Some new features

Tue, 1 Jul 1997 03:07:43 +0200

Here are a few features I'd like to see in gpc. I hope they can be
implemented without much work...

- Commandline options to specify the directory(ies)
  a) to search for units/modules (source or compiled)
  b) to put compiled modules (.o, .gpi, .gpm)
  c) to put compiled programs (executables).

  (They're similar to some BP options, except that BP uses the same for b)
  and c) which I think is a bad idea, so I'd prefer different options.)

- Passing the actual size for untyped (resp. void) parameters, so it can
  be access with sizeof.
  (E.g., with untyped files (at least in BP) I often have to do things like
   "blockread(f,x,sizeof(x))", which could be simplified to
   "blockreadvar(f,x)" then.)

And for better BP compatibility:

- A function "Concat", equivalent to the operator "+" for strings. It can't
  be declared in system.pas since (in BP) it allows an arbitrary number of

- Ignoring the BP directives "near" and "far" after procedure/function
  declarations (they're irrelevant to gpc, anyway) -- only in
  "--borland-pascal" mode, of course.
Frank Heckenbach, Erlangen, Germany

Frank Heckenbach (

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