Pointer & GPC question..._(re)

Mon, 18 Aug 1997 12:00:51 -0400

> No.  To become shot by myself, you must do more than this.  ;-)

Do you have access to these machines for beta-testing? That reminds me, are
there definitions for the environment GPC is compiling for? For example:
{$ifdef DOS}
  DOS specific stuff
{$ifdef Alpha}
  Alpha specific stuff
> On other machines, pointers are different; e.g. on the DEC Alpha, a
> pointer has eight bytes.

How do I set a pointer to point to the VGA (for example) in a way that can
be ported to at least Linux? I'm going to start work again on my game lib
(graphics part), and M13h would be a start :) Another thing is how do I
modify the contents referenced by the pointer? Writing a byte so it's
portable, writing a word so it's portable, etc. My ultimate goal is to port
this lib to PMode DOS, Mac, '95, Linux, X, and whatever other platform I
can get my grubby hands on, but I'll settle for PMode DOS for now :)
> Yes.  Provided you use GPC's pointer arithmetic as implemented in
> gpc-somewhere-in-may-or-so.  Casts to `Word' and such are *not*
> portable.

Cool :)
> It works now.  :-)

Will check it out!
> While the official version of GPC is still 2.0, the latest beta version
> ...
> patches to gpc-970714 already exist on Agnes, too, but they are no

Gee, I wonder why I don't like politics, hmmm :P
> official new beta yet.  Due to administrative problems :-(some paper war
> must be resolved first - sigh)-: I am retaining more recent sources, but
> some bug fixes have been posted to this list now and then ...

See ya!
Orlando Llanes

Orlando Llanes (a010111t@bc.seflin.org)

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