busg or features?_(re)

Mon, 8 Sep 1997 01:37:52 +0200 (MEST)

According to Sven Hilscher:
> program Test;
> var
>   S : String(7);
> begin
>   S := 'SCHNAPS';
>   S := S + #48 + #48;  { wow, the string expands the size  - that's right? }

That's a bug:  GPC is not yet able to catch range check errors like this one.

>   Writeln(S);
>   Writeln(S + #48#48); { This is needed for Borland style! }

I will fix that.  Thanks.

> end.



 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer
peter.gerwinski@uni-essen.de - http://home.pages.de/~peter.gerwinski/ [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970714] - http://home.pages.de/~gnu-pascal/ [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (peter@agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de)

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