RTS runtime error checks._(re)

Fri, 11 Jul 1997 15:38:56 +0200

Phil Nelson wrote:

> >Would it be a violation of the standards if we were to have two RTS
> >libraries (libgpc.a and libgpc_g.a), where libgpc_g.a is linked if the
> >'-g' compiler switch is used, and libgpc.a (no checks) otherwise?
> I would prefer to see the checks being standard and adding a flag to
> get better performance.  For example, if any -O flag is used, then
> use the library without the checks.
I'd even prefer yet another switch. Sometimes one wants optimization
with checking on, and sometimes one even wants to distribute code
(i.e. without -g) with checks, namely when the code is not time-critical,
but it's important that it's correct (suid root :-)...
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (heckenb@mi.uni-erlangen.de)

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