Problems with strings in GPC beta 971001_(re)

Tue, 28 Oct 1997 20:15:27 GMT

Jesper Lund wrote:

> MY MISTAKE!  Read[ln] work correctly and never exceeds the string capacity,
> and my problems are totally UNrelated to the missing range checks in some
> string expressions that I mentioned in the original post.

I'm calmed! :-)

> If you add #0 to a string (in order to call functions in the C library), it
> is a *very* good idea to use strings whose capacity (max length) are not
> divisible by 4.  In that case, at least one byte is "wasted" to achieve
> 4-byte alignment, and adding #0 should not overwrite other variables. 

I'm not sure if it's a good idea to rely on such internal things. The
alignment could be different from 4 on some systems.

However, we have already discussed automatically making the array bigger than
the capacity by 1 for exactly this reason. I hope it's not much work, Peter,
so perhaps you can do this change until the next version (whereas the
automatic String-CString conversions will follow later).

Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (

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