Word types...

Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:19:16 -0400

	The only reason I suggested having Platform specific types is because
since the size varies per system, and you save a file using natural types
on one, they have to be read in using the same size. For example, let's say
a Word is 32-bit on one system, and then you have the PC where it's 16-bit,
let's call them Word (32-bit) and PCWord (16-bit).
	Word is 4 bytes, PCWord is 2 bytes. If data was written using PCWord, it
could be read into a Word. But if a Word was written, then it needs 2
PCWords to read it properly. In this way, it's not cross platform because
you have to make adjustments per platform. I'm all for the IntX data types
suggested earlier for this reason, if one data type is treated the same
across all platforms, then all you have to do is write a program once, and
then compile it across all platforms without having to use platform
specific compiler options. I'm not suggesting that they truly have to be
16-bit or 8-bit, just that to the programmer and the program they are, to
GPC they can be 32-bit. I'm suggesting those data types as a supplement,
not as a replacement. Ok, it may be hard to remember (for some, but I for
one could remember them), but beginners don't have to worry about it, and
when they advance, it's there for them to use as they see fit.

See ya!
Orlando Llanes

Orlando Llanes (ollanes@accesspro.net)

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