SH**! (Sorry) - Procedural Types_(re)

Wed, 09 Jul 1997 02:02:57 +0800

>Okay, I succeeded to reproduce the bug under plain DOS.  It does not show up
>in an OS/2 DOS box nor in the Linux DOSemu.
>I am after it.  Please relax.  (-:

YAY!! I just realised what is (probably) causing the problem. GPC supports
two versions of procedural types - Borland and GPC. Unfortunately, GPC does
not know which version it is compiling. For example:

    Proc = ^Procedure;


    Proc = @SomeProcedure;

    [...More Code...]

    Proc^;       Sometimes GPC, for some reason, parses this as a BP
End;             procedural type, so the ^ is not supposed to be there.
                 It would compile OK if the ^ were removed! HOWEVER, the
                 next time GPC might decide to parse it as a GPC version,
                 so the ^ must be present.

And that is all that there is to it! Simple! :-) Now, fixing it is a
different story...

Cya L8r

|  _)        | |             e-mail:
|___)ernhard |_|schirren   

Bernhard Tschirren (

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