GPC assembler

Sat, 12 Jul 1997 20:02:36 -0700

hello everybody !

 I want to use the inline assembler of GPC in a
 function, such as

   function fct:integer;
    asm(" mov $10,%%eax  {just an example }

  ( I learned that in the excellent GPCASM of Dario "-PrEdAtOrZ-" Anzani 

   I want to set the result of the function, directly from the asm 
part.Is it possible ?
 Is there something like the @result of turbo pascal in GPC ? If no ,what 
is the adress of the result ? ( %esp+x, %ebp+x ?).BTW, I use GPC for DOS


  I hope you can help me ! Anyway, thanks for your great job


     Patrice BOUCHAND

cagliostro (

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