Trapping I/O runtime errors in GPC_(re)

Tue, 28 Oct 1997 20:15:23 GMT

Bill Currie wrote:

> On 27 Oct 97 at 8:50, Frank Heckenbach wrote:
> > I think I can do the RTS part, if you send me a patch for your
> > changes, along with a short description about how you did it.
> I'll have to sort though my mods to bring them up to date with the 
> latest beta.

Fine! Don't hurry, I've got some other programming to do currently...

> > - After calling an I/O function, if {$I+} is turned on, the calling
> > program
> >   must check InOutRes. The code to be generated (perhaps you've
> >   already done so) would look like "if InOutRes<>0 then _p_ioerror;"
> >   where _p_ioerror will be a RTS function I can provide. (The check
> >   "if InOutRes<>0" could also be done in the function (like in BP!),
> >   but that's inefficient, because the function has to be called
> >   after each I/O operation then.)
> Actually, that's almost exactly what my mods do. If IO checking is 
> enabled ( {$I+} ), a proceedure taking no parameters is called that 
> would check the InOutRes state (though I used a different name) and 
> if it's set dumps a dirty message and aborts the program.

I might modify this procedure a bit to use the (current) standard way of
handling runtime errors (_p_generic and such), but this shouldn't be a
problem. However, if you could move the check into the program, this would
gain some efficiency.

Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (

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