demo for using of qsort from lib and a little problem with it_(re)

10 Sep 1997 14:36:00 +0200

Hello Peter,

you said:

> > program Sort_Test;
> > [...]
> > procedure qsort(var base; numelem, size : Integer; cmp: FuncType); C;
> Better say `cmp: Pointer' here because you don't really know the
> type of the function `cmp' is pointing to.

No - IMHO qsort need always a function (cmp) that return an Integer, but  
the parameters/arguments of this function are pointers on different types.

> >   qsort(tb, 5, Sizeof(tb[1]), @CompString);
> The resulting error ("too few arguments") is fixed now.  Thanks.

You found also the reason for the crash on sorting a "array of Byte"?
Look at my sample!

    ((__         o
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Sven Hilscher ( (Sven Hilscher))

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