String comparisons

Sun, 21 Sep 1997 23:42:49 +0200

I just noticed that GPC ignores trailing spaces when comparing strings
with the usual operators ("=" and so on). I see that this seems to be
required by the standard, and that there are othere operators ("eq" or
such) for exact comparisions. However, I find this behaviour quite
inconsistent and annoying (took me quite some time to figure out why
s='' was true when s wasn't empty...)-:, and it would cause much trouble
when porting BP programs. When using "--borland-pascal", GPC says
"warning: ISO 7185 Pascal does not define string functions".

So, would it be possible to make "=" and so on work as exact comparisons
(at least in the "--borland-pascal" mode, and preferably also with a
separate switch)?

Simple test program: ;-)

program x;
 writeln(''=' ')


Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (

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