Looking for some random-functions ... and maybe a bug report_(re)

Sun, 21 Sep 97 17:03:26 -0400

On Sun, 21 Sep 1997 17:50:53 +0200, Frank Heckenbach wrote:

>File Rand.Pas:
> - This unit is only intended for BP compatibility. While it should be
>   portable (if not, please report)


IMHO, this isn't a good way to do things in a portable unit.  Remember
that the EMX version of GCC also works under OS/2.   Trying to DOS-ish
things won't go over well if you only check for __EMX__.  
Unfortunately, I know of no easy way to test for what operating system
EMX is currently using.  

>FUNCTION __DPMI_Simulate_Real_Mode_Interrupt(Vector:Integer;VAR Regs:TDPMIRegs):Integer; C;

Does this even work with the DOS version of EMX?  It looks like some
type of DPMI call but EMX doesn't DPMI without the RSX extender.

Possible bug report:
For the heck of it I tried compiling this Unit in OS/2 [gpc 970714]and

[C:\kevin\pascal]gpc -c rand.pas
gpc: Internal compiler error: program gpc1 got fatal signal 11
(I also get an OS/2 popup with a generic 3171 error -- this "program...
can not continue.")

I take it the compiler should reply with some error and not a fatal
signal?  Or this one of the things that has been fixed in the later
betas?  I get the error whether or not the $IFDEF __EMX__ line is in
the code.

Kevin A. Foss   ---   kfoss@mint.net

Kevin A. Foss (kfoss@mint.net)

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