Problem building New GPC beta: gpc-971001 for DJGPP v2.1_(re)

Mon, 13 Oct 1997 21:07:50 -0700

Peter Gerwinski wrote:


> > It builds gcc, but then stops without building gpc ?


> Strange. :-(


> Anyway, when you have reached this step, the following is known to work:

> `cd' to `\djgpp\gnu\gpc\p' and do `make ../xgpc', `make ../gpc1',

> `make ../gpc-cpp', and `make ../libgpc.a' from there.

rather cd \djgpp\gnu\gcc-2721\p 

make finds no rule to build ../xgpc there (they are in

but it works by issuing make xgpc in the parent directory

\djgpp\gnu\gcc-2721 (the rule is indeed in the generated makefile)

make gpc1 in this parent directory does not work (there is a rule but it

does not find a file)

but it starts to work with 

cd p

make ../gpc1      like you had said

However it stops because it does not find gpc-config.h

Such a file is contained in p/config/msdos/gpc-conf.h

I can put this file in the p directory but I really no more know what I

am doing. There is also a file in the p directory.

The others .c and .h files contained in p/config/msdos are used by

configur.bat in update instructions, and files are used there to

build makefiles through sed instructions.

There is probably one line missing in this configure.bat to build

gpc-config.h but what line exactly ?

Thanks in advance.


                     Maurice Lombardi

Lab. Spectrometrie Physique, Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87

        38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex     FRANCE

Tel: (33) 4 7651 4751.                           Fax (33) 4 7651 4544.

Maurice Lombardi (

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