonathan Pool
Jonathan Robert Pool. Vice-President and Treasurer, Esperantic Studies Foundation. Addresses: Mail: Esperantic Studies Foundation, 6100 Southcenter...
URL: www.centerplex.net/etc/esf/cvjrp.html
167. Esperanto Book Store
Esperanto books on Amazon.com. Concise Esperanto and English Dictionary Esperanto-English/English-Espe anto (Teach Yourself) J. C. Wells Paperback....
URL: aistar.kotel.co.kr/~espero/libro-servo/esp.html
168. Esperanto en Britio
Esperanto in the UK.
URL: esperanto.org/uk/espuk_eo.htm
169. Naar één taal voor Europa?
Naar ÈÈn taal voor Europa? De toekomst van het Europese Babel. Mark Fettes. uitgegeven met de medewerking van Dr. Willem Verloren van Themaat en Mw. A. J..
URL: esperanto.agoranet.be/fel/nl/een.html
170. DeclaraciÛ universal de drets ling,Ìstics
DeclaraciÛ universal de drets ling,Ìstics. PRELIMINARS. PRE¿MBUL. TÕTOL PRELIMINAR. Precisions conceptuals. Articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. TÕTOL PRIMER....
URL: sic.uji.es/serveis/slt/triam/triam12.html
171. Links2Go: Esperanto
Home. Log In. Import. Help. Keyword Search Example: +"sleeping beauty" +prince -dragon. Current Link: Esperanto. GO to this page. ADD this page to my...
URL: www.links2go.com/more/http:/wwwtios.cs.u...e.nl/esperanto/
172. Michelle Hart's linguistics page
Under Construction. I haven't very well developed my linguistic links yet. Here are a few links. Summer Institute of Linguistics. SIL's linguistics links..
URL: www.cs.uoregon.edu/~mhart/ling.html
173. Esperanto Viva! - Index (In English)
Esperanto language course in English.
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/espviva/angla/indexl3.htm
174. Jyrki Niemi - linkkejo/oo
Joitain linkkejo/oo. To/oollo/oo sivulla on joitain linkkejo/oo mielenkiintoisiksi tai hy^dyllisiksi katsomiini tietoihin. Ajanpuutteen vuoksi kokoelma ei ole juuri...
URL: www.ling.helsinki.fi/~janiemi/linkit.html
175. Esperantic Studies 6
Esperantic Studies. Number 6, Spring 1996. Index to this issue. Linguistic Rights: A Challenge for the UN? Which Language First? For a European Community..
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es6.html
176. IPI 22-23
Informilo por Interlingvistoj. 6-a jaro (tria serio) ISSN 1385-2191 n-roj 22-23 (3-4/1997) Eldonata de Centro de Esploro kaj Dokumentado pri la Monda...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ipi22-23.html
177. Mark Fettes's Current Work
Mark Fettes. Current work. My curriculum vitae. The linguistic ecology of education. As a human science, linguistics has been every bit as dismal a...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/work.html
178. The Debate Page
The Debate page. A lot of the arguments that have been made on the subject of International Auxiliary Languages (IALs) relate to features of one or...
URL: www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/3141/debates.html
179. Articles in and about Esperanto.
Esperanto articles
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/art/index.htm
180. Rubriek: 18.97 kunstmatige wereldtalen
Rubriek: 18.97 kunstmatige wereldtalen. Bibliography of planned languages (excluding Esperanto) / Richard K. Harrison. Esperanto : la internacia lingvo =..
URL: www.konbib.nl/dutchess.ned/18/97/
181. Symposium on Memetics
PRINCIPIA CYBERNETICA WEB. - © Author: F. Heylighen, Date : Apr 20, 1998 (modified); Jan 9, 1998 (created) Parent Node(s): Principia Cybernetica Meetings..
URL: pespmc1.vub.ac.be/:/MEMETSY.html
182. Auxilingua Project's Discussions Page
nbsp;[ Home | What's new? | Feedback | Documents | Discussions | Search ] Per favor dice nos lo que vos pensa de nostre sito, productos, o servicios. Si...
URL: adam.cheshire.net/~jjbowks/auxiling/discuss.html
183. Esperanto -aliro servo-
Jen la ekzemploj por inviti vin al ESPERANTO. .............................. ................ Mirinda Sorcxisto de Oz, La - Esperanto language edition of..
URL: www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~aisobe/Al_esp_1.htm
15th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CYBERNETICS, NAMUR (Belgium), August 24-28, 1998. ORGANIZATION. The Congress is organized in symposia, with each having a..
URL: www.unine.ch/ciesys/NamurCongressInfo.html
185. USER'S HOME PAGES(new with summary)
1998/7/12 --------- (J)........................... ...................... .............................. .............................. .
URL: www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/ohyama/news.html
186. Univ. of Dayton - Subject Guide to Language & Literature
Subject Guide to Language & Literature. Library Catalogs -- Electronic Indexes and Databases -- Print Indexes -- Print Resources -- Electronic Fulltext...
URL: www.udayton.edu/~library/subject/langlit.htm
187. FIS-MailingList Archive: SV: FIS discussion and call for papers
SV: FIS discussion and call for papers. =?iso-8859-1?Q?Brier_S=F8ren?= (SBR@db.dk) Wed, 4 Feb 1998 18:47:13 +0100 (MET) Messages sorted by: [ date ][...
URL: iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/hypermail/fis/0078.html
188. FIS-MailingList Archive: Re: SV: FIS discussion and call for papers
Re: SV: FIS discussion and call for papers. roberto kampfner (rrk@umdsun2.umd.umich.edu) Fri, 6 Feb 1998 19:42:07 +0100 (MET) Messages sorted by: [ date...
URL: iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/hypermail/fis/0080.html
189. Selten - Esperanto - Laboratorium für exp. WiFo. - Uni Bonn
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Selten. S-ro OProf. Reinhard Justus Reginald SELTEN MdAIS HMdAIS, dr.math. Esperanto La Internacia Lingvo. Bonvenon en...
URL: www.econ1.uni-bonn.de/labor/people/selten/esperant.htm
190. NEJ Links
Onze links. We hebben de links als volgt geordend: Algemeen Cultuur en ontmoeting Bijeenkomsten Reizen Taal en grammatica Cursussen Relaties...
URL: huizen.dds.nl/~nej/links.html
191. Tsuguya Sasaki's Web Guide
Guide to Web sites about Hebrew, Yiddish, Esperanto, languages, linguistics, Israeli studies, Jewish studies, etc.
URL: www2.gol.com/users/tsuguya/web.html
192. Esperanto
ESPERANTO. AEU: Esperanto en AndalucÃa. Baha'i Esperanto Home Page. Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet - Esperanto. EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet.
URL: www.mindspring.com/~jjprinz/sausage/S11.htm
193. Esperanto Viva! - Multilingual Index
Esperanto language course - multilingual index.
URL: www.mintex.demon.co.uk/espviva/index.htm
194. Language Problems and Language Planning
Language Problems and Language Planning. Language Problems and Language Planning is published by John Benjamins in cooperation with the Center for...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/lplp.html
195. New Linguistics Books, July 1998
New Linguistics Books, July 1998. Aarts, Bas, 1961-English syntax and argumentation. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. LOCATION = mai. PE1369 .A2 1997...
URL: aleph.lib.ohio-state.edu/~bcase/lin/linacq3.html
196. Informilo por Interlingvistoj
Informilo por Interlingvistoj. This "Newsletter for Interlinguists" is published 3-4 times a year in Esperanto by the Center for Research and...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/ipi.html
197. Esperanto and Language Awareness
Esperanto and language awareness. Mark Fettes. OISE, University of Toronto, Canada. Esperanto, designed as a neutral lingua franca (i.e. second language)..
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/aware.html
198. Conferences on Language and Communication
Conferences on Language and Communication. Each year since 1982 the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems (CRD) has organized a.
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/clc.html
199. Esperantic Studies
Esperantic Studies. Number 4 Spring 1994. Index to this issue. Rector of the U.N. University on the World Language Problem. Conferences Examine Language...
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es4.html
200. Esperantic Studies 3
Esperantic Studies. Number 3 Summer 1992. Index to this issue. Language Futures. Multilingual Machine Translation. Interfering with Interference. Speaking.
URL: www.magi.com/~mfettes/es3.html

Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"
e-mail: de_yza@upf.es