__cstring__ question & comment

Mon, 07 Jul 1997 23:42:37 -0700

Morning All...

I read somewhere, but can't find it now, where if I declare a proc something
like this:

procedure testme(aCString : __cstring__);

and call it like this:

   str1 : string (20);
   str1:='Just a TEST';

the compiler will generate code to convert the string schema type to a real
CString with '/0' termination and everything...  Am I right or was I seeing
things? (it is rather late here in Las Vegas, NV, USA)  BTW, I am using ver
2.0 GPC on Linux and when I tried it, got an 'incompatible type' error.  No
suprise there :^}

Why do we have __cstring__ anyway?  It seems as though we could get away
with just declaring a type like:  CString = ^Char   Unless it does something
else I don't see yet |-)

Ken L.

Ken Linder (kc7rad@vegasnet.net)

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