Objects question..._(re)

Fri, 5 Sep 1997 11:42:32 +0200 (MEST)

According to Bernhard Tschirren:
> BTW - Code size is so minimal compared with DATA, I personally dont see ANY
> reason for trying to dynamically load code.

The OS (or DPMI server) does this automatically if needed and not disabled.

> GPC executables are only so BIG because there is a HEAP of unused
> library code appended to the end (BTW: WHY IS THIS??)

See the DJGPP FAQ list, section 8.15.

> A procedure is
> usually not much bigger than 20KB!!

That depends on how long your procedures are.  Other than with BP, there is
no limit in GPC how long a procedure can become besides your virtual RAM.

In practise, I am often surprised hwo small my procedures get when compiled
with optimization (-O, -O2, or -O3).



 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer
peter.gerwinski@uni-essen.de - http://home.pages.de/~peter.gerwinski/ [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970714] - http://home.pages.de/~gnu-pascal/ [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (peter@agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de)

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