Trapping I/O runtime errors in GPC_(re)

Fri, 24 Oct 1997 01:15:14 +0200 (MEST)

According to Bill Currie:
> On 23 Oct 97 at 10:43, Peter Gerwinski wrote:
> > According to Jesper Lund:
> > > Is there a (simple) way of trapping runtime I/O errors in GPC, like the {$I-}
> > > compiler directive in Borland Pascal? [...]
> > 
> > Not yet, but it is being worked on.  (Interested to take part?;-)
> Agh, does that mean I have to pull my finger out?

Of course not.  I was referring to your work, and I simply wanted to
attract co-workers to your project.  (-;

> I think I've got the compiler side working in an older beta, but the 
> rtl has to be modified to support it.
> Problem is, {$I-} could be even longer yet because I'm changing jobs 
> (cities too) soon and I don't know how long I'll be off the net 
> (going off shortly before 17 Nov)
> I should at least be able to get some patches relative to the latest 
> beta (I think I still have to download it) before then.

This would mean that it would be in the next beta and in gpc-2.1 -
which would be a good thing.

Thanks in advance,


 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [971005]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [971001] - [971005]

Peter Gerwinski (

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