BPCOMPAT v1.10 -released!_(re)

Fri, 24 Oct 1997 00:59:46 +0200

The African Chief wrote:

> > For the other type declarations, I suggest you use the more modern GPC integer
> > types (as invented some months ago), rather than the old style __modifiers__.
> > (Also for real types.)
> Frankly, I am totally lost as far as that is concerned. Is there
> any authoritative list of all the numerical types?

I assume Peter's description in the announcement of GPC-970624 in
<199706250026.CAA18851@agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de> can be considered


  * GPC has new integer types now.  Below is a table with their sizes in
    bits and their equivalents in (GNU) C.  

    The size is the same for all platforms I have access to, but I am not
    sure whether this will always and everywhere be the case.  However,
    compatibility to GNU C is guaranteed to work to the extend of the
    GNU GPL. ;-)  The `*Int' types are signed (integer), the `*Card' types
    unsigned (cardinal numbers).  The `*Word' types are unsigned, too, but
    should be thought of having undefined sign; they are intended to be used
    where signedness does not matter.

      Bits   Signed      Unsigned     undefined     (GNU) C equivalent

        8    ByteInt     ByteCard     Byte          [signed|unsigned] char
       16    ShortInt    ShortCard    ShortWord     short [unsigned] int
       32    Integer     Cardinal     Word          [unsigned] int
       32    MedInt      MedCard      MedWord       long [unsigned] int
       64    LongInt     LongCard     LongWord      long long [unsigned] int
       64    LongestInt  LongestCard  LongestWord   long long [unsigned] int

    In addition, you can define the number of bits for `Integer', `Cardinal',
    and `Word' types by putting it in parentheses,

	  Int16 = Integer ( 16 );         (* 16 bits *)

	  Unsigned17 = Cardinal ( 17 );   (* 17 bits; stored in 32 bits   *)
	                                  (* except when in packed arrays *)
					  (* and records (or on machines  *)
					  (* with 17-bit registers:-).    *)

	  Answer = Word ( 42 );           (* Stored in 64 bits *)

    The size is rounded up to the next unit the machine can access, usually a
    power of 2 with 8 bits being the smallest possible size.

  * Subrange types can be packed now:

         Foo: -12..127;            (* Takes 4 bytes (fast access) *)
         Bar: packed -12..127;     (* Takes 1 byte (saves memory) *)

--- END QUOTE ---

So I suppose, for "portable" BP compatibility, the "(n)" variants are best

  ShortInt = Integer  (8);
  Byte     = Cardinal (8);
  Word     = Cardinal (16);
  LongInt  = Integer  (32);
  Comp     = Integer  (64);
  Integer  = Integer  (16);

  MaxInt     = $7FFF; {@@ better: High(Integer) as soon as High will be built-in}
  MaxLongInt = $7FFFFFFF; {@@ High(LongInt)}

For the C integers, you can use the table above (e.g. "long = MedInt").

Single, Double and Extended are built-in already. Real can be left as it is
(which is either Single or Double, dependent on a swicth, IIRC), or generally
defined to Double, I don't know -- it's not 100% the same as in BP, anyway...

Pointer is also built-in, BTW.

> > Procedures assgined to procedural variables can be in the main program now,
> > so you can remove this comment for ExitProc.
> I am still having some problems with this.

Can you show us an example where this is a problem, so it can be fixed?

Another detail concerning ExitProc: There is a little difference between
how BP's and GPC's system.pas handle them. BP sets them to NIL before calling
an ExitProc. The effect is, when an exit proc "forgets" to assign the next
one to ExitProc, the chain will abort rather than infinitely calling the same
exit proc. I think the following would be 100% compatible:

to end do
    var Tmp: Pointer;
    while ExitProc<>nil do
        InOutRes := 0;
        Tmp := ExitProc;
        ExitProc := NIL;
        PProcedure (Tmp)^

The following program demonstrates the effect:

program x;
{$ifdef __GPC__}uses system;{$else}{$f+}{$endif}

var Next1, Next2: Pointer;

procedure e1;

procedure e2;
(*  ExitProc:=Next2; *)

  Next1 := ExitProc;
  ExitProc := @e1;
  Next2 := ExitProc;
  ExitProc := @e2;

> > Assign is built-in now, so you can remove it from system.pas.
> Done. Does it now cater for all file types?

Currently only Text files and typed files (which are the same internally in
GPC). Untyped files are very different (as declared in system.pas), a fact
I'm not very happy with. I think, they will be changed to be like typed
files, but probably not until GPC 2.1...

> Basically, DOS is a beast of a unit to implement - especially the
> Findxxx functions. There are still problems with a "DIR" listing
> using these functions if there are .EXE files in the list. There
> are all sorts of other problems as well. I don't think it will
> ever be portable. I have given up on the DOS unit. If someone
> else wants to do it, please feel free!

I see the problems. I suppose, *if* we can make a C header to Pascal
translator (which is a very difficult task), we can make use of some
(hopefully portable) C system functions to emulate most of Dos (though
this will probably require some amount of additional Pascal code)...
I think this is a task to face after 2.1...

> > Unit Printer:
> > 
> > can be written now (at least for DJGPP).
> Done!

BTW: Do you close the printer file it in a "to end do" statement? BP, AFAIK,
doesn't do so, but it's better to do.

> Ok - thanks. I note Frank's comments - and so I will leave "Val"
> alone.
> Frank - will your "Val" procedure deal with reals as well?

Yes, there are different versions for the 10 basic integer types and the
3 real types (shortreal, real, longreal), which will all be "overloaded"
to the name "Val". Integer subranges should also work then, bit fields
(fields of packed records/arrays that are not complete bytes) might not
work until some time later...

> Yes, it is. This is how it is implemented in "AddNull", which was
> in the strings unit before, but I have now moved it into the
> system unit, since the system unit also uses that functionality. 
> Any thoughts on whether the system unit should now export this
> AddNull function so that it can be available globally? This would
> introduce something which is not in the BP system unit.

I'm not sure if it should, since something like this will be built-in later,
so programs shouldn't rely on the version in system.pas. Besides, I think,
the name "AddNull" could be unclear or ambiguous (though I doubt someone
would write a procedure of this name operating on numbers... ;-). I'd rather
call it something like "Str2CString" or so...

> PS: - another point entirely; is there a switch that will enable
> a particular unit (in this case SYSTEM.PAS) to be used
> automatically, without putting it manually in the USES clause of
> every source file? I am looking for something like 
> "--auto-use=xxx.pas,yyy.pas,f:\gpc\zzz.pas", 
> which I can then use from the command line, or put into to
> GPCC.CFG file.

I agree, I'd also like to have this -- especially for the system unit.
It's planned to make this, perhaps even until 2.1.

Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (heckenb@mi.uni-erlangen.de)

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