Problem building New GPC beta: gpc-971001 for DJGPP v2.1

Fri, 10 Oct 1997 20:12:51 -0700

I have tried to build gpc-971001 from the zip sources for DJGPP v2.01
I use plain DOS with or without bash shell:

-unzip fresh new gcc-2721 in directory %DJDIR%\gnu\ 
-unzip gpc sources to %DJDIR%, then put the p\ tree as subdirectory
of gcc-2721

then follow instructions contained in p\config\msdos\

It builds gcc, but then stops without building gpc ?

Other problems found:

1-  the p\config\msdos\configur.bat must be in dos format
(return-linefeed) to run in plain dos (the configur.bat in gcc is
Under bash shell, it runs but complains about insufficient environment
space (presumably to set LANG= c++.& pascal.&), probably a problem with
my implementation of bash, so I run in plain dos after translating unix
to dos.

2- there is a problem with backward slashes \ in the makefile in lines
	./bi-arity < $(srcdir)\bytecode.def >tmp-bc-arity.h
(three times). Seems to come from the application of 
gnu\gcc-2721\config\msdos\top.sed and is already present in the
compilation of gcc alone. I have filed a bug report to dj delorie,
and fixed it manually after running configure go32 which produces this
3- there is a .gdbinit file in the source which causes problem because
this is an illegal dos name. pkunzip just discards it, InfoZip extracts
it as _.gdb, which is certainly not correct. The correct is _gdbinit
as is in file. This is the behavior obtained by untarring
with djtar, and is what is supposed by the bash shell (which replaces
e.g.  .login by _login etc). I have fixed it by extracting with infozip
and renaming _.gdb to _gdbinit.

But no change: stops after building gcc. Instructions coming from gpc 
are contained at the end of the makefile after running configure go32,
but they have no effect.
Any idea ?

                     Maurice Lombardi
Lab. Spectrometrie Physique, Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
        38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex     FRANCE
Tel: (33) 4 7651 4751.                           Fax (33) 4 7651 4544.

Maurice Lombardi (

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"