Installing GPC binary on Windows 95/NT

Wed, 23 Jul 1997 19:00:32 -0400

I downloaded the binary distribution for gpc:
and unzipped it into a directory.  (This is all the installation
instructions on the GPC WWW site said to do.)  I added the \bin
subdirectory to my PATH.  When I tried to compile the "hello.pas"
program, I got an error message:

GPC.EXE: installation problem, cannot exec 'gpc-cpp': no such file or
GPC.EXE:  Internal compiler error: program gpc-cpp got fatal signal 127

I actually think this program is looking for the file 'cygwin.dll', but
this file was not included with the distribution.  I did also install
Cygwin32, but that did not help.

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?


Andy Seila
Andrew F. Seila				e-mail
Terry College of Business		voice campus        706-542-4290
201 Brooks Hall				fax campus          706-542-4295
The University of Georgia		voice home          706-353-2221
Athens,  GA  30602-6255			fax home            706-369-9791

Andy Seila (

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