Borland file functions_(re)

Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:21:43 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Joao Miguel:
> Can anyone help me, telling me the name of the corresponding function to:
>   Borland             GPC
>   Sizeof()             ?
>   Filepos()            ?
>   Filesize()           ?

>From the GPC info documentation, node `Extensions'
(type "info -f gpc -n Extensions"):

    `SeekRead   (F, N);        { Open file in Inspection mode, seek to record N }'
    `SeekWrite  (F, N);        { Open file in Generation mode, seek to record N }'
    `SeekUpdate (F, N);        { Open file in Update mode, seek to record N }'
    `Update (F);               { Writes F^, position not changed. F^ kept. }'
    `p := Position (F);        { Return current record number }'
    `p := LastPosition (F);    { Return the last record number in file }'

> I'm working with GPC 2.0 and I have no documentation about all the native
> procedures and functions of the compiler. Do you know where I can get it ?

This is one of our most striking problems:  The existing documentation is
rather incomplete and outdated.  To read what we have, use "info -f gpc";
in RHIDE, press  Ctrl-G (gpc) .  (Yes, `gpc' in parentheses.)

Any help in improving the documentation is greatly appreciated.

Hope this helps,


 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970714] - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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