Overflow in implicit constant conversion

Sun, 14 Sep 1997 11:01:18 +0100

first of all I hope this is the right address to pose my
problem. If it is not then I apologise for wasting your time.
I recently came across GPC and I am now trying to convert
a huge Turbo Pascal program (15000 lines total in various units)
to a UNIX executable.
I thankfully wrote the code fairly modular so I did not 
expect many problems. However, already the first few units 
containing all type definitions seem to cause problems.
I get the message
Overflow in implicit constant conversion
at the end of the interface part (i.e. where implementation starts).
I only use a handful constants and even after I commented them out
I got the same message. I wrote a small unit typedefs as follows:

unit typedefs;


type longint  = __long__ Integer;
     byte     = __byte__ Integer;
     extended = __long__ Real;
     word     = __short__ Integer;
   longstring = String[255];
   shortint   =  __byte__ Integer;


The interface part of the failing unit
contains a few hundred type definitions and
various variables all using those types (longint,bytes etc.).
Is that what the problem is and if yes how can I avoid it?
Any info much appreciated
Robert Ketzscher

Robert Ketzscher (ketzsche@rmcs.cran.ac.uk)

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