Problem building New GPC beta: gpc-971001 for DJGPP v2.1_(re)

Sun, 12 Oct 1997 22:06:49 +0200 (MEST)

According to Maurice Lombardi:
> I have tried to build gpc-971001 from the zip sources for DJGPP v2.01
> I use plain DOS with or without bash shell:
> -unzip fresh new gcc-2721 in directory %DJDIR%\gnu\ 
> -unzip gpc sources to %DJDIR%, then put the p\ tree as subdirectory
> of gcc-2721
> then follow instructions contained in p\config\msdos\
> It builds gcc, but then stops without building gpc ?

Strange. :-(

Anyway, when you have reached this step, the following is known to work:
`cd' to `\djgpp\gnu\gpc\p' and do `make ../xgpc', `make ../gpc1', 
`make ../gpc-cpp', and `make ../libgpc.a' from there.  This builds the
respective `.exe' files, although we do *not* specify the extension
`.exe'.  After that, move the `.exe's to `\djgpp\bin', and `libgpc.a'
to '\djgpp\lib' to install.

> Other problems found:
> 1-  the p\config\msdos\configur.bat must be in dos format
> (return-linefeed) to run in plain dos [...].


> 2- there is a problem with backward slashes \ in the makefile in lines
> like
> 	./bi-arity < $(srcdir)\bytecode.def >tmp-bc-arity.h
> (three times). Seems to come from the application of 
> gnu\gcc-2721\config\msdos\top.sed and is already present in the
> compilation of gcc alone. I have filed a bug report to dj delorie,
> and fixed it manually after running configure go32 which produces this
> makefile.

So there is nothing we could do about that ...
may I ask you to document it in `README2.DJ'?

> 3- [`.gdbinit' vs. `_gdbinit']

Okay.  It will be fixed in the next `.zip' release.

Thanks for your cooperation,


 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [971005]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [971001] - [971005]

Peter Gerwinski (

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"