
Mon, 28 Jul 1997 15:42:46 -0700

At 09:14 PM 7/28/97 +0200, Herbert Voss  wrote:
>I'm a novice in gpc and I hav a lot of problems. Here comes the first
>unit unit1;    { reine testunit fuer gpc }
>  Procedure ClrScr;
>Procedure ClrScr;
>Var i : Real;
>  For i := 0 to 25 Do
>    WriteLn;
>I run gpc under Linux 2.0.30 and had the following output:
>voss@crazy_horse:/home/voss/pascal > gpc unit1.pas
>/usr/lib/crt1.o: In function start':
>/usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x5a): undefined reference to main'

To compile a unit do this:
   gpc unit1.pas -c

The -c option tells gpc to just compile and not to link.

>Another problem comes, when I choosed the Type Byte for the variable i.

If you want to define a byte variable do it this way:

   JustAByte : __byte__ integer;

or even define a 'byte' type (This is what I do)

   byte = __byte__ integer;

There are many other type 'modifiers' available.  I don't have my Linux PC
with me here at work but I think the type modifier list is in the 'news'
file somewhere in the distribution.

Hope this helps!
Ken L.

Ken Linder KC7RAD kc7rad@vegasnet.net (kc7rad@vegasnet.net)

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