Unit files_(re)

Tue, 29 Jul 1997 12:27:05 +0100 (BST)

On Tue, 29 Jul 1997 09:55:34 +0100 (WEST) Joao Miguel  wrote:
>Can anyone tell me if GPC 2.0 supports units (like borland's) and how ?
>I downloaded the zip file bpcompat-1.0.zip that encloses a lot of very
>useful units. When trying to compile the program test.pas that comes on
>it, the compiler "says": "no exported interface matching gpctypes" and so
>on. One error for each uses clause.

The bpcompat package that you are talking about was written with the latest beta releases of 
GPC. I am quite sure that it will not compile under GPC 2.0, because many extensions have 
been implemented since then. You need to get the latest beta release from agnes.

Best regards, The Chief 
Dr Abimbola A. Olowofoyeku (The African Chief, and the Great Elephant)
Author of:  Chief's Installer Pro v3.60 for Win16 and Win32.
Homepage:  http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/African_Chief/
E-mail: laa12@cc.keele.ac.uk

The African Chief (laa12@cc.keele.ac.uk)

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