GNU Pascal beta version gpc-970624_(re)

Fri, 04 Jul 1997 20:44:27 -0700

Found a strange bug in trying to unpack the sources of the last beta
gpc-970624.tar.gz on plain MSDOS djgpp v2.01 with 

  djtar -x -v gpc-9706.tgz  (8.3 limitation)

It barks: unable to create the directory gpc-970624/p/

If I create manually gpc-9706 before untarring it works.

In fact by comparing with the previous release (which worked
directly), the list of contents produced with djtar -t ...
 I found that the only difference is that now all is in
the subdirectory p/
It seems that what is missing is a first line in the tar file
which creates the directory gpc-970624 itself:
the first line tries to create the directory gpc-970624/p directly

I suppose that you have built the tar tree starting from
gpc-970624/p and not from gpc-970624 itself
This is supported also by the fact that the files COPYING.gpc and
INSTALL.gpc which are said in the file gpc-970624/p/install to be within
gpc-970624 together with the directory p are not there.

Hoping it will help

Maurice Lombardi (

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