gpi-hash.c segfaults_(re)

Wed, 23 Jul 1997 10:00:33 +1100

On 22 Jul 97 at 13:07, Peter Gerwinski wrote:
> As you probably were afraid of already, I cannot reproduce the bug. 
> :-(

Yup, I suspected that. You use linux, don't you?  Probably got a very 
different memory allocation scheme.

> Just to be sure that we are talking about the same GPC:
> My line 134 of gpi-hash.c reads
>     for (l = hash_table[hi]; l && l->node; l =l->next)

Yes, that's the exact line in my version.  What do you think of my 
theory about destroyed trees?

> If the "l &&" is missing or commented out in your version, this
> would be the origin of the error.  :-(But it isn't.  That would be
> too easy.)

Much too easy :)

> Such is life.  But it's good that you have found this error *now*
> and not later when gpc-2.1 will be released.  That's what beta test
> phases are for.  Thanks a lot for your patience with GPC!

I'm glad I can be of some help.
Leave others their otherness.

Bill Currie (

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