Delphi classes_(re)

Tue, 8 Jul 1997 01:18:41 +0200 (MET DST)

According to The African Chief:
> If you don't use "override", then it creates a new method by the 
> same name, which replaces the original one. The full implications
> of this are not clear to me yet, but they have caused me some
> grief a few times (things not behaving as you expect).

But I think that I have understood it now.  :-)

While `override' overrides a virtual method, i.e. replaces its entry
in the VMT, `virtual' would create a new entry in the VMT, thus making
the old method inaccessible - except when using this class through a
pointer to a parent class.

One example (I hope there aren't too many typos):


    FooClass = class
      Constructor Create;
      Procedure Bar; virtual;
    end (* FooClass *);

    Foo2Class = class ( FooClass )
      Procedure Bar; override;
    end (* Foo2Class *);

    Foo3Class = class ( Foo2Class )
      Procedure Bar; virtual;
    end (* Foo3Class *);

    Foo4Class = class ( Foo3Class )
      Procedure Bar; override;
    end (* Foo4Class *);

      Foo: FooClass;
      Foo2: Foo2Class;
      Foo3: Foo3Class;
      Foo4: Foo4Class;


    Foo4:= Foo4Class.Create;
    Foo3:= Foo4;
    Foo2:= Foo4;
    Foo:= Foo4;

    Foo4.Bar;  (* calls Foo4Class.Bar                               *)
    Foo3.Bar;  (* calls Foo4Class.Bar which overrides Foo3Class.Bar *)
    Foo2.Bar;  (* calls Foo2Class.Bar                               *)
    Foo1.Bar;  (* calls Foo2Class.Bar which overrides FooClass.Bar  *)

That's my guess.  If somebody really *knows* it, please tell me!

> given this; "Procedure Foo (Bar:TObject)"
> In Delphi, Bar is a  pointer (even though it is automatically deferenced). 
> In BP it is not a pointer (you would have to do "Bar: pObject", and then
> do some magic to dereference it automatically, to achieve the same
> thing).

In BP (and GPC), you have to write "Procedure Foo ( Var Bar: tObject )"
to get (almost) exactly the same:  `Var' parameters are internally passed
through a pointer which is implicitly dereferenced whenever you access
the parameter.

> >Sounds logical. But when does Delphi create objects by itself?
> When it manages the project, e,g., when you drag objects from
> the repository onto your form - which is how most Delphi programs
> are meant to be written.

Then it's not Delphi (the compiler) who creates and destroys the objects
but VCL which has this close interaction with the development tools.

> Well, "Free" is written in ASM. So, maybe therein lies the magic.
> I don't understand the ASM code, so I can't really comment on this.

Well, as long as you know *exactly* what the compiler does, you can write
and use `Free' - perhaps even as a virtual method.  But I remember well
a rather strange bug in one of my programs when I upgraded from TP6 to BP7
without replacing my heavily-modified Turbo Vision with the new version,
and I finally discovered the following in `menus.pas' from Turbo Vision:

    function NewItem(Name, Param: TMenuStr; KeyCode: Word; Command: Word;
      AHelpCtx: Word; Next: PMenuItem): PMenuItem;
      T: PView;
      P: PMenuItem;
      if (Name <> '') and (Command <> 0) then
        P^.Next := Next;
        P^.Name := NewStr(Name);
        P^.Command := Command;
        P^.Disabled := not T^.CommandEnabled(Command);
        P^.KeyCode := KeyCode;
        P^.HelpCtx := AHelpCtx;
        P^.Param := NewStr(Param);
        NewItem := P;
      end else
      NewItem := Next;

Note that "T^.CommandEnabled(Command)" is called with `T' being an
*uninitialized* local variable!  So it was quite natural that my
BP7-compiled protected-mode program barfed.  But why did the same
program accept it when compiled with TP6?  Well, `CommandEnabled' is
not a virtual method, and the body of `CommandEnabled' does never refer
to any data fields of the object.  (So why it's a method then???)
Everything which happens with the implicit `Self' parameter then is that
it is loaded into the `es:di' register pair ... which doesn't matter in
real mode but causes a protection fault in protected mode if the `es'
register does not get a valid selector.  That's why the BP7 program

So, everybody, don't use uninitialized local variables, especially not
pointers!  Yes, Borland, you too!

How did Borland solve this problem in BP7?

      T: PView = nil;

        P^.Disabled := not T^.CommandEnabled(Command);

It's great, isn't it?  Now you see why I do not want to trust Delphi and
VCL and prefer to hack GPC instead ...



 Dipl.-Phys. Peter Gerwinski, Essen, Germany, free physicist and programmer - [970201]
 maintainer GNU Pascal [970624] - [970125]

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