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I work for a data-entry company in the Dominican Republic and have to translate specialized Spanish text into English. Is there specialized translation software for technical documents?

Rafael Mota Legreaux

Queens, NY

Machine translation has become a hot market. See ``The Multilingual Edge'' in the March 1991 BYTE for an overview of the technology, explanations of machine translation terminology, and a company list.

Globalink (9302 Lee Hwy., Suite 440, Fairfax, VA 22031, (800) 255-5660, ext. 29, or (703) 273-5600; fax (703) 273-3866) has a translation system for the PC. GTS Basic ($498) includes a 2-MB general dictionary. GTS Professional ($995) lets you add subject-specific dictionaries (i.e., business-finance, legal, and computer terminology) for $100 each. Either version lets you add new words to the primary dictionary.

One of the complaints about machine translation is the literal, word-by-word method the software uses to translate a document. A translating thesaurus like Lexica from WordStar International (201 Alameda del Prado, Novato, CA 94949, (800) 523-3520 or (415) 382-8000; fax (415) 883-1629) can help polish up the final translation. Lexica groups words according to concept, so you can analyze meanings and nuances. The five- language version of Lexica (English, French, German, Spanish, and Dutch) sells for $295.

--Stanford Diehl

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