New GPC beta: gpc-971001_(re)

Mon, 06 Oct 1997 15:08:08 -0700

Peter Gerwinski wrote:
> A new beta version of GNU Pascal is being uploaded to Agnes:  gpc-971001.

I have dowloaded the binary version for DJGPP v2.01 and the corrected
libgpc.a and found some bugs:

Working in plain DOS with or with the bash shell (bsh1147b)
or in a windows 3.11 DOS box:

- The test\borland_\iso.pas is completely broken

- The test\extended\time.pas works OK with the bash shell, but is broken
with ordinary DOS shell (or Win3.11 DOS box):
I receive a system message in french:
Heure non valide
Entrez la nouvelle heure: 
as if I had try to set the time with a wrong value (ie 26:00) instead of
getting it as the program intends to, and the program is aborted without
further warning (I get none of the messages which are in the program)

- more important: when trying to compile the unit System.pas contained
in BPcompat 1.0 I get a SIGSEGV error, code 004 during the compilation
__init_system (I use the -Q switch).
this occurs in plain DOS with or bash shell, but not in a
Windows DOS Box, where the compilation is OK.
This points to a problem with the DPMI server which is the main
difference between the two cases. I use CWSDPMI (3b), loading a fresh
copy changes nothing. Looking to the DJGPP FAQ (par. 9.1) they say that
such a difference between plain DOS and Windows behavior may come from
the fact that cwsdpmi (and DJGPP v2) does not initialise memory on
loading, while Windows does it, giving the possibility of an erratic bug
for uninitialized pointer or variable. Anyhow the bug is in the compiler
not in the unit. Any idea ?

                     Maurice Lombardi
Lab. Spectrometrie Physique, Universite Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, BP87
        38402 Saint Martin d'Heres Cedex     FRANCE
Tel: (33) 4 7651 4751.                           Fax (33) 4 7651 4544.

Maurice Lombardi (

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"