Can't run gpc_970714 :-(_(re)

Tue, 26 Aug 1997 12:56:53 -0700

At 11:06 PM 8/25/97 +0200, Peter Gerwinski wrote:
>Okay, next try:  Please run `gpc -E t1.pas'.  The result
>should look like the following:
>    # 1 "t1.pas"
>    program t1;
>    begin
>       writeln('test');
>    end.
>(* I.e., your program with `# 1 "t1.pas"' in front of it. *)

Yes, indeed!  This is what I received after using the -E option

>If you get this, run `gpc -dY t1.pas'.  The result should be
>almost the same:
>    1"t1.pas"
>    program t1;
>    begin
>       writeln('test');
>    end.

Well, using the -dY option, I received the same errors as before...

Should I start crying yet????? ;-)

Good luck & thanks!
Ken L.

Ken Linder KC7RAD (

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