Delphi definitions and such...

Tue, 8 Jul 1997 19:49:16 +0200 (MET DST)

According to Ken Linder:
> I just thought we ought to get some definitions out of the way regarding Delphi.
> 1) Delphi
>         Development tool IDE) and compiler/linker/interactive debugger.
> Strictly NOT platform independant.  Only implemented OS (if you could call
> it that :^) is the group of Windows OSs. (Although I did read that there is
> an IBM AS400 version of Delphi (hmmm... interesting!))

Okay with me, but just to keep the confusion up, I must correct you below:

> 2) Object Pascal
>         A superset of Borland Pascal.  The language that is compiled by the
> Delphi compiler.  Through the utilization of the VCL, the Delphi IDE is
> partialy built on Delphi.

There is yet another Object Pascal which is an extension of ISO-10206
Extended Pascal.  When saying "Object Pascal", I usually refer to this
one, while I call the other thing "Delphi" - thus contradicting your
definition #1.  But I could live with speaking about the "Delphi language"
here, reserving "Delphi" for the development environment.

> This version of pascal is not standard but seems
> to be an extension of ISO 7185. 

No, it does not include ISO-7185.  It has some common things with ISO-7185,
that's all.  OTOH, Borland's versions of Pascal are extensions of UCSD-Pascal
(with small exceptions).


 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970624] - [970125]

Peter Gerwinski (

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