Variable conformant arrays, and the price of fish...

Mon, 18 Aug 1997 17:48:16 +0100 (BST)


	Sorry to bother you all, but I'm having some trouble getting the
above to work. I am using gpc as a cross compiler from i586-unknown-linux
to m68k-coff and everything is looking great. I'm trying hard to get
Oregon Pascal code to compile, [ has anyone else had to use this variant,
UNIV parameters / loophole, ref etc. ? ], anyhow here is a code fragment :

PROGRAM test (input, output) ;

PROCEDURE print_str (name: PACKED ARRAY [lo..hi: integer] OF Char) ; {a}
{PROCEDURE print_str (name: String) ;} {b}
writeln ('lo : ',lo,'Hi : ',hi) ; {a}
{writeln (name) ;} {b}

print_str ('Hello Mate') ;

	It compiles to object fine with the {b} labeled code in, but the
{a} labeled code causes a crash :

>m68k-coff-gpc -c test.pas              
m68k-coff-gpc: Internal compiler error: program gpc1 got fatal signal 6

	Is this perhaps one section of the ISO 10206 spec. that isn't
implemented yet ? or am I doing something extremely daft :-)

	Oh, and while I'm being stupid I'm having problems creating a
32bit unsigned type which is quite important for the embedded application.
There is probably a far better way of doing it than this :

	ulong = 0..16#FFFFFFFF ;

	As this apparently shows that :

./p.def1:14: subrange bounds are not of the same type

	Thanks in advance for any help, its a great project, keep up the
good work.


		Michael Meeks.

Michael Meeks (

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