Long integers_(re)

Wed, 2 Jul 1997 09:34:36 +0200

Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> When I have the time :-( I "must" have a look at those pages.  Maybe we
> can find more interesting ideas for GPC there ...

I'm quite sure, actually (though I only took a quick glance at them)! :-)

(It'll be interesting to see if gpc's adopting other features can keep pace
with new Pascal dialects being developed... ;-)

> Schema discriminants must be ordinal types, but the following compiles:
>     Type
>        roots ( p, q: Integer )
>          = array [ 1..1 + ord ( sqr ( p ) / 4 - q <> 0 ) ] of Complex;
> However it is useless since
>     Var
>       x: roots ( 4, 4 );
> crashes GPC.

That's what I meant with my "bug report". I didn't check if the type or the
var declaration caused the internal error.

I just found another bug -- or is it an instance of the "cannot write
longint variables" known bug?

var c:cardinal value $ffffffff;

...writes -1.
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (heckenb@mi.uni-erlangen.de)

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