:-) ARRAYS BUG_(re)

Sun, 22 Jun 1997 22:50:32 +0800

>Where is the bug???  My version of GPC compiles it.
>In case you think that `A^[(I)]' would be illegal:  It isn't.  :-)
>`(I)' is an expression in parentheses which means the same as just `I'.

Its high time you release another alpha! I have GPC970510, the latest
release. My GPC does NOT compile A^[(I)]?!? It aborts with the following
error messages:

bug01.pas: In function `program_Funnybug':
bug01.pas:14: warning: expression used as a statement - value is ignored
bug01.pas:14: parse error before `^'
bug01.pas:14: missing semicolon
bug01.pas:14: warning: expression used as a statement - value is ignored
bug01.pas:14: missing semicolon
bug01.pas:14: missing semicolon
bug01.pas:14: missing semicolon
bug01.pas:14: missing semicolon


So, when is the next release coming? :-)

Cya L8r

|  _)        | |             e-mail: bernie@icenet.com.au
|___)ernhard |_|schirren             ptschirrenb@cc.curtin.edu.au
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Bernhard Tschirren (bernie@icenet.com.au)

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